Chapter 15

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It was several hours before Deku finally gave birth to his pup, and Bakugo had to try to rein in the negative thoughts he was having about him taking his sweet fucking time.  He knew he would be in a similar position in a few months, and he didn’t need that on his karma.  They had gone in to meet the baby maybe an hour after he had been born, which was again normally against hospital policy, but it was just one more thing they did for two of the top heroes.  Bakugo would never admit this out loud, but he had to say, Deku and Icy-Hot made a pretty cute pup.  He had light green hair, like Deku’s hair had mixed with Todoroki’s white hair, and blue eyes.  The pup was surprisingly alert, having only been born an hour before. They had named him Toshiyuki, a small nod to All-Might.  

Kirishima took Bakugo home shortly after they had visited the small family since the omega looked like he was about ready to pass out. As they crawled into bed, Kiri wrapped one of his arms around the blonde.  “With everything that happened today, I almost forgot, Happy Anniversary, babe.”  With his free arm, he brought out a medium sized box from behind him and set it in front of Katsuki. He sighed and grabbed the box, every year Ei went too far on the gifts, buying expensive and somewhat over the top unnecessary things, like an incredibly expensive watch that Bakugo had only worn once to a gala.  He was a hero, and he didn’t want to risk destroying it out in the field.  He unwrapped it and paused.  “I know that you’re anxious about when the pup comes, so I did a bunch of research and found the best monitoring system I could. I know it’s a little extravagant, but I figured even though it wouldn’t completely ease your concerns, it might help a little.  Plus this one has a secured feed, and offline capabilities.  It doesn’t completely defend against hacking or cyber attacks, but with some of the features on here, it does make it harder for them to fake a video or noise feed.  I know you think I go too far on some gifts, but I-.”  Krishima was cut off by a quick kiss from his pregnant mate.

“Ei, this is great.”  

“Really?”  Kiri grinned.  “Awesome!  I was worried you’d complain that it was unnecessary, but I don’t think anything that would help protect our pup is unnecessary. I just really want to make sure our pup is safe and that maybe your anxiety can be lessened too."

"It is the perfect amount of over the top, now take some fucking breaths and calm down. I am exhausted and ready to get some sleep.  You being anxious is just going to make me stay up and worry. So, relax and try and get some fucking sleep."  Bakugo said, kissing the alpha's cheek before rolling over into a comfortable position. He had only been able to sleep on his left side lately.

"You know I want to let you sleep, but…" Kiri trailed off.  Bakugo groaned gently as he rolled over and fixed the red-head with a questioning look that definitely showed his annoyance. Kirishima took a deep breath.  "You know I don't like to push you before you are ready to talk about something, but when we left for the hospital, you said we would talk about what you were feeling today, tonight. I understand if you're too tired, because obviously your health and Katsune’s come first but, I'm here if you're up to talking about it."  Honestly, Katsuki had forgotten all about that conversation. With everything that had happened today, it felt like a lifetime ago. 

“I don’t know if I have energy to really dive into it tonight, but I was struggling with some jealousy towards Deku.”  Bakugo said, looking up at the ceiling.  Even after all these years of being vulnerable in front of this non-judgemental, completely loving man, he still struggled with it and couldn’t seem to bring himself to meet his eyes.

“Ahh.” Kiri said, gently acknowledging the vicious circle the omega has found himself locked in since before they met.  “Is there anything I can do to help?  I know that’s kind of a dumb question, but I just wanna be here for you if I can.”

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