Is It?

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An endless river flows silently down my cheeks. 

I feel as though I cannot breathe.

I dig my nails into my thighs, and I wonder 

Which aspect of me makes you seethe.

Is it the way I try so hard to impress you 

With only harsh words for reward?

Is it the way that I make a fool of myself, 

Being so clumsy, meek, and flawed?

Is it the way I allow my mind to wander

As I dream of a better life?

Is it the way that I conceal my emotions

Like one might dare to hide a knife?

Is it the way that I stu-stutter when speaking

While you fail to supress a smile?

Is it the way I vie to get you to love me

When we both know it is futile?

Is it the way that I quietly hum and sing

To myself to relieve my stress?

Is the way that I keep failing to mask the

Fact that inside, I am a mess?

Is it the way that my eyes glisten forlornly

When I am made afraid and numb?

Is it the way I shy away from the future,

Unsure of what I will become?

Is it the way I run my fingers through my hair

When I feel scared and insecure?

Is it the way that I always hesitate as

I am reluctant and unsure?

Is it the way that I am uneducated

In the tricky realm that is grace?

Is it the way I get so worried about small 

Problems that I begin to pace? 

Is it the way that I am always so careful,

Knowing I break all that I touch?

Is it the way that all of my hard effort

Simply never accounts to much?

Is it the way I take pride in my work and spend

All my time making it perfect?

Is it the way I obsess over the details,

Changing them until they are wrecked?

Is it the way that I flinch when you shout at me

And I cower backwards with dread?

Is it the way I could manifest an ocean

With all the tears that I have shed?

Is it the way that I am far too innocent

So you think that I am a bore?

Is it the way my voice is used selectively,

Making me easy to ignore?

Is it the way I quickly become embarrassed

And turn the colour of a rose?

It is the way that you believe it is uncool

How my ardour for learning shows?

Is it the way my that demonic temper means

I always have a war to fight?

Is it the way that I use my voice as a sword

To defend what I think is right?

Is it the way your words fragment me making it

Far too easy to make me cry?

Or is it because I see through your leather skin

Enough to doubt you when you lie?

I wish you would tell me why it is you hate me

But you will never let me know;

My obsessing and tearing apart over what

I do wrong amuses you so.

You will keep me guessing and hurting and breaking

Until my skin turns cold and blue

Because my peripeteia- my slow, painful

Destruction- is a game to you.

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