Hopelessly Devoted to him

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"What the hell do you mean?!" Husker shouted loudly, seemingly making the whole hotel shake. "No more booze Husk, it's getting out of hand!" Charlie said with her arms crossed. You, Vaggie, and Nuffty all exchanged glances as the angry cat demon fumed. "I don't drink that much!" He protested. Charlie rolled her eyes and pointed to all the shattered bottles behind the desk, and the several unopened bottles still waiting to be chugged. He scoffed and slipped in front of the mess. "Like I said, not that much." Charlie pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.

"You know what? Fine!" She stomped off, biting her nails. "Charlie you can't just let him continue drinking!" Vaggie chased after her, as Husker chuckled to himself, before popping open a bottle. You shook your head at him disapprovingly. "Well I might as well clean up this mess behind here!" Niffty said while scurrying behind the bar. "Wha- Hey!" Husker growled, as Niffty gathered up the glass quickly. You rolled your eyes at the drama, before going and plopping yourself lazily on the sofa beside Angel, who was slurping on a popsicle.

You couldn't help but notice how well he was dressed. He wore a fitted pink and white suit that revealed his chest slightly. He also wore heels, that were white. He used one hand to fix his hair slightly, before he glanced at you and noticed your staring. "Don't stare too long babe, you eyes might get locked in place." He said to you teasingly before chuckling to himself. You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes. "What's the occasion?" He looked at you, seemingly blankly and confused. "I'm sorry, what?" He said after a few silent seconds. You sighed loudly and let your head fall back.

"Your outfit, idiot. Why are you dressed so professionally?" He stood up after tossing his popsicle stick away, and brushed out any wrinkles he had in his clothing. "Oh? You like it?" He said while pulling the shirt down slightly around his chest area. "Yeah, it looks really nice." You tried to be nice but you knew he was just trying to seduce you. He sat back down, crossed his legs, and placed his chin in his hand. "I have plans later." He shrugged and said boringly. "Ah..." you wanted to ask where he was off to, but you knew that wasn't really much of your business, and you really didn't feel like pushing his buttons right now.

You stood up, and nodded your head in a way like you were saying bye, before going on and finding Charlie and Vaggie in the back of the hotel, where she had ran off when Husker tried playing smart with his booze with her. "Oh, hey Y/N." Charlie said in a surprisingly calm voice. Was she mad about Husker? Vaggie was leaning up against an old table, with her arms crossed over her chest. She didn't greet you. Her eyes refused to meet with yours, she stared at her feet in a seemingly petty way. What was with her? She didn't like your relationship with Alastor, so what? She had to stop being your friend because of that? That didn't give her a right to treat you like shit.

She did say something about you turning your back on the hotel, and following Alastor's footsteps. Was she right.. or..? No. After what happened 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 day, on the building, you couldn't bare to think that Alastor was just toying with you. "Have you seen Alastor around..?" Charlie asked while glancing around. "He's usually.. you know.. hovering over your shoulder let's say?" You remained calm at the remark. "No, I haven't. I haven't seen him since yesterday. I thought you or Vaggie may have seen him." Charlie shook her head. "No sign of him. We tried knocking at his door but it didn't seem like he was there." You tapped your chin with your long nails nervously. Where would he have gone? Oh please don't tell me he ran off again.. your mind started to race with thoughts. "I'm sure he'll return soon," Charlie said while placing a hand on your shoulder. "We go without seeing him for a few hours, right?" You didn't answer. You simply nodded before turning out of the room.

Out on the main floors room, Angel and Husker remained. Angel was leaning cooly against the bar stand, as Husker huffed in annoyance. "Well shucks," Angel said while standing up straight. "Too had you didn't care to tag along. Later sweetheart!" Angel headed for the hotels door, seemingly off to do whatever plans he had made. You nearly wanted to ask him if he'd seen Alastor, but maybe it wasn't the best decision. Had they even made up from the little inconvenience that happened a few months back? "Where's he off to?" You asked Husker casually. He shrugged. "Probably some strip club." You watched him leave, before headed up the stairs, to the Radio Demons room. You were hesitant. What if he brought up last night? You were sure you'd be too flustered to talk about it with a straight face. You found yourself facing the door. And hesitantly, you knocked. "Alastor?" You called slightly. "I-it's Y/N! I'm by myself if that's why your not coming out of your room!.." no response. Maybe he was hurt in there, unconscious? You had to make sure he was alright. Though this would be invading his privacy, you slowly turned the shiny polished doorknob, and pushed the door open. His room looked fairly ordinary, like yours but inverted, with velvet red covers of his large king sized bed, and spotless wooden floors, and a black rug that settled neatly on the floor before the bed.

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