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san woke up once again but this time the sky was a light blue instead of black. he could already hear the banging of cupboards and kitchen utensils downstairs. with a sigh, he swung his legs out of his bed and sat on the edge with his head in his hands. he waited for a few more minutes until he heard the click of the front door and then he made his way into the bathroom.

once he did his morning routine, which didn't consist of a lot, he threw on a grey hoodie and a pair of black ripped jeans. making sure to grab his phone and bag, the boy then left his not so comforting home.

"wow, you actually came to school." san rolled his eyes as his friend crept up behind him.

"fuck off, mingi." mingi only laughed, he was used to the grumpy boy's attitude by now.

"it's not everyday choi san turns up to school, especially on the first day." mingi chuckled, taking a seat on a bench in front of the school entrance. san took a seat beside him, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"it's not everyday song mingi decides to not be an annoying prick, maybe you should work on-" san stopped halfway through his sentence as a shadow hovered over the two. both turned their heads to look at the figure in front of them.

san scowled as he recognized the face. "what do you want?"

wooyoung smiled shyly, looking at mingi. "mingi's in my first class and i don't know which classroom it's in."

mingi hummed in response as he opened his bag to pull out his timetable. "we're in class A8, do you need me to walk with you?"

wooyoung shook his head. "no i think i'm good, thanks mingi. see you later, guys." wooyoung smiled at the boys before running off into the building. san scoffed as he watched the blonde.

"why are you such an ass to him?" mingi shook his head with a grin on his face.

"you know exactly why, song." san turned his attention back to his friend.

"is that a valid reason to hate wooyoung though?"

"i'm done talking about this." san huffed and stood up, grabbing his bag before walking away from his friend.

"one day you're going to have to stop being so stubborn." mingi yelled after his friend, laughing to himself as he grabbed his bag and made his way to his first class.

the black haired boy entered his class and looked around for anyone he knew. he let a small smile appear on his face as he spotted one of his few friends and made his way over to him. "hey hwa, you dyed your hair blonde?" seonghwa looked up from his phone, smiling at the younger.

"morning san, yes i did." seonghwa shuffled in his seat so that san could squeeze past and take a seat next to him. san plonked down in his seat and sighed, resting his head against the table.

"did something happen?" seonghwa asked, looking at the boy with concern in his eyes. san shook his head and closed his eyes.

"mingi was just being an idiot."

"or were you being stubborn?" seonghwa smiled as san rolled his eyes, although he could never be mad at his friend.

"how's everything at home?" san felt himself tense at the question and seonghwa frowned as he noticed. he placed his hand on the younger's back, lowering his voice. "hey don't panic, you're okay."

san nodded, sitting up. "it's fine, not any better but not any worse." 

seonghwa nodded, moving his hand to move the hair out of san's eyes. "you know you're welcome to stay with me any time."

san smiled, looking at the blonde. "i know, thanks hwa."

seonghwa smiled and both boys stopped their conversation as the teacher walked in and started their first lesson of the year.

a/n: i want a friend like seonghwa

anyways hi i'm alive i've been sick for the past few days

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