Avoiding Your Past

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It was dark, you couldn't tell if your eyes were opened or closed, couldn't tell if you were falling or rising. It was that sensation where you had just awoken from a dream, one of those dreams where there's a rush of action, and suddenly you just wake up, confused, in a daze, whether you were still in that dream

It was really hot. Like you were wrapped in blankets. You shuffled around, when you felt dry earth beneath you. The dazed feeling you once had faded, and you peeled your eyelids open, and your senses took in what was around you. What you smelt was almost like humid weather after it had rained, you could hear voices from a distance, quite a large distance, and what you could see.. was a torn up town? Maybe even a city? It was confusing to say the least.

You got up, brushing the dirt from your chest, and that was when you looked down at your hands. Instead of your usual pale skin, your skin was darker, almost like grey, with clawed nails that looked decently sharp. Your eyes widened at the sight, you put your hands on your face, and felt around. Your ears felt long and pointed, almost like an elf, farther up your head, you could feel sturdy figures. Horns?  They curved the slightest bit outward, towards the side.

Where were you? Then it hit you. Quickly, you thought back. What had you been doing beforehand? You quit tapping your face with the now hooked claws attached to your fingers, as the memory fell on you like a boulder. From what you could take in,  you'd finally been caught in crime, the officer had fired his gun, and bam. And this was your afterlife. Hell. Everything was like a blur, it was so hard to remember the details.

You hadn't realized you were walking in the direction of the nearby buildings as you replayed the incident many times over in your mind. The place almost looked deserted, except for a few demons who roamed the messy roads. You walked passed one of the many large structures, and looked at your reflection in the window. It wasn't quite what you had been expecting. Your sclera's had become red, with yellow irises. You turned your body to notice a slim pointed tail weaving behind your body slowly.

Your appearance could even be considered frightening. You fixed up your white collared shirt, and walked through the streets. The farther you walked, the less empty it was. More demons passed by with a sharp glare in their eyes, the kind that a mother would give a child in public when they said something embarrassing.

You scouted around, until your eyes landed on something quite particular. A very tall building, taller then most, that looked quite run down from the outside. You drew in nearer, curious to know more about the place. And what it even was. Your thoughts trailed off as your question was answered. A large sign read, Happy Hotel, at the top of the building.

You blinked. A hotel? Happy? A happy hotel? What the- you wouldn't expect this kind of thing in hell. Well, even so, maybe it would be a place to stay until you could find a place of your own, if the place wasn't abandoned at this point. Are there even houses in hell..? You shook your head, and focused on booking a room in this hotel. You marched forward, and pushed the door open.

Light flooded into the place, it 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑑 run down, like it hasn't been in use for a while. It was quiet, the sound of your boots tapping the wooden floor echoed throughout the buildings walls. You turned your head in all directions, granted, it looked quite decorative, with lots of portraits on the walls. Then your eyes landed on a surprisingly new looking bar stand at the front of the room, upon further examination, you made eye contact with a large.. cat? He was slouched down, with his cheek in the palm of his hand, and when he noticed you had been staring at him, he sat up, and widened his eyes ever so slightly. He blinked at you, and without breaking eye contact, he shouted to the side: "hey! Uhhh, were we supposed to have anyone showing up today?" He said is a deep, raspy voice. A pair of footsteps turned a corner, "what was that? Sorry I was-" standing a few paces before you, was, a girl? She had flowing blond hair with pink cheeks. He outfit sat snuggly against her torso, and her face rested in an unexplainable way when she saw you.

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