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only a few minutes later a knock was heard on the door and seonghwa hurriedly ran to get it, letting a frantic looking wooyoung inside the home. wooyoung darted his eyes over to san and his heart broke at what he saw. the older was huddled in a blanket, taking small sips from his tea with shaky hands. wooyoung cautiously made his way over and sat next to the fragile boy while seonghwa gestured for hongjoong to leave the pair alone.

"san, are you okay?"

hearing those words only made san burst into tears uncontrollably. wooyoung's eyes widened and he reached over to take cup out of the boy's hands, scared that he'd spill the hot drink all over himself. san buried himself into the blanket more and leaned over so he was resting against wooyoung's chest. wooyoung was surprised but comforted the boy anyways.

"why did seonghwa ask me to come here, love?" wooyoung asked with a soft tone, worried that he'd upset the boy even more.

after a couple of minutes of silence, san finally sat back up and faced the boy next to him with puffy eyes.

"i don't hate you, wooyoung."

the sentence surprised wooyoung, not because he thought san hated him, but because it was unexpected. "i don't hate you either, san."

san chuckled and shook his head. "no, i'm talking about the way i've acted like i've hated you for so long. you probably wonder why and i asked seonghwa to call you over because you deserve answers."

wooyoung only nodded his head in response, gesturing for san to continue.

"i don't hate you now, but i did. i thought you knew what happened but after spending time with you i realized you're completely innocent, so i'm sorry for assuming. the day we stopped being friends was the day my life went completely downhill." 

"mom, i left shiber at wooyoung's house!"

soyoung spun around at the sound of her son's panicked voice as he ran into the kitchen. she put down the food she was preparing and bent down to match her son's height with a smile.

"relax, kiddo. i'll send your dad to go get shiber, okay?" san's face instantly lit up and he engulfed his mom in a tight hug.

"thank you mom, can i go watch cartoons?" soyoung laughed and ruffled the young boy's hair.

"of course, sannie." soyoung watched her son run off in the direction of the living room with a chuckle before picking up her phone to call her husband.

"hi honey, are you on your way home?" she placed her phone in between her ear and shoulder so she could speak and continue to prepare their food.

"yeah i just left, do you need anything?"

"can you pick up san's toy from wooyoung's house? he's about to lose his mind over it." soyoung smiled as she heard a laugh from the other end of the phone.

"no problem, i'll be home soon."

jungho, soyoung's husband, ended the call and placed his phone back into the phone stand in his car before continuing to drive in the direction of his son's best friend's house. he parked just outside their home and fixed his suit before getting out of the car. he knocked on the door and after a few moments it flung open.

"haru hey, san said he left his toy here." 

"ah yes he did, come in! i'll go get him now." haru opened the door wider with a smile, letting the male step inside. he looked around, admiring the artwork and decorations. haru gestured for him to follow her into the kitchen.

"can i get you anything? tea or coffee?" haru turned to the man who shook his head.

"that's okay, thank you. i should be getting home soon."

haru nodded and walked into her living room, reappearing soon after with the plush in her hand. she handed it to the man who thanked her.

"so, wooyoung isn't home?"  jungho looked around, seeing no sign of any kids.

"no not right now, him and jae are out with my sister." haru said as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

"and no husband?" jungho raised his eyebrows with a questioning tone, taking a step towards the woman. haru furrowed her eyebrows slightly and cleared her throat.

"um that's right." 

"you know haru, i had a thing for you before i met your friend." haru's eyes widened and she gulped.

"and i know you had a thing for me too."

"jungho, i think-" haru was cut off by a pair of lips on hers. her eyes widened even more and she didn't hesitate in pushing the man off of her. he stepped back with furrowed brows and stared at the woman.

"jungho you have a wife and if you think i'm going to hide this from her, you thought wrong." haru's voice had changed from her usual sweet, honey-like tone to a cold one and jungho could see she was serious.


"get out of my house, you piece of shit."

jungho scoffed and stormed out of the house. he got into his car and slammed the door after him, flinging the plush into the passenger seat before hitting the steering wheel repeatedly. he started the car and began to drive home, thoughts of what just happened clouding his mind. he failed to see the red light and failed to see how he ran the red light until multiple cards were coming in his direction. his eyes widened and the last thing he saw was flames before he blacked out.

"his funeral was a couple of days later and i couldn't decide if i was crying because he was gone or because i realized he was gone for years, just not physically." san turned towards wooyoung with teary eyes and a sad smile.

"san, i'm so sorry." wooyoung engulfed the older in a hug, letting the boy cry on his shoulder. he didn't care if his shirt was now being soaked with tears, he just wanted to be there for the boy.

"my mom changed after that day. she started drinking and doing drugs to deal with everything, she refused to believe he'd do that to her. she blames me because he went there because of me."

"san, it's not your fault, okay? i promise." wooyoung pulled back to hold san's face in his hands, wiping the tears from his cheeks.

"can we be friends? but genuinely this time?" wooyoung's heart burst at those words and he felt the happiest he had been in a long time.

"of course, san."

a/n: hi

stan day6

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