Chapter 19

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A/N - I am so sorry that this chapter took so long. I got super blocked, and then decided that that was the perfect time to start two other fanfics.... Anyway, only one chapter left after this! Hope you enjoy. But fear not, there will be more stories coming from this universe, for Kiribaku, and for Shinkami, so look forward to those! Without further ado, please enjoy!

NOTE: The medical side of this, as always is not 100% accurate and changed for story purposes. Also Bakugo is OoC due to hormones from labor.

The ride to the hospital was the most chaotic ride Katsuki had ever been on. Between his mother's overbearing questions, and Kiri hovering and coaching him through the three contractions he had on the ride over, it made the 19 minute drive feel like 3 hours. As they finally got settled in a room, Mitsuki hovered near the door, not entirely sure if she was welcome. Eijiro was far too focused on his mate's comfort to take notice of the tension between the two of them. Just as Mitsuki made the decision to wait elsewhere, the doctor came in, halting her progress out the door. The doctor seemed to not notice Mitsuki, allowing her to fade into the background.

"How are you doing?" She asked, smiling. Katsuki liked his doctor but at the moment her smile did nothing to help, and actually made his frustration build. He was about to make a snide remark, but always his savior, Eijiro, jumped in.

"Ready to have our pup. Right, babe?" He asked, turning his excited, but anxious eyes to meet the omega's. Katsuki knew that if he opened his mouth to respond right now that his snide sarcastic mouth would take control, so he just nodded curtly.

"Alrighty, let's check how far along you are." She said, starting to get everything situated. After checking how dilated he was, she calmly looked at the two of them. "I'm gonna do a quick ultrasound." Although her voice was level and calm, Katsuki felt panic rise in his chest. He thought he was prepared to give birth, but right now laying here, and waiting to hear how far along he was into labor, his worries and fears built in his mind. Eijrio reached for his hand and squeezed reassuringly just as a contraction hit, marking the 4th contraction in the roughly 15 minutes the doctor had been in the room. "Hmm, that's what I thought." The doctor said, her voice far more serious than Katsuki was comfortable with.

"What?" Katsuki asked through clenched teeth, as his contraction slowed. His panic building, causing small sparks to ignite on his palms. Eijiro, anticipating the reaction, had already activated his quirk.

"Katsune has rotated out of position. Last week she was in the right position, but sometime between then and when your labor started, she rotated just enough that she's not in a deliverable position. I truly think that an emergency c-section is going to be the best option here." She said. Katsuki felt his heart sink. His eyes started scanning the room, not sure what he was looking for, until his eyes met his mother's. They didn't say a word, but his mom understood what he needed, and moved to his side, grasping her son's hand.

"It'll be alright. They do these procedures all the time. And Eijiro should be allowed in there with you, right?" Mitsuki said, the calmest Bakugo had ever seen her. She directed the question towards the doctor. The look caused the doctor to shift slightly, clearly uncomfortable under the scrutiny of Mitsuki's gaze, and the fact that she hadn't noticed the woman's presence previously.

"Actually, because of Bakugo's quirk, we will have to put him under general anesthesia, and hospital policy is that no one is allowed in the room other than the doctors during that, except in extreme cases."

All three of them reacted at once, causing the doctor to take a step backwards. Eijiro let a growl escape, in reaction to Katsuki's panic growing. Katsuki and Mitsuki started spouting off obscenities, Mitsuki falling into mama bear mode as Katsuki got hit with another contraction. The doctor lifted her hands slightly in surrender.

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