8 || Fuck Gerard

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I woke up to the sound of aggressive knocking on my door. My inner thighs throbbed from last night’s painful fucking and all the memory returned. A sob caught in my throat. I pulled my knees to my chest and rocked from side to side. I was so pathetic. So fucking weak.

But I could fix that. I would fix it.

The next few minutes were spent cleaning up my room, doing some laundry, and taking my bath. Moments later, when I thought the person was gone, the knock sounded again but with an urgency that made me rush to the door. It couldn’t be Cathie, she would have called as soon as she was here. I wiped my wet hands on my gown.

From the peephole, I didn’t see anyone and I rolled my eyes. Only Cathie would pull a silly stunt like this. I wrenched the door open, and my best friend laughed in my face. She was dressed up like a diva from head to toe in designer labels. There were some shopping bags in both hands. The sight of them made me sigh. She was the only girl I knew who would go shopping this early in the morning.

“You look like you spent the night crying,” she murmured.

“Not the night, the morning,” I  corrected.

“And afternoon apparently,” she said.


“What do you mean what? It’s past two. I came here to invite you for a party.” Two? As in, 2 pm. She looked at me as if hearing my thoughts and nodded. “Yes. 2 pm.” Cathie snuck a look at her Rolex. “It’s actually 2:45 pm right now, and we have a party by five.”

I let her into the house, and she dumped the shopping bags on my couch. Her heels click clacked against the floor as she headed to my room and I followed behind her like the tenant. She sniffed the air. I wouldn’t admit to her that we fucked in my room, and she would never know because I spent half the day erasing Gerard’s scent from my room.

“This place smells like bleach and soap.”

“Because I did some clean up,” I replied.

“Can never be me.”

“I’m not interested in a party, Cathie,” I told her. She was backing me so I couldn’t be sure she heard me. But when she turned and walked towards me to grab me in a hug, I broke into a sob. “He’s so not worth it.”

“I know,” she whispered. Pulling me down to the edge of the bed, she tried to get me to smile by making a funny face. “Cheer up.”

“Yeah,” I mumbled.

“Steven is throwing a pool party,” she said. I nodded for her to continue. She dragged my hands into her lap. “I bought some stuff for you. You don’t have to talk to any of Steven’s friends. Just dance, drink booze, smoke. Have fun, Hana. Forget about this Gerard dude. If he can’t show up on things as simple as a date, how do you know he will have your back during emergencies? Come with me. Have fun. Just let loose. Get a new dick.”

I chuckled. Maybe a new dick was what I needed to forget the feel of Gerard’s body.

“You know what?” I wiped the tears that had leaked to my cheeks and shot to my feet. Cathie arched a brow. “Let’s do this. I’m ready for a new fucking dick. Fuck Gerard.”

Giggling, Cathie curved her hands around her mouth and screamed, “Yeah. Fuck Gerard.”

We collapsed on the bed, laughing. For a few minutes, we stayed that way, hands held as we stared into each others eyes. People might think being a baby girl meant easy lifestyle, but it wasn’t exactly the case. You could have the misfortune of falling in love with the wrong client and end up sulky like me. Or, if you were among God’s chosen ones, you could end up like Cathie, with a man called Steven who kissed the floor she walked on.

Whatever the case, I was done. I would activate my account or go out with one of the people Cathie had been pushing to me. Joe didn’t sound like such a bad option or man.

“Will Joe be there?” I asked.

Cathie shook her head. “He had to go sort out some stuff, so I heard. But he should be available tomorrow. Want to meet him?”


“Alright. I’ll let you know when he’s available.”

Cathie stood first, then helped me up. I was quiet as she dialled a number. Leaving her in my room, I ambled to the living room to ransack the bags. My fingers brushed the silky soft materials, and a big ball of jealousy rolled in my belly. I emptied the bags on the couch, and my breath caught in my throat.

All Gerard wanted to do was fuck and hide me away in his house. It never occurred to him that I would love to go shopping or even for a morning date of coffee and donuts with him. God, I was so stupid for letting this go on for this long.

Cathie walked into the living room while I was putting the items back. “Pick whatever you want.”

“I sure will,” I replied.

We were almost the same size. I was a little bustier but it was bikini. The more skin on display, the better for me. I was back in the streets. Cathie slumped down on the couch, she typed on her phone for a few minutes and laughed. I couldn’t help the jealousy that rumbled low in my stomach. She was lucky.

The doorbell rang.

“Oh, I ordered Chinese,” Cathie said without looking up from her phone. My stomach took that as a cue to growl. I placed a hand over my lower belly. “That should be it, I think.”

“I’ll go check,” I said.

I flew to the door. My intestines knotted in hunger. If I didn’t get something in my stomach soon, I might end up eating the bikinis. I smoothed my hair out of my forehead and opened the door. My breath hitched instantly.

There were two men at the door. The delivery guy and Gerard. I couldn’t allow a repeat of last night. Ignoring the handsome man with an overpowering presence, I smiled at the delivery guy. Cathie had already paid. I did the necessary and he rushed off with a curt nod.

“Hana,” Gerard started.

He was in his suit. Did he come from work?

“If you don’t leave, I’ll scream.”

“What’s taking so long, Hana?” Cathie yelled from inside.

