Chapter 5

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TRIGGER WARNING - This chapter does discuss abortion, not deeply or for a big part of the chapter, but it is there.
Also, some stats and facts were made up for this specific universe, and does not have any factual weight in the real world. If you have questions, please do research, and talk to medical professionals.

Chapter 5

Bakugo stared at the sticks in his hand. They were just pieces of plastic and yet they held information that would forever alter his life, no matter the decision he made. He heard Kiri and his mom talking but wasn't focused on what was being said. He hadn't known what decision he would make when it came to pups, and now the decision was here. He had to make a decision and although it didn't need to be right now or even tomorrow, there was now a timeline on it. Kirishima reached out and gently grabbed his hand, bringing the distressed omega back to the room.

"I'll leave you guys. Eijiro, when you guys are ready to leave, use the side door. That way you don't have to answer questions from your ma, okay?" She said smiling gently. The red-head nodded, not taking his eyes away from his mate in front of him. The door clicked shut, and silence fell on the room.

"Babe? How are you doing?" Kiri asked, desperately trying to understand where Bakugo's mind was at.

"Can we go home?" The omega asked, no emotion in his voice.

"Of course. Did you want me to drive?" Kiri asked gently, holding out his hand for the keys. Bakugo handed them over and headed for their vehicle. As they drove, the blonde called the Genius Office to let them know he wasn't coming in. As soon as he hung up the phone, he was looking out the window, face emotionless. When they got home, he immediately went to the nest and curled up. Kiri stood by the nest, a total loss at what to do. He'd never seen Bakugo like this. He sunk to the floor and leaned his back against the wall. They sat in silence for what felt like forever, both lost in their own thoughts of what to do.

"Ei?" Bakugo asked, his head lifting a little. Eijiro picked his head up off his knees to look at the omega. Bakugo extended his hand and Kirishima gratefully took the invitation to climb into the nest, finally knowing the best way to help his omega.

"You okay?" The alpha asked. Bakugo shrugged. "I just want to know where your mind is at." He said gently.

"I honestly don't know." Bakugo sighed. His voice a little clipped from the worry and fear in sharing his thoughts. "I'm scared, I think. As soon as I saw the result, the omega in me was so excited. I think I was a little excited, too. But that scares me because I know what my fears are when it comes to pups. We also found this out so early, so many things could happen. We are also so entirely unprepared for this. Denki and Deku, planned for theirs. We didn't start even discussing this until a little while ago. How are we supposed to do this? Should we even do this? I know the options but I don't know which one would be best for us." Bakugo's voice was growing more frustrated with every word. He felt so lost and unsure, which is not something he was used to feeling. As he talked, he felt Kirishima rubbing his back, the one thing he was sure of, helping to keep him grounded.

"Okay. Do you want to talk about it today, or do you want to just process the situation as much as we can today?"

"I don't know. Where are you at with this?" Bakugo asked, hoping his alpha's opinions would help to give him some clarity.

"I honestly was nervous when I saw the results." He felt Bakugo bristle. He quickly finished his thoughts. "Not because I don't think we can do it, but because I know you are unsure of what you want and I didn't want to feel pressured to choose to keep it because I want pups. Sure we are unprepared but even parents who prepare are unprepared. Whatever decision you want to make, I'll support you, but I will also do my best to help you make it. I know you said me being neutral doesn't help so I will try to help you in the decision making. I just don't want you to feel like I'm pulling you in a direction you don't want to go. I think the best route is to do some research to make the decision best for us." Bakugo nodded.

"Tomorrow." He said. Kirishima smiled a little and nodded. The two spent the rest of the day in the nest, reading, watching movies, and just trying to figure out their next move.

The next day, Bakugo dove into research. He started with pregnancy, looking at the week to week development, the complications, and symptoms, a lot of which he had learned through his sex ed classes, and other sources through his life. It didn’t really sway him one way or another. He moved on to abortion. He read about the processes, and his different options in which process to pick. As he read, he learned that in omegas who get an abortion there was a 65% chance that they could have complications in pregnancies later down the road or have a harder time getting pregnant. Although that didn’t necessarily mean that he would have those issues, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to risk that either. He also decided to look up adoption. He struggled with the idea of adoption, because his quirk could be so easily twisted into a villain quirk. If this pup inherited his quirk, they could be in for a rough childhood in the system, and he didn’t want that. He wanted this pup, if he was going to continue with this pregnancy, to grow up in a world that appreciated them, and didn’t use their quirk against them.

He felt lost still. He had more information, but he still was unsure of what to do. He started to pace the bedroom floor. Trying to make sense of all the information in his mind at the moment.

“Kat, I’m home!” Kirishima called, as the front door closed. There was rustling, probably from the groceries that he said he was going to pick up today. Bakugo continued to pace, he was hoping to have a clearer path before Kiri had gotten home. His frustration just kept building. “Babe?” He heard as the door opened, turning in response, he made eye contact with Kirishima, who had a flash of pain flash across his face. Kiri crossed the rooms, gently putting his hands on the blonde’s arms. “What are you thinking?”

“I don’t know. I did some research, in hopes that I would have a more clear path, but I don’t know what to do. Since all of this started, us talking about pups, and now this, I know I’ve been really negative, but as we talked, I could see us maybe being parents, eventually. But this is here now. If I get an abortion, because we decide we aren’t ready, there is a 65% chance for complications and difficulties in future pregnancies. I don’t know if I’m willing to risk that. So that leaves, keeping the pup, or adoption. Keeping the pup, would mean that we are going to be parents, and I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet. Adoption would mean leaving the pup in the hands of fate, and potentially giving it a really hard life. I don’t know if I could handle thinking about that. So that means we are back at keeping it, and back to the reasons why I don’t know if I’m ready for it.”

“Babe.” Kirishima said gently. “It kind of sounds like you made up your mind. It sounds like abortion and adoption, aren’t options you want to consider, so that leaves continuing the pregnancy. I know it’s scary, but -.”

“Try fucking terrifying. I don’t know if I’m ready to be a home to a growing pup for 9 months. And then a parent for the rest of my life. Even after they are 18, they are going to need guidance, I mean look at us, we are 21 and we didn’t even consider we could be fucking pregnant until your mom told us. I know she’s a doctor, but come on. We are technically adults but I am not prepared for this. I don’t know how Deku and Dunce Face made this decision with confidence. They probably fried their brains, or hit their heads one too many times, because they clearly aren’t thinking straight. I should blast their asses to knock some sense into them. WE ARE STILL FUCKING KIDS!” Bakugo said, getting more riled up as he talked.

“Katsuki,” Kirishima started gently. “I know we are young, and it’s a big decision to make, but we are here. Ideally, both of us wanted to wait to make this decision but here we are. And we don’t have to make this decision today, we have a few weeks yet.”

“You know, I won’t be able to move forward if we don’t make a decision.” Bakugo grumbled, trying to compose himself a little.

“Okay, so are we going to continue with the pregnancy then?” Kirishima asked, his tone loving. The blonde stood still, processing the information he had in front of him. He took a deep breath, it was going to be hard and scary, but Kirishima was right. He had made up his mind, he was just scared that accepting that decision was going to make it real. Because it was.


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