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Rosettas POV

Getting home was another thing in itself. The traffic on the way home was so atrocious and I don't know why considering it's the middle of the day. I guess just lunch rush

I brush it off and keep on my route home.

Once I buzz in at the security gate on the drive to my apartment building I start thinking after pulling into Rylans designated spot. My dads say that what makes a person beautiful is not material things meaning how many things they have or how much money they have but the type of person they are. This is something they told me after being adopted.

I was at a very dark place at the time. A a place a twelve year old shouldn't be. They told me this when we had our first break through. The first time I cried in front of them.

I usually ran to my room before they could see me cry. They told me I was beautiful. That I had a beautiful soul. That they loved me.

I shake off the thought and get out of Ry's car. I've always been to afraid to have a car of my own. I feel like I'd be more careful if it's someone else's car. But I'm considering to get a job to help pay for a car since my dads would refuse to let me get one on my own.

"Hey Ry I'm back here are yo-" I instantly froze when I saw ry on the couch in the main living room in the penthouse. On top of a girl and both fully clothed thank god.

"Oh uh h-hi I-I'm Rosetta I-I'm gonna leave now. Ry keys are on the table." I say quickly

I quickly grab my band sweatshirt and walk out of the apartment and leave once again. I get a text as soon as I'm outside.

Im so sry Roe I thought Ud take longer. I promise nothing was going to happen. At least not on the couch. Promise.

I then text back


That's not helpful. If anything pls do it in ur room and change the sheets in there or I'm never going in there again now stop texting me. See u later. Bye.

I shut off my phone and walk to the coffee shop that was a few blocks away from the apartment.

Living in a city where you were never born was hard at first but I learned to adjust. It also helped that I was not in a toxic environment.

I sigh as I walk in and sit down at a table.

"Hello sweetie what can I get for you today" I hear a voice and look up.

"Hi June. C-can I please have a French vanilla latte iced coffee please with something sweet on the side"

She gives me a warm smile. June had been almost like a mother figure to me. She was super sweet and we could be real. No fake formalities and fake personalities just because of who my dads are. Yes she knew them but she treated me like I was just another breathing person.

"Surprise me please" I say quietly

She nods and beckons me to follow. I then sit at the bar where I can see her doing her thing and she talks to me in between.

"Haven't seen you in a while sweetie. How have you been" she asks

"Good" I say quietly

"You know that's not an answer I'll except keep talkin you while I get your order done." I look down

"U-um I think I like someone" she then stops what she's doing and squeals.

"Who are they, what do they look like, Boy or girl, would I know them, if so do I know them, have they ever come into the shop before, when can I meet them, are you guys dating, when-" I cut her off

"A girl. She's only a few inches taller. Maybe three. A-and she has raven black hair with faint freckles. She so beautiful on the outside. I'm not so sure about the inside. We don't really know each other. She's also a big flirt." I blush and see June smiling.

"I'll find someone to cover me. How about I make your French vanilla latte regular with that surprise pastry. So we can walk and talk outside. I know it's cold out." She smile

"But you're the owner" she giggles.

"I guess I am. A few minutes wouldn't hurt and I haven't had my lunch break so half an hour wouldn't hurt" she smiled and told her staff she was going out while she grabbed her coat from the back as well as her purse.

"Come on sweetie" she says handing me the coffee and a brown paper bag I had promised to pay her back although she refused and said I could pay her on gossip. Though I'm still going to pay her for my food and drink
Cassandras POV

I sigh as I sit down with my supposed friends. The only friends I actually have don't go to my college and I'm basically being forced to hang out since their parents are in the higher society of this stupid city.

I then smile as I see Rosetta she's at the bar with someone who works here. I smile just a bit more when I see a faint blush covering her beautiful face.

"Kace what are you so smiley about." Snapped Augustine. She always tried to out do everyone. It was so fucking annoying.

"None of your fucking business now pipe down before my fiat goes down your throat." I growled out.

"Make me" I then stood up hostility glaring daggers while she did the same to me. She then had the balls to walk around the table and through her drink at me. Glad I took off my leather jacket before hand.

I lunge are her and push her to the ground.

That had lead to hands flying and then we heard sirens. Oh fuck.

Phoenix is going to be so mad. And I don't ever want to find out Rosettas reaction even though he left a few minutes ago.

"Let's go kid" Asher says pulling me off of Augustine. I just nod and grab my jacket.

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