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Rosettas POV

The alarm on my phone blared and I shot up. I also then realized that I wasn't in my room.

My alarm was set for Saturday's so I could get up for work considering dad and papa wanted to try and sleep in or just relax in bed.

"Shit" I heard Cass mumble

"That scared the shit out of me. Why are you waking up at seven in the morning on a Saturday." She questioned

"I'm working at June's. She needed the help and I wanted and needed a car. It's not like my dads can't pay for it because everyone knows they can but I just want to help pay for it so I feel like I attempted to do something on my own." I told her.

"Alright. I can drive you today"

"What happened to Rylans car" I asked confused

"Riv and Ry picked it up yesterday and dropped off your bag of stuff remember"

I blush embarrassed "yeah. Sorry"

"So that means I'm driving you" Cass said

"Thank you" I said gratefully. I got changed into a pair of black leggings and a white shirt while my green apron would be waiting at the cafe for me to arrive.

"I have some things to do but I can drive you home too if you want. When do you get off"

"I really appreciate it but my dad comes to pick me up considering the station isn't to far from the café and he gets off around the same time which is six. But if I need a ride or just want to talk I know who to call" I said with a smile and got in the car and started heading towards the cafe

When we did arrive we said our goodbyes

"See ya" I said and she replied the exact thing back before driving off.

I then walked in though the sign still said closed. I had to wake up at seven to get to June's at eight and finally open up at nine with June. Today was going to be an interesting day.

I walked through the kitchen and into the office slash back room that June had to get my apron.

"Hey hun. Why are you so smiley today" she asked as she lifted an eyebrow but had an amused smirk on her face.

"Oh um nothing" I sputtered out while a hot pink blush decided to appear on my face.

"Mhm ok. You know just like you I find out everything so I'll know eventually." She said

I then walked over grabbed my apron and wrapped the strings around my back and then to I front on my stomach again before I tied them in place.

I continued with my normal routine and wiping down and cleaning all of the tables.

I also reorganize everything just to make sure that it's all in its place.

"Hun it's just about nine you can open the doors. I already have the baked goods out of the oven and the coffee machines turned on as well as the ones for the tea" the ones for the tea were just machines that descended scalding water so we can steep the tea.

I walk over and unlock the door as well as flip the sign to say open. Things will be crowed for the breakfast rush in just a minute.

When I get behind the bar people start walking in with a mix of regulars and new faces.

"Good morning Rosetta" someone greats and I respond with my own quiet good morning.

It's now about twelve one o'clock and this is the start of the lunch rush but it get more crowded towards two o'clock. I have my lunch break at three and that's when most people are out of school but considering it's a Saturday no one has school and many adults are off from work.

The bell chime on the door went off and I looked up causing a smile to appear on my face.

"Hey never seen you before"

"Yeah I know it's weird I saw this shop and I thought were there any cute waitresses that I could flirt with" she said smiling brightly but also having that mischievous glint in her eyes

"You better not be flirting with other waitresses Cass" I pout and her smile slowly fell

"I'm not I promise it was a joke" she hurries out

I then started to laugh and she scowled realizing I was messing with her.

"When is your lunch break" she asked suddenly

"At three why"

"I would like to take you out for lunch to ya know get to know each other better" I smiled

"Sounds perfect"

This conversation wasn't slowing down my productivity if you were wondering I made four orders of coffee and two of tea while still talking

I take all of the orders and the ones in to-go cups had names written on them and I rang the bell signaling they were ready

The other four I put on a tray and delivered the to their tables

"So about that lunch date" I asked

Cass blushed ever so slightly you almost couldn't tell

"Yeah and while I'm here can I get a cupcake" I nodded

"What type" I asked

"Surprise me" I nodded and got her a cherry vanilla cupcake since I knew she was fond of them.

She payed and got up once she was done eating it

"I'll see you in a bit and this give me a chance to plan the date you wanted to go on" she teased

"In my defense you implied" I responded innocently

"No in my defense you insinuated and so I will go plan the most perfect lunch date"

"It's not a date I change my mind"

"To late you insinuated see you on our date" she called back. I just stood there like an idiot with a smile on my face.

"Miss can I place an order" someone said bring me out from my own bubble

"Yes of course how may I help you" giving a sheepish smile for not paying attention

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