The Past Comes Back To Haunt You

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You stood still as a statue, watching him. Did he know you were there? You were hesitant to approach him, after what had happened back at the hotel. His face was not visible to you, his messy hair ruffled in the light breeze. He didn't move, he said with his back arched over, looking down. This was right. You slowly stepped closer to him, before slouching down beside him, dangling your legs off the edge of the building. He must know that you were there.

The whole time you were looking down, and when you finally decided to look up at him, were surprised to see that for once, Alastor, was not smiling. He didn't make eye contact with you, instead, he bit his lip down hard, was he... was he crying? You noticed the tears leaking from his eyes, as he sniffled once or twice. This was completely unlike him, but you knew better then to point that out. Instead, you put a comforting hand on his shoulder, and smiled slightly. "It's okay to cry.. and it's okay to stop smiling once in a while." He didn't look up at you. You lowered your hand and looked out beyond the horizon. It was quiet for a few minutes, neither of you exchanged a word until..

"No." You looked at him, as he wiped his eyes, still without a smile. "I shouldn't be like this." He looked up at you for the first time, before quickly turning away. "I didn't want to end up like this. I'm sorry." He looked up at the now lighter red sky. "Hey, Al, look it's okay, what happened back at the hotel was.." he grabbed your wrist. "No. Y/N, look, I let Angels words get the better of me.. and ended up hurting you in the process, let alone hurt Angel.. but it's.. my past." He released your wrist slowly. Maybe.. you should.. "we all have some kind of past we detest, Alastor." You cut your thoughts off. "But we can heal together..!" You tried to go on, but he started to speak, slowly and softly.

"I am damaged..
Far too damaged..
But you're not beyond repair.
Stick around here..
Make things better.
'Cause you beat me fair and square.
Please stand back now..
Little further..
Don't know what this thing will do.
I hope you miss me.
Wish you'd kiss me.
Then you'd know I worship you..
I'll trade my life for yours..!"

"Oh my God..." you started.

"And once I disappear.."

"Wait, hold on!" What was he getting at?

"Clean up the mess down here!"

Not this way! Alastor!

"Our love is God..

Our love is God!

Our love is God.."

Our love is God..? Your thoughts trailed.

"Say hi to God."

He held the old pistol he thought you hadn't noticed, up to his gut. "𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑝!" you smacked the weapon away from him. It fell from the rooftop onto the pavement below.  This wasn't going to be like those teenage movies where the character just ends themselves. No.

He looked up at you, with a painless expression. You felt your eyes filling with tears, as you looked up at him. "What are you thinking.. Radio Demon.." you said softly. "You may be damaged.. but I can fix you." you wiped the watery droplets away, and that's when you noticed, he was smirking, very slightly. Why did you care about what happened to him? Wasn't he the a dangerous.. he's not dangerous, he's just hurting. Vaggie is wrong.

"I'm just like you Alastor.. I'm damaged.." you paused, before looking away. "We can fix each other." His smile widened, not to its normal length, but wide enough to show that he was nearly his old self. "My dear, I wouldn't have said it any other way." You felt his hand on your cheek, before he began to pull you in. You were lost in the moment, both of you closed your eyes.. and..

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