Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The two weeks seemed to drag on. Bakugo’s worries seemed to double every night. Although he was taking the supplements, he still wasn't sleeping well. He felt less tired all the time, but his worries really had him tossing and turning. It was the night before the appointment, and Bakugo couldn’t handle laying in bed anymore. He got out of bed, and headed to the living room. After settling on the couch with a shark pillow that Kiri technically got for their pup, he pulled the laptop onto his lap. A blue light surrounded him, as he resumed looking for a new place. He and Kirishima had been looking at places all night, and they had found 4 places to check out, but Bakugo needed something to distract his brain. He scrolled through pages of apartments and houses, trying to find options that would work for their growing family.

“Babe?” Kiri asked, his voice husky from sleep. He stretched and yawned as he walked further into the living room. “Not able to sleep again?” He said,climbing behind Bakugo on the couch, and pulling the omega back against his chest. “Kat, I know you’re worried, but you’ve gotta take care of yourself. You not getting enough sleep isn’t healthy.” He murmured, playing with his mate’s hair.

“I know, I just can’t seem to shut my fucking brain off.” Bakugo said. He continued to keep looking at places. “I just want to make sure that this pup is the healthiest it can be. I can’t handle losing it. I just can’t.”

“I know.” Kiri said, nuzzling his nose into Bakugo’s neck. They sat like that for a minute, before the red-head rested his chin on the blonde’s shoulder, watching him scroll. “Find any good ones?”

“Mm.” Katsuki hummed in response. “There’s this one, it adds 10 minutes to our commutes everyday, but it’s in a good neighborhood, has got a park nearby, 4 bedrooms, which I know is more than we need, but I figured one is our room, one for the pup, a guest room, because I know the hag, and my pops, and your mom’s will want to come visit sometimes, and we could turn the fourth one into an office, gym, or playroom. Plus it’s got a pretty good sized yard, so you can have the barbeques you’ve been wanting to have.” Bakugo felt Kirishima’s grin. “It’s even in our price range.”

“Add it to the list, we can check it out after our appointment tomorrow since it’s near the office.” Bakugo added it to their viewing list they planned on checking out the next day. They continued scrolling, and eventually Kirishima started playing with Bakugo’s hair again. Slowly, Bakugo felt his muscles relax, and his eyelids felt heavy. He leaned back further into the alpha. Kirishima watched as the omega finally drifted off to sleep, it was right around midnight, so as long as he stayed asleep, he would get 8 hours. Kiri closed the computer gently, and set it on the side table. He wrapped his arms around the blonde, gently scooping him off the couch, and carrying him back to bed. Carefully, he tried to set him down, but he started to get restless, and latched onto the red-head’s neck. Kirishima brought him back to his chest, and turned to the nest. He climbed in slowly, lowering the omega into the nest, and snuggling up next to him. He was so relieved that Bakugo was sleeping. He had not been getting enough rest every night, and it really sent his alpha instincts into overdrive. He needed to protect them, but when the thing he’s protecting them from is also what needs protecting, it tends to get stressful. Kiri, seeing that Bakugo was staying asleep, finally drifted off as well.

Bakugo stretched awake, causing Kirishima to wake up as well. The omega had to take a minute to process the change from where he fell asleep. As he reoriented to being in the nest, Kiri snuggled up behind him.

“What time is it?” Kiri mumbled. Bakugo twisted to look at the clock on the wall.

“Oh Shit. It’s 9. We gotta get up.” Bakugo said, untangling himself from the sleepy alpha.

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