Risk of the Throne

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*WARNING: Slight mentions of violence, PG 13 language*

"Why are you here?"

Amity got closer as she pointed her staff to her father. "I am not going to repeat myself again...Alador." Alador chuckled as he put one finger on her staff and slowly moved it away from his face, "Oh dear child, if only you knew."

Amity looked at him, letting him continue. Alador began to walk with his hands behind his back to a guard, "You see..after I escaped one of your dare I say, weak attempt of a dungeon, I began to run away from the Isles and found myself in a small little town.." Alador dust his coat off a bit as he looked at the nervous guard in front of him.

Then, he looked at Amity, who was still glaring at him. "And as I lived there for four years I began to think, 'Now why on earth am I running away? There couldn't be any possible threat there to harm me now.'" He chuckled at his last words. Alador approached Amity, "But then, the news got out that my own daughter is now the new Emperor of the Isles. Which I thought is such great news!" He smiled.

Alador's smile faded as it turned into a dark smirk, "..However, I overheard that she wanted to give up the throne and give it to someone that served...purpose." Amity glared at him as he approached her closer, "So what does any of this have to with you?" Alador looked at the woman.

"...I believe I was first in line of the throne."


King hopped up and down giggling with his cupcake in his hand as he walked through the halls.

"Oh yes! I am the King of demons AND cupcakes! hehehe." King looked at his cupcake in admiration, "Oh sweet offer, we've been kept apart for farrr too long..But no more!" As King stopped in his tracks to savor his cupcake, he heard angry voices coming from the main hall.

"If you think for a second that I would give the throne to you, you are hardly mistaken."

"Oh please Amelia, like you would know any better."

"Huh? That sounds like Amity.." King said as he heard. He made his way to the door and peaked inside of it the door. King tried getting a better look at the scene.


"I do know better, I am better. You played yourself when you put a spell on me when I was born. How foolish of you." Amity smirked as she pointed her staff at him. Alador chuckled, "Perhaps I have...But that spell I gave you was for you to have the same power as me." Amity looked confused and shocked, "W-What?"

"Lilith lied to you. You may have been stronger than your mother, but we are the same...So battling me is just like battling yourself." Alador said. Amity felt her staff being lowered as she looked at him shocked...This isn't possible..There's no way he's stronger like her..


"Give it up, Amelia..We both know I would be better as Emperor." Alador said as he stared into Amity's eyes. Amity felt herself feeling slowly possessed...A grip pulling her in. "Say it." Alador demanded. Suddenly, Amity snapped. She pulled herself out of the trance and gripped onto her staff.


Amity then summoned a spell and blasted Alador to the other side of the door. "GUARDS! GET HIM!" Amity yelled. The guards were in battle position as they approached the man. Alador, who was sitting on the ground, back pressed against the door, began to chuckle darkly.

"Oh you poor naive child."

Alador stood up and summoned a huge ice spell. He released it, causing everyone in the room to freeze, besides Amity. Amity gasped as she summoned a protection spell around her. As soon as the spell was over, she saw Avador summon a staff of his own and approached Amity.

"By the way, where's your human girlfriend to protect you..I heard she's still around."

Amity looked at him in angry and pain, she shot at him with her staff. "This is between me and you..Do not mention her." Alador chuckled and protected himself with his staff, " We both know what happened last time when she wasn't around, so what made you possibly think that you could actually do this without her?"

Amity felt tears threatening to spill. No..She was stronger than this-She IS stronger. And she knew for a fact she could take anyone down...even her own father.

Amity yelled as she summoned a spell and pointed at Avador. Avador smirked as he summoned an abomination to block it and suddenly grab Amity. Amity released her staff as she gasped. She struggled to get out of the purple monster's grasp. "L-LET ME GO! YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY FROM THIS!" Amity yelled as she tried getting out of the grasp, only making herself grow tired. Avador chuckled as he walked over to the throne and sat on it, getting the feel of it.

"Oh my dear child...I already have."


King gasped as he watched the whole scene play out, "Oh nononono, I gotta go tell Eda!" He whispered to himself as he ran to find the Owl lady.


"Oh wow, I still can't believe they broke up. They seemed so..lovey dovey."

"Yeah, it was gross, but cute."

Eda sighed as she gave Willow a cup of tea and sat down next to Gus, " Such a shame, I thought Luz was going to propose at some point." Willow, Boscha, and Gus turned to the woman. "How do you know that?" Gus asked. "That's all Luz would talk or hint about, she was madly in love with girl." Eda shrugged as she sipped her drink.

"I mean, it was pretty obvious. Amity is all Luz would talk about, so you might have a point there." Boscha said. "Guys! Can we please talk about the fact that they are still in love with each other? This is all about distance." Gus butted in.

"Gus is right, for all we know the two are just both too stubborn to admit they're still in love." Willow said. Boscha leaned back and put an arm around Willow, "Yeah, in order to get them to see each other again there needs to be some crazy shit going down."

Suddenly the door barged open, revealing an exhausted King. The four turned to him. "King? What are you doing here?" Gus asked. "I-It's Amity! She's in danger!" King let out. Boscha looked stunned, "Uhhh okay, somehow I feel like this is my fault-" Eda stood up, "This is bad..And I know what we're all thinking..."

"....We need to go get Luz."

Until next time🧝‍♀️

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