Runaway Radio

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Dazed, you slowly opened your eyes, sound faded into one ear and out the other with no affect. You felt like your body was numb, but your head was throbbing with pain. All you wanted to do was sleep. "Y/N? Are you awak?" An echoed voice spoke to you. Your vision focused on Charlie, sitting at your bedside. "Hey.. drink some water.." she said while handing you a class of iced water. After taking the cup, she fluffed your pillow and helped you to sit up. "How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?" She asked as you sipped from the glass.
"My head hurts a bit.."
"Yeah, after what happened I wouldn't expect much of anything less- what's wrong?" She noticed your wide eyed look as she took the glass from you, and placed it on the nightstand. After what happened... "Alastor! Where'd Alastor go?" You thoughts came out as words from your mouth. Charlie looked at the ground. "We don't know, Y/N.." she said slowly. "It's been hours, he, nor Angel has returned.." You struggled to flip the covers off you to get out of bed, as you sat up more quickly dizziness fell over you, but you ignored it.
"We need to go find him! Come on now!"
"Whoa! Y/N lay down!" Charlie grabbed your shoulders and laid you down again gently. "Me and Vaggie already went out.. we couldn't find them." Your king was racing. They had to look harder! Charlie placed a hand gently on your forehead, "go back to sleep.." she said gently, as once again you slipped into darkness.

This time when you woke up, Charlie wasn't beside you, and it was much later. You raised a clawed hand and touched the back of your head gently, you flinched, the pain was still there at the touch, but if you didn't move your head too quickly, you should be fine. Steadily, you slipped from the bed. And landed on your feet. You held the bedside table to balance yourself. Slowly, you stepped forward to get used to walking once again, until you let go of the table to walk on your own. It was manageable, yes, but you could feel your body swaying, not used to your usual weight. You dragged yourself out of your room, opening the door quietly as the creaking sound bounced off the walls.

No one was there. The halls were empty, the rooms doors were shut. What time was it? Had everyone gone to sleep. You headed down to the main floor, and saw Husker, as usual, sitting at the bar stand with his face pushed in his palm. "Look who's finally up." He scoffed. "If you mean Angel, then yeah. He came back earlier in the night. He didn't say anything though." Husker was being quite less of a downer then usual. "And.. Alastor?" He stayed quiet for a few seconds. "He's not here. We haven't heard from him." You looked at your feet, before turning for the door. "Hey- wait- where are you going?" He said while sitting up. "Aren't you two friends? Why don't you care about his absence?" He looked like he wanted to say something, but he stayed quiet. You paused and looked at him as you slipped your black leather boots on before letting out a sigh. "I'm going to look for him." You said finally after buckling your last buckle of your boot. "Are you crazy?! You'll probably end up killed out there. Not like you could defend yourself!" He said deeply, nearly shouting across the room at you." After standing up, you looked at him, and smirked ever so slightly, with a pained look in your eyes. "You don't know that." You opened the door before stepping out, and looked at the sky. It was a starless deep red colour.

You turned back and shut the door lightly, making sure to not wake the hotel staff. Husker didn't stop you. Not even focused on your once aching head, you strolled off on your own, to find Alastor.

You still had no clue what time of night it was, but you knew one spot that would be open, one spot were you had been, one spot where you could ask about the runaway Radio Demon. You stopped, and looked at the outside of the bar. You knew it was dangerous. But he could be in there, or they might know his whereabouts. But you knew better then to go in there unarmed after what had happened last time, so you pulled the old hidden vintage pocket knife out from the back of a slot in your boot. You had sewn the pouch into your boot purposely for the knife, before you had died.

You slipped it into your pant leg pocket, before inhaling, and stepping inside the bar. As you would have expected, it wasn't full, and it wasn't empty. The same demons faces you had seen before, minus the one who Alastor fought with. So there were only two demons drinking and one bartender. They looked at you and jumped back slightly as you walked in with a cool manner. "Look we don't want any trouble.." one of them started, before you raised a hand to silence him. "I don't care." You said. "Was Alastor here at one point." You said while staring at the ground, refusing to make eye contact with any of them. They were quiet, they seemed to be confused. "So he's not here with you..?" One of the demons said while slithering your way. "Don't even try it." You said, now staring at the demon dead in the eyes. "Answer me. Was he here, or was he not?" The demon snickered, as he grew nearer, you started to panic but you didn't let them see that. These demons were not as big as the last one, they were maybe around Husker or Vaggie's size, you could take them.. right?

