Enamoured What?

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"Y/N! Are you awake? Y/N open up!" There was frequent knocking on your door. You sat up, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes. How long had you been out? The knocking got louder. "Come on Y/N open the door!" This wasn't the best way to wake up from such a delightful sleep. "I'm coming!.." You groaned as you got out of bed, before opening the door. There before you, stood Angel, who was in mid knock. "Oh, hehe-" he mumbled. You rolled your eyes, before leaning against the doorway. "Well you must have woken me up for something." You awaited his response. "Well.." he was fidgeting quite a bit. "Have you seen.. a stray p-pig?" He stuttered. Was he embarrassed? You crooked an eyebrow at him. "A pig?" You questioned while crossing your arms. "Is this some kind of joke?" For a few seconds, he stared at you, before falling to your knees. "Fat Nuggets is 𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑒!" He broke down. "He.. he was there when I went to bed, but when I woke up.." he sniffed. "He was just GONE!"
He sobbed dramatically into his hands.

Vaggie, with a face like a grouch, made her way over, and sighed. "We've been searching for him all morning." She put her face in the palm of her hand. "But it's hard to help this spider freak when all he does is whine!" She hissed. Behind Vaggie, was a small looking demon.. with hair above her shoulders and a skirt, and one yellow eye. "I think I know where he went!" She said while hopping up. Angel went stiff, and grabbed her, and shook her. "Tell me! Tell me you have to tell me!" His words transformed into sobs as he hit his fist on the floor like a child. The demon made eye contact with you. "Oh hi! I'm Niffty!" She said. Her voice was high and enthusiastic. "This is great! Another new friend!" She said with a grin. Vaggie turned to you. "She keeps the hotel clean." She said in a dry voice. "Niffty!" Angel roared.
"Where is Nuggs?!"
"Oh that's right!" She said plunging her fist into her hand. "I think I saw him go near
Y/N's room while I was cleaning a few rooms down!" She said. "Huh, my doors been closed the entire time, there's no possible way-" Angel silenced you and barged passed you into your room.

"Fat Nuggets? Come to daddy!" He called out from on his knees. "Seriously Angel I don't think that-" 𝑠ℎ𝑢𝑓𝑓𝑙𝑒. What was that? You had a clue after all of what's been going on this morning. "Fat Nuggets?" And like magic, a small pink pig with black spots scurried out from under 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 bed. How the hell did it even get in here? Angels face lit up when the creature waddled it's way over to him. "Baby Nuggs! That's is come to daddy!" Angel cradled the creature in his arms. "Who's a good Nuggie? 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 a good Nuggie!" He pet talked the pig.

You backed up next to Vaggie, as Angel babied the Fat Nuggets. "I still don't get how he got into my room.." you said while tapping your long claw against your lip. Vaggie looked down at Niffty.
"Niffty do you know? You said you saw him near Y/N's room." She shrugged with a blank expression, before skipping off into a different room, which you assumed was to keep cleaning.

"I think I have an explanation for that." Walking over to the group while tossing away an empty bottle of booze was no other then Husker. "I mean I could tell you, but I think Al could fill you in more." He said while smirking. Angel looked at him. The Strawberry Pimp had something to do with this?" The cat demon shrugged. "All I know is that that earlier this morning while I was hungover, I saw Alastor chasing him with a fork saying, "Come back here, bacon!" Husker attempted to reenact Alastor's voice, with a goofy look on his face.

Angel clutched his fist. "That 𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑑.." he hissed. "Whoa Angel, don't say that!" You told him which a confused look in your eyes." He stood up, with Fat Nuggets cradled in one arm. "I told him to stop trying to eat Nuggs!" He said while flipping his hair back with his free hand. "But does he stop? No, he keeps trying to eat my pig!" He sneered. "I heard my name come up in conversation!" You jumped, nearly hitting Vaggie. Alastor appeared behind the two of you, quieter then a mouse could scurry across a kitchen. "Oh look at that, it's the pig eating, mother fucker." Angel glared at him. "I would never do that to my mother!" He said smoothly. Husker nearly spat out his booze when he said that, he started coughing it up in a fit of deep laughter. "I'll be back." He said as he gagged while trying not to laugh, "he really came for Angel," you heard him mumble as he paced off. Honestly you didn't find that very funny, but Husker just had that humour you guessed.

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