Part 13

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Shuichi POV
I already know exactly how this trial took place so why would I stay I guess I could go meet up with Miu eh I don't know maybe I'll go sleep.
Why would he say that he already knows who did it that just means when I tell everyone I killed Kaito they'll believe it! Well then that makes this easier for when I tell everyone haha!
Time skip to trial still Miu
Shuichis just standing there without a care in the world but little does he know I'm gonna sell him out!
"Alright so Shuichi who did it?" Maki asks very scary like she must be upset that her boyfriend died lol
"Sorry maki roll but I won't tell you." Shuichi says while smiling
"Don't call me that!" Maki pretty much screams
"I think I will and it won't be any fun if I tell you guys right of the bat start with the evidence ok." Shuichi says
"Well here it says the fatal wound was a stab but there was also signs of poisoning." Himiko explains
"Hehe I just happened to find a knife in a random bin and a small bottle of poison in a trash can and guess where... the kitchen!" Kokichi yells
Shit everyone turned to me that's ok beca-
"Did you do this Miu?!" Maki asks me
"What no way I would never but I happen to know who did! Haha" I laugh
"Alright then who?" Maki asks
Shuichi POV
To be honest I don't want this trial to take to long so I'll just help them out a bit
"There was only two people in the kitchen and yeah Miu was one of them but maki was to." I say
Everyone knows maki would never kill Kaito but now their suspicious of her.
"What are you saying Shuichi I would never kill Kaito!" Maki yells
"Yeah that's true maki and Kaito were very close!" Tsumugi says
"I also have no access to poison maybe knifes but I washed the dishes after dinner when Kaito was killed." Maki calmly says
"Nyeh so you did do it Miu!" Himiko exclaims
"How could you Miu?!" Kiibo yells
The terror on miu's face is so what's the word despair-ful she looks to me for help and I will help her but not on the way she thinks.
"Ok that's great we found the person who poisoned him but then who stabbed him?" I say and Miu calls down
"Yeah I might have drugged the guy but I didn't kill him!" Miu yells
"I wouldn't be so sure I found an empty bottle on lethal poison in shuichi's lab hehe." Kokichi smartly says \(//∇//)\
"But I used muscle relaxer to weaken him!" Miu admits lol
"So you did drug him but sadly your partner tricked you and gave you lethal poison sorry." Kokichi says saying the last part sarcastically
"No he wouldn't!" Miu yells
This trial is dragging on it's annoying
"Yeah sorry Miu I tricked you I have you lethal poison that kills someone in two hours I only stabbed Kaito after to confuse you hit he was dead by that time." I say and the attention turns to me
"So Miu did kill Kaito!" Maki yells
"No you promised me that! I would... that I wouldn't kill anyone." Miu gives up wow she's weak mentally of course
"Well that was easy Monokuma start the vote!" I say
"So it was Miu nyeh i can't believe it." Himiko votes  then followed by maki, Kiibo,Tsumugi,Kokichi, and me.
"Alright did you make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one?" Monokuma checks the votes
"You guys were right Kaito Momotas killer was Miu Iruma!" Monokuma yells
"Wha no i was tricked it wasn't my fault I'm supposed to be the best..." Miu talks for the last time then gets dragged away.
Punishment time! This one is bad
Miu gets strapped to a table and around her are giant tools around her that the Monokubs are controlling first a saw comes down and cuts of her arm Miu screams in pain then a "replacement arm" comes in and gets sewed into place then her other arm comes of and a new one comes then her left leg and her right one and after all that Miu gets stood up and I'm front of her is her old arms and legs she starts walking towards them and right before she reaches them a giant saw comes in behind her and slices her head off and she gets sat back on the table to get a new one the end result wing a doll of her.
Punishment over! Shuichi POV
Wow that was brutal I almost feel bad but now all I need is for someone to kill one person and I feel like I already know who will kill next I mean her "boyfriend" just died. Then I'll be able to carry out my plan and save him
Kokichi POV
Damn everyone here is dropping like flies I bet I know is gonna kill next though I'll admit I am surviving longer then I thought she might kill Shuichi though ahh I want his pregame gone I want my shumai back I guess there's nothing I can do about it let's just hope my luck lasts.

Words 891
That punishment tho poor Miu i wrote this in my science zoom call and it's so boring we're learning about I actually don't know anyways how was the chapter? Ok bye also it came to my attention kirumi was alive I'm the old chapter she's dead so just switch her with Miu I fixed it now but just to let you know

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