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"san? wake up, sweets."

san groaned and pulled the warm blanket over his head, drowning out all noise and light. seonghwa shook his head at the younger boy and sat on the bed, resting his hand on san's covered shoulder.

"san, we have school." san sighed and hesitantly sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"i washed your uniform and left it in the bathroom, take a shower and then come and eat something, okay?" san nodded and thanked his friend. seonghwa smiled, ruffling san's hair before leaving the room.

san checked his phone that was charging on the bedside table and rolled his eyes when he saw messages from his mother. he ignored them, turning off his phone before heading to the bathroom to get ready.

"what's your first class, san?" seonghwa asked the younger boy as the three boys walked to school. san pulled up his timetable on his phone and groaned while reading it.

"pe, who the fuck makes sleep deprived kids do pe this early in the morning." san complained as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. hongjoong laughed, slinging a shoulder around both boys' shoulders.

"sucks to be you. do you know anyone in that class?"

san shrugged, biting his lip. "i don't know, i didn't check."

the other two nodded and they continued their conversation until they were met with mingi in front of the school gates. the four made their way inside to their lockers, all of them laughing at san who was glaring at his pe uniform in his locker.

"i'm already done with today." san huffed, throwing his school bag into his locker and instead taking out his pe bag. the bell rang to signal there were only a few minutes before their first class. san's friends gave him a sympathetic smile before heading to their own classes while san made his way to the changing rooms.

he didn't make eye contact with anybody as he entered and focused on changing as quickly as possible. it was a cold, dull morning and he just wanted to get this class over and done with. he was one of the first people to finish and wasted no time in leaving the room, making his way out to the football pitch right next to the changing rooms.

"morning san, ready to get some exercise?" the teacher, mr. bang, asked him and san responded with a scowl. he looked up as more people made their way over and scoffed as he recognized some people.

"you've got to be kidding me." san mumbled as one specific male walked by him. the boy turned around, raising an eyebrow at him.

"is there a problem, lee?" san glared at the blonde boy who rolled his eyes.

"enough with the chat, jeno and san. okay class, today we'll be playing a fun game of rounders. everyone to the left of soojin, you're on the striking team and the rest of you are on the fielding team for this round. hurry up and get into a position."

san, being on the striking team, followed the others to create a line behind soojin. he rolled his eyes as he ended up behind jeno.

the team watched as soojin prepared to hit the ball. another girl, yuna, counted down before throwing the ball to soojin. soojin swung the bat and took off running once she hit the ball, sending it flying over the crowd of people on the field. san watched in amusement as everyone on the field were in complete chaos trying to get the ball. soojin successfully made it to the first base.

the fielding team groaned and threw the ball back to yuna. the game continued with the fielding team only getting one person out so far, until it was finally san's turn.

yuna, once again, counted down before throwing the ball towards him. he made sure to aim correctly before swinging the bat with full force. he didn't even stop to watch where the ball landed as he immediately started to sprint towards the first base. he was about to make it until he felt the ball hit his shoulder, meaning he was out. he groaned in frustration and looked to see who had gotten him out, only to see wooyoung standing in front of him. san scoffed and shook his head, walking back to his team who patted his shoulder with pity.

a/n: i have such a good idea for a book but idk whether to make it  changlix or minsung

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