Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Bakugo sat on the couch, cup of coffee clutched in his hand as he watched the morning news. It wasn't normally something he watched but this morning Kirishima had been called out on a mission and the blonde wanted to make sure everything was okay. Right now a news anchor was asking the grinning red-head questions about the fight.

"So, not to change subjects, but with the pro-heroes, Deku, Chargebolt, and SunEater announcing their pregnancies, are you and Ground Zero on that same track?" She asked, feigning innocence. Bakugo bristled, gripping his mug tighter. Kirishima didn't answer, making Bakugo nervous as the news anchor continued, knowing she hit a nerve. "Knowing you are all friends, we are all just wondering if you are hiding the pregnancy or in the midst of trying." Kiri sat for a second longer before answering.

"That is between me and my mate. It's none of your business, frankly." Kirishima answered, and although he still had a small smile on his face and his tone pleasant, there was a small trace of irritation in his tone. He turned and walked away. The reporter immediately turned to the camera, spinning some crazy story about how the two were fighting or hated children. Bakugo clicked off the T.V. and sat still for a second. Although he was relieved with Kiri's answer, anger pulsed through him as he thought about everyone nosing into their business. His phone lit up, a picture of Kiri popping up.

"Hey." He said answering the phone.

"You were watching?" Kiri asked.


"I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting them to divert the question. I know being vague causes them to spin whatever story they want, but I really didn't want them in our business either."

"It's fine. I don’t know if there would have been an answer that would have satisfied the vultures anyway." Bakugo grumbled.

"Well I'm on my way home. Do you want to stay in today instead of going out, and being bombarded?"

"Ehh. I'll just blast 'em to hell if they stick their nose in our business." Bakugo said, causing Kirishima to chuckle. Although he talks a big game, Bakugo wouldn't give up his number 5 spot by blasting a nosy reporter.

"Alright. See you in a bit."

Bakugo hung up the phone, and finished getting ready for the day. As he dressed, his mind continued trying to untangle the mess that had plagued him for the last few weeks. Ever since Deku had announced his pregnancy, the omega in him, wanted pups and like Denki guessed, was jealous. However, he had his goals, and had never thought about pups, so he pushed it to the side, ignoring what his instincts were screaming. When Denki announced his, the thoughts came back, and again he shoved it to the side, not wanting to think about it, especially not knowing exactly where Kirishima stood on the subject. Even though they had been together for four years, pups wasn’t something that had come up in detail. It was always a vague and abstract concept. Kirishima would say how much he loved kids, and if they ever did have pups of their own, how cute they would be, but never pushed it further. Katsuki knew that meant that Kirishima would like to have pups, but he still didn’t know what he wanted in detail. But when Tamaki’s pregnancy came up the other night, he just couldn’t shake it this time. It also just seemed like when he started to move on from the idea, some cosmic force kept pushing the idea towards him again. Like someone wanted him to suffer through this.

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