Holding Gerard’s gaze, I replied, “Just some trash I need to get rid of. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Trash?” Gerard squeaked. He rubbed a hand over his mouth and I saw the Rolex peeking out of his sleeve. “You didn’t think that when I had my cock deep in your wet pussy, Hana.”

I rolled my eyes. “Maybe. But I’ll be having a better dick later tonight.” His jaw slacked. I shut the door before he could think up a reply.

“What took so long?” Cathy asked as soon as I dropped the food on the coffee table.

“The guy was being an ass. It’s fine now.”

Cathie’s brows dipped low. She opened her mouth and shook her head last minute. We dived into our food. After that, I had a long, soothing bathe and she made me up. By the time, we walked out of my house, it was ten minutes past five. My hair cascaded down my shoulder in loose curls. I had the perfect waterproof makeup and darkest eyeliners to make my beautiful eyes even more beautiful.

A figure in the driveway caught my eyes. I squinted at the car he was resting against and averted my gaze before Cathie noticed. Gerard. He never left? I pushed down the guilt trying to overtake me. I was done with him. The beep from Cathie’s car dragged me back to my reality. I opened the passenger door and climbed in. From the side mirror, I stole more glances at Gerard. He was also watching me. What was he planning to do?

Cathie said something and I mumbled an incoherent reply. She started the car and drove off. I couldn’t help looking back, but to my dismay and hurt, Gerard didn’t follow us.

We arrived at Steven’s second house. My mouth opened of its own accord. Cathie claimed it wasn’t as big as the main house and a gasp escaped my lips. It was not a house, it was a mansion. Just how big was the main house?

There was a fountain in the centre, and water gushed out of the lion’s mouth. Different models of cars sat in the garage. Cars I might never see outside of this place due to their uniqueness. Cathie was out of the car once she parked. She didn’t wait to see if her best friend would be fine on my own before going in search of her sugar daddy. She was in love.

A smile tugged on my lips. I was genuinely happy for her. She might have found love with someone decades older than her, but he was the best thing in her life. I stepped out of the car and the music became louder. My eyes sought for familiar faces as I walked further into the compound. I could hear the faint sounds of laughter and splashing of water. I followed the sound to the back of the gigantic house. A few people sat around the pool, reclining on the seats and soaking in the sun. Some were openly making out.

I had no idea what this party was for, but I could bet it was another of those rich people reasons to celebrate. They could celebrate for something as little as getting a new pen. In their defence, it could be a limited edition pen used by a popular but dead artiste. I would die if I ever laid hands on stuff like that.

Some people looked up when I walked in. I drew the hem of my kimono together. Based on looks and outfits, I fit right here.

On the other side of the pool was the DJ and another guy. The DJ was standing while the guy sat. The guy was drinking champagne straight out of the bottle with a cigar in one hand. Our eyes met, he stuck the cigar into his mouth and waved. I didn’t know what propelled me forward but I was in front of him.

“Are you new?” he asked.

“I just got in,” I answered.

He pushed the champagne bottle to me. I took my first sip, then another until I was chugging down quarter the content of the bottle. The guy yanked it from me before I could down the entire content, and the DJ laughed.

“Slow down, miss.”

“What’s your name?”

“You can call me Lex,” he said.


“Are you here all by yourself?” he asked.

I didn’t answer. Instead, I catwalked to his front and let my kimono dropped. Someone whistled. More than one person, in fact.

My bikini was extremely revealing. The only thing it covered was the front of my pussy and my nipples. I bent low and retrieved the purse that dropped to the floor alongside the kimono. My phone was inside and it buzzed once I picked it up.

I ignored the call like I had ignored the other seventeen missed calls from Gerard. There were a pile of unread messages from him. He would have more to talk about by the time he realised what his ex-slut had done on her first day away from him.

I offered the phone to Lex. “Can you take a picture of me?” He couldn’t speak, but he nodded, and I offered him a sultry smile. I had the body, I had the looks, why allow Gerard treat me like shit? He stood to collect the phone from me and I deliberately let our fingers touch. “Thanks, Lex. You’re a darling.”

His cheeks flushed. He took a few pictures of me and I crouched low with my hand touching the floor for him to take more. After selecting the best five, I sent them to Gerard.

My phone rang almost immediately the pictures delivered, but I didn’t pick. Lex was like a hungry dog watching me, I took advantage of that as I dropped my things on his lap.

“I’ll be going for a swim.”

From my periphery, I noticed I had caught the eyes of a few more men. Cathie hadn’t come to check on me yet. She must be having fun. In a sick way, I was. Too much fun and attention. I dipped my feet into the pool first to check the temperature. It was warm. I jumped in and screamed. Awesome.

After a few laps in the pool, I was tired. Tired but relaxed. I got out, my steps slow and graceful with the dozen eyes on me. My hair stuck to my body. I didn’t have to bother about a towel because Lex rushed to wrap one around me. I hid a laugh. He spoke but I couldn’t hear a word above my swelling pride.

“Hana?” he called again.


“I was asking if you wanted to go inside.”

“To fuck?” I replied.

Lex’s blue eyes crinkled at the corners, taking a few more years out of his age. I pushed a piece of his hair out of his face and he whispered, “Amongst other things.”

But I had other plans. I sauntered to the DJ and gave him my phone. Lex was on my heel like a puppy. When I was certain the DJ had figured it out, I smashed my lips on Lex’s.

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