twenty four

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"i don't want to leave." 

san and wooyoung stood on the platform where san's train was due to arrive. today was the day san would have to leave to go to rehab for a year, and although wooyoung was allowed monthly supervised visits, it wouldn't be the same.

"just think about how relieved you'll feel when you come back." wooyoung placed a small kiss on the older's nose, making san give him a small smile.

san's smile turned to a frown as he could hear the train coming closer and he wished it would never arrive. he looked at the ground with a sigh before pulling his boyfriend in for a tight hug, startling wooyoung as san wasn't the one who usually initiated physical affection.

"you'll be okay, i promise." wooyoung whispered soothing and encouraging words into the taller's ear, ignoring the stares they were getting from the people around them. the train soon arrived and san let everyone get on before him, not caring if he didn't get a seat as long as he got to properly say goodbye to his boyfriend.

wooyoung smiled and pulled san in for a long kiss. they had already kissed a few times and yet every time it was still just as exciting. they finally pulled away when they noticed the last few people were hopping on the train and san pecked his boyfriend's lips one last time before grabbing his bags and walking on to the train. he turned back around while the doors were still open to see his boyfriend waving with a bright smile.

"i love you." san yelled right before the train doors shut, catching a glimpse at the shocked look on his boyfriend's face. he sat down against the wall of the train with a sigh and shut his eyes.

"is that your boyfriend?" his eyes opened and he looked at the stranger sitting next to him. he searched the girl's eyes for any sign of disgust but found none.

"ah sorry, that was a weird question." the girl shook her head, her silverish hair covering some of her face.

"no it's okay, yeah he's my boyfriend." san said with a smile and the girl looked back at him, returning the smile.

"he's a good one. i know how hard it is to leave them, my girlfriend lives here. i visit her every now and then when i can but it's so hard to leave every time. she works in the cutest plush store though, i love it here." yoohyeon laughed fondly as she talked about her girlfriend, making san's smile grow. the mention of a plush store reminded him of the norenmin couple.

"his name is wooyoung. i'm actually on the way to rehab and i would've never gotten to this point if it weren't for him. he helped me through a lot, he changed me to be a better person." yoohyeon cooed at san's words and nodded in understanding.

"i understand, gahyeon did the same for me. i had a rough childhood and pushed everyone away but it's hard to stay away from gahyeon." 

the two continued to get to know each other and even exchanged numbers before they reached yoohyeon's stop. she gave the boy a quick hug before grabbing her bags and leaving the train with a wave. san smiled and waved back, proud of himself for making a new friend, something he hadn't done in years.


wooyoung's face lit up at the sight of san, who admittedly looked a lot better. although he was happier than he was at the beginning of the year before he left, he definitely looked a lot more relaxed now. 

"hey sunshine." san chuckled as wooyoung engulfed him in a warm hug, making san want to keep him in his arms forever. this was wooyoung's sixth visit to san meaning san was halfway through his rehab experience, and wooyoung had made sure to visit him every single month.

"you're almost there sannie, just sixth months left until you're free." wooyoung smiled as he nuzzled his head into the crook of san's neck. san pulled away with a sigh and placed his hands on wooyoung's shoulders.

"that's wrong, actually." wooyoung's eyebrows furrowed and he tilted his head.

"what do you mean?"

san's frown turned to a smile and he started jumping up on and down. "they said i've been making progress quicker than they expected so there's a high chance i'll get out earlier, maybe in two months instead."

wooyoung's jaw dropped and he wrapped his arms around san again. both boys giggled happily and talked for the remainder of their time before wooyoung had to leave again. they made sure to have another long, warm hug before the younger left with a pout, leaving san alone again. he returned to his room with a sigh and began counting down the days until his boyfriend would visit again, just like he did every month.

"you did it." wooyoung threw himself at san as soon as he left the ugly, white building that had been his home for the past eight months. san chuckled and intertwined his hand with wooyoung's, guiding them to the train station so they could finally go home. they spent their time talking about san's experience, which was okay for the most part, and the one day he got to go out which they had spent travelling to norenmin's house that they now shared with their friends to visit them.

it had been a long eight months but both agreed that it was all worth it now that they could be together with no problems. wooyoung offered to go back to san's previous home in case he had anything valuable but san immediately shook his head, not wanting to be anywhere near his mother. haru had already agreed to take san in to live with them, which excited both wooyoung and jae as both brothers loved him.

the pair arrived home and were almost knocked over as jae and xun tackled them in a hug. xun had gotten closer to both wooyoung and san once they became friends and now the couple were like his older brothers. him and xun had finally admitted they had crushes on each other and now they were practically inseparable.

haru appeared at the kitchen door with her arms open and san looked at his boyfriend with a shy smile. wooyoung rolled his eyes and pushed his boyfriend towards his mom, giggling as she pulled him in for a tight hug. 

san liked this, he finally felt comfortable and at peace with both himself and his life. he finally had a loving family to care for him and a boyfriend who would never leave him.

i think it's safe to say, for the first time in years,

san was happy.




a/n: thank you so much for reading desire!

i skipped the whole rehab part because i thought it would be pretty boring to read and it would just drag the story on :p

i hope you enjoyed this story, it was so fun to write! i am still writing the sequel to my other story "plushies" which is actually what this story came from! i did mention this at the start but this story is woosan's pov from plushies as they were originally in that, which was obviously norenmin's pov :)

i'm also about to start working on a new nomin story! it's inspired by day's song "1 to 10" so if you like day6 and nct then maybe you'll enjoy that :D

anyways, thank you so much for reading this! if you have any questions or anything don't be afraid to drop them, i love questions and feedback ^-^

thank you again <3

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