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san collapsed on to the ground as soon as the door opened, his knees finally giving up on him. he let the tears escape his eyes and trail down his cheeks as he made no attempt to stop them.

"oh san, what happened?" san felt an arm snake around his waist and he was lifted into the air. he automatically wrapped his legs around the person's waist as he cried into their chest.

"joong, make some tea please." seonghwa closed the door behind them before heading towards the couch, cradling the crying boys in his arms. hongjoong nodded and ran towards the kitchen after giving the two boys a sad smile.

"san love, do you want to tell me what happened?" seonghwa spoke in a soft tone as he feared the boy would fall apart in front of him. san sniffled and clung to seonghwa's hoodie.

"i fucked up hwa, i fucked up badly."

seonghwa sighed and moved san's hair out of his face. "does this have something to do with wooyoung?"

san hesitated before shaking his head. "not really."

"is it jeno? or his boyfriends?" another tear slid down san's cheek as he nodded, staring at nothing particular.

"oh baby, what happened?" seonghwa rocked san on his lap, waiting for him to continue.

"i said some things to jaemin and it escalated but jeno stepped in instead of jaemin. what's wrong with me, hwa?" san's voice cracked as well as seonghwa's heart as he mumbled the last part.

"it'll be okay, sannie. did anything else happen after?"

"i told wooyoung to quit acting like my mother." seonghwa sighed and turned san to face him after hearing those words.

"san, you need to talk to wooyoung. i know it's hard but he has no idea why you act like you hate him and you know your father's death wasn't his fault."

san sighed and nodded but remained quiet. hongjoong came back with three cups of tea in his hand. he set them down on the coffee table and sat next to the pair with a smile, resting his hand on san's knee.

"you okay, sannie?" san looked at the older with wet eyes but smiled and nodded.

"hwa, can you ask wooyoung to come over?"

seonghwa and hongjoong looked at each other with a shocked look but smiles soon replaced it.

"of course, sannie."

a/n: hi i know this is a bad chapter and i'm sorry for not updating in a while <3 i'll update soon with a better chapter i promise

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