Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Kirishima pulled Bakugo closer, nuzzling into his neck. Bakugo grinned. Although he wouldn't ever say it, this is his favorite way to wake up. Kirishima hummed and ran his hand down the blonde's arm, grabbing his hand.

"Good morning." The red head said, voice still husky from sleep.

"Morning." Bakugo said, inhaling the alphas scent deeply. After being with him for so long, he has learned that his favorite scent is just after Kiri starts to wake up. It's still a pine and woodsy smell with a hint of orange, but there is also a small undertone of freshly fallen rain. Bakugo never understood why that smell was always present in his scent when he woke up, but it always made him feel more relaxed.

As they laid there, Bakugo reflected on their conversation last night. It had been about a week since the conversation in the car and since then they had talked a few times about it. Last night though was a turning point. They had been having dinner, and Kirishima turned to Bakugo and asked a question.

"Why do you want to have pups? We don't have to talk about it if you're not comfortable yet, but we've talked about the reasons why you don't want them. Why do you want them?" Bakugo stopped and took a second to respond.

"Honestly, you have a lot to do with it. I agree that our pups would be fucking adorable. I would love to have a little Eijiro running around. I also know how great of a dad you would be, and want to give you that opportunity. I also wouldn't mind teaching them how to use their quirks and appreciating the quirks in a healthy way, instead of the way that so many of us had to go through growing up." Bakugo shrugged his shoulders, trying to feign nonchalance. Kirishima smiled.

"Okay. I'm glad there are some positives. You wanting to spend time with them already is a good thing. And wanting to be a better role model, teacher, and parent than we had when we were young, is a great motivation. That and wanting to do this for me counteract one of your negatives. You are nurturing."

"Tch. Well if I'm sharing my positives, what are your negatives, Shitty Hair?" Bakugo asked, feeling a little too vulnerable.

"Okay, well, my biggest negative is not having you on board. Having pups isn't even on the table if you decide you don't want to. I'm not going to make you do something you don't want to do. I guess my other negatives are just more concerns we would have to learn as we go. We have goals for our life, and we haven't factored pups in yet. We are only 21 so it's not like we really considered it anyway. And just that I really don't know how to be a dad. But I guess I view that more as a positive anyway, because it would be something we got to learn together. Another adventure in our life." Bakugo sat still for a minute. Kiri made it sound so simple. Everytime they talked about this, he was so patient and sure of things. "Listen, we can take this at whatever pace you want. Ultimately you have the last word. It's your body, so I'm not going to make you do anything you're not comfortable with."

"There's always adoption."

"If that's the route we wanted to take, then yes of course that's an option. But I'm not going to go around you to have pups. I couldn't and wouldn't be a parent without you on board and becoming one with me, willingly. You get to make that decision."

"Its not just my decision though!" Bakugo said, his fear bubbling to the surface and coming across in a harsh voice. "You want pups, and me not wanting them or at least not knowing where I stand on it, is a big difference in opinions. I don’t want to be the one that stands in your way of being a dad. You would be a fucking amazing dad. Honestly, I feel like you should be more upset with me. I'm indecisive and stubborn as hell. You should want me to make up my fucking mind, and should fight more for your side. You're just so neutral and I don't know if that's helping me or just making the decision that much harder."

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