Without a second thought, you whirled the knife out, directed at the demons fuzzy face. He stopped, as the other two glanced. "I suggest, you answer my question." Your heart was racing, you didn't want to have to bring back your past. 𝐷𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑖𝑡.. your thoughts reminded you. "Now now.." the demon took one step too close, and with a quick motion, you slashed at his arm with the weapon. Fur fell from his arm, and he was left with a gash on his wrist. "Agh! Mother fu-" again, you attacked, this time, cutting around the area of his knee, you knew because of the first cut, he would have tried to attack back. "Tell me, you toy antsy maggots!" You held the blade towards them threateningly. "Look he was never here!" The bartender shook. "He hasn't been back since he killed Hugo, and that's that!" Hugo must be the scale covered demon. Without lowering your blade, you glared at them sharply. "Do you have any idea of where he would be." One of the customary demons snorted. "You mean, he's a runaway?" Him and the furry demon laughed, you jolted the knife out threateningly. They continued to laugh, unfazed by the knife. "Look we know nothing about Al." The bartender said. "Yeah, the Radio Demon has his personal life, and we don't get involved with that." Slowly, you lowered your blade, and looked away. "Thanks." You said dryly, before exiting. They didn't say a word more.

Where would he be? You didn't know I think about hell. You didn't know a thing about Alastor. You had no possible way to find him unless it was by chance. As you walked, your eyes were fixed on your own two feet. Thoughts where rushing through your head. Did the fight between Alastor and Angel really happen because of a pig? Or was there something more to it? Why did he silence Angel? Was there something about his life story he didn't enjoy talking about? Why did he go mad like that? And the question you thought about the most was.. why did you care so much? You never cared about his well being before, so why were you looking for him at this very moment? Why were you threatening demons with sharp objects to get information on where he was?

You had no clue. Maybe it was the state of mind you were in, your head was still messed up in some way after the impact of Alastor throwing you. It must have gotten windy, a warm breeze blew onto you face, but you remembered, it was a still night, there was no wind.

You stopped walking, and looked up to see, Husker? He was... flying? It was a strange sight, you'd never seen him using his red feathery wings before, you'd only ever seen him behind a bar stand, and on his back, grinning him tightly was.. Niffty? "Alright kid rides over," he said as he landed in front of you so you were face to face. Niffty hopped off of him, handing on the ground softly. "Husker? Niffty? What are you two doing here..?" Husker made a sort of gagging sound, "we came to help!" She said joyfully.
"Help? With...?"
"Helping you find Mr. Alastor! Silly!" You stared at her, confused. Why did they care to help you find him?
"But why would you want to help? You guys didn't seem to care beforehand."
"Because, we're his friends! Husk may not admit it, but he knows that he's his friend too." Husker rolled his eyes. "Him pulling me out of my gambling match to this shitty hotel doesn't make us friends.. though we could be considered acquaintances.." he crossed his arms, and huffed. Niffty giggled at his reaction. "How did you convince Husker to help you..?" You started to ask. "Oh, I didn't! He came to me and asked!" She smiled. Whoa, Husker went through the trouble of waking up Niffty, and flying to find you so they could help you look for Alastor. What the hell was going on around here?

"We've known him. So we might know where he'd go, plus, like I said, you'd never survive out here for long." You rolled your eyes at him, and pulled out your knife, still splattered with a bit of blood. "I've been managing quite fine, thank you." He stared at the weapon blankly. "But.. thanks guys." You smiled at them. "Whatever," Husker sighed. "Of course!" Niffty smiled back to you. Folding you knife away, you looked at the two demons before you. "So, where do we start looking?"

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