Before Sunrise

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The sun would rise in the time span of about 20 minutes, and that would be when they would give up their search. At least, that's what they thought. Though Niffty and Husker planned on giving up at the break of dawn, due to the fact that they assume that the Radio Demon will not be found, you planned on continuing the search for Alastor. But there's something you still couldn't put your finger on... 𝑊ℎ𝑦 𝑑𝑖𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ? You couldn't answer your own question. You mean.. he snuck up on you, was a crazy serial killer, and threw you against a wall, providing killing pains in your head.

But you worried about him, that look in his eyes, the fake smile, it pained you in a way to see him like that. In fact, you didn't think anyone has ever seen him like that. He didn't seem affected by Angel in any way when he left either. Did he feel bad for nearly killing him? No.. probably not. You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed, while the three of you just walked. You had no idea where, but you walked.

"Hey, don't worry Y/N! He might turn up eventually!"

"Thanks Niffty.. but it's not that.. just.. other thoughts are bugging me.." Husker looked at you. "Then what else could possibly be bothering you." He said, surprisingly calmly. It seemed like he cared about your emotions, but you doubted it ever so slightly. You didn't answer right away. It was too confusing for even yourself. "I just think.." you paused. "I just think that there's something deeper going on then just a fight like what happened over a pig." Husker cocked his head back and laughed loudly, not even trying to be quiet.

"You think?! Hah! Kid seriously you need to catch yourself up on what's happening around you."

"Well then what, Husk? Do you know what caused it to get that violent?!" You shouted at him. He finished his laughing fit, and didn't answer your question. You kept yourself calm, because you didn't like when people didn't answer you.

A few more moments of silence passed, then he spoke again. "Why do you care so much about what happens to him anyway.." he said without looking at you. You sighed. "That's the thing.. I don't know." He scoffed, and then the rest of the searching between you guys was quiet. You didn't have much time left to look with them, and the search was very light. You only scanned the outer sides of the town, where a lot of stuff was worn down or abandoned. This is the first thing you saw when you arrived in hell.

"Niffty. Why are we here? Why would ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒?" You questioned her. She looked up at you. "Mr. Alastor isn't the type of demon to run away from his problems.." she started. "But if he does need time to get away, he'd usually be in places where there is no other demons." There were about four other empty buildings left to check when Husk and Niffty stopped. It was sunrise. "Oh come on guys! Just a few more buildings!" You pleaded with them, mostly with Husker, but he shook his head. "I gave you my time, and i don't go against my word." He said while Niffty scrambled up his torso, preparing for the flight. "I get that.." you said slowly. "Any advice?" He looked at you. "I got none. He's not run off in centuries. All I can say is that he's unpredictable. He could be anywhere."

Before you could say another word, he took off quickly, probably in a hurry to find his booze. He's been without it for a while. You sighed, and headed to the broken down buildings that didn't have a giant padlock on the doors. The buildings were like small shops, only two had about two or three floors, and when you checked the one with three floors, as it was the closest, they were empty. You checked under and over all places you could think of, but he was nowhere to be seen. His static sound affects were long gone.

There you were. The last building. You couldn't guarantee anything was inside, but according to corny shows you watched when you were alive, there was always some kind of miracle. He had to be inside. Slowly, you turned the brown, filthy rusted knob, that looked like it wanted to fall off at your touch. Swinging the door open, you were left with yet another dusty, dark, and empty first floor. There was still hope, on the second floor. Slowly, your stepped onto the risky stairs, and trailed upward. You found nothing.

Did he run away from town? No, he's the Radio Demon, he's dominant. What was going on in this world? Everything was going upside down. Out of stress, you looked at a large hole in one side of the building. The top was made of wood, so it could have easily been busted a few years earlier. Or however long it's been like this. You slipped through the hole, using your long claws for grip and smooth tail for balance, and pushed yourself up onto the roof.

You looked at the sun, that was slowly creeping up on you, as if hell wasn't warm enough, the warmth of the sun felt good on your skin. You wondered if this sun was the same sun from up above in the living world, or if it was cursed down here. For the first time you've arrived in hell, you welt at peace. 𝐹𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑘. It was like the sound of a small rock falling, 𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑘𝑘, like weight being pushed down on the unstable wood structure. wait, a rock falling? Weight being weighed? Your peaceful moment was interrupted, slowly you turned around, to the opposite side of the building, where you could see a bit of the moon still setting as the sun rose high. And sitting down at the edge opposite edge of the building, as expected, was no other then the Radio Demon, Alastor.

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