Part 19

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Kokichi POV
God Monokuma and his morning announcements are so annoying... whatever I should probably go to the cafeteria so we can continue discussing a plan I get to the cafeteria and Kiibo and Tsumugi are already sitting down.
"Can all students come to the gymnasium for a special announcement!" Monokuma says on the speakers
"I wonder what that's all about?" Kiibo asks to no one in particular
We all head over to the gym and I notice Shuichi isn't there. After a few moments Monokuma pops up
"Now I bet you guys are wondering what's going on but I just wanted to show you all something so let's take a field trip to the dorms!" Monokuma yells and we all follow him to the dorms. Once we get to the dorms Monokuma stands right in front of Shuichi's door with a key in his hand he unlocks the door.
"Now before you all head in... I just wanna say congrats and you did soooo well!" Monokuma exclaims. Confused we all head into Shuichi's room but as soon as you walk in... we see it we see what Monokuma meant by congrats...
"W-what the..." Kiibo says
Tsumugi is silent and I am to... Shuichi he killed himself... why there's still three of us not two why would he-
"Well isn't this amazing!" I hear someone yell
I turn around and see Tsumugi smiling
"What's going on!" Kiibo asks
"Well isn't it obvious I'm the mastermind! Oh but I'll explain everything later!" Tsumugi smiles and she turn into a girl with large pigtails
"So just hold on tight and soon all your questions will be answered!" Tsumugi poses in a way you should not pose in front of a dead body. I watch as Kiibo starts yelling but I don't hear anything eventually something catches my eye... I see a envelope on Shuichi's bed I walk over to it and grab it and with Kiibo and Tsumugi still yelling in the back ground I read the note.
Shuichi POV flashback
I grab my pen and start writing "dear Kokichi, I have no way of knowing how you will feel when you find this note it could be sadness, anger, or even happiness.... This killing game it was the only thing keeping me happy somehow watching people murder each other kept me happy and maybe that's why I applied so then I would feel ultimate happiness but I don't know anymore maybe I was just a crazy fan boy. I had forced you to apply for Danganronpa I guess after I saw how much this killing actually hurt you and me I realized why you hated it so much and when I came and talked about how amazing it was... I can imagine you didn't like that. Anyways your probably wondering how I came up with the plan to kill myself well it's easy actually when I had found out only two people could survive I had thought this would be the only way for you to forgive me it's quite silly but I mean it when I say I bet if my ingame self could see you I bet he would be proud.
P.S i left a little gift for you on the desk."
Flashback end Kokichi POV
I look over at the desk I see Shuichi's hat I walk over to it and grab it I notice everyone left...
I go back to my room and place the hat and the note on my bed and I go to find Tsumugi we need answers now. I eventually find kiibo by the court room and me and Kiibo take the elevator down and find Tsumugi.
"Alright let's get this over with what's the outside world like?!" Kiibo immediately asks
"Woah! Well aren't we excited... we'll the outside world is fine and in fact there watching you guys right now!" As Tsumugi says that the monitors all turn on to people's faces.
"All these people enjoy your suffering..." Tsumugi turns into the girl with pigtails but sad
"What do you mean I highly doubt we liked this killing game even when we were in the outside world!" I say
"Well in Danganronpa which need i remind you is where you are now team Danganronpa altered your personality's and memories to make you... killing game worthy." Some boy says(makoto)
"N-no so your saying we wanted this?!" Kiibo yells
"Yeah you did! Everyone who was in the game auditioned for it!" Some other boy with white hair says(nagito)
and the screen turns on to Shuichi?
"Number 154... My name is ○×△□."
"I've... loved Danganronpa for a long time... I always wanted to be in one..."
"And, um... If I was to be selected... I would like to be an 'Ultimate Detective'... "
"There were a few 'Ultimate Detective' characters in the past, and I really liked them all... "
"So I came to want to be one of them."
(I'm not gonna write the whole thing sorry)
What the hell is this... his audition tape no I refuse to believe... no I saw it all Shuichi was excited to be in here... was I?
"Well to be honest it doesn't matter to think about it now you guys won! Celebrate!" Some girl says(aoi)
"Anyways that's pretty much it you guys won congrats now you get to leave." A long haired boy says(izuru)
"Is that really it?..." Kiibo asks
"A-afraid so..." a girl says(Mikan)
"What's gonna happen when we get to the outside world?" I ask
"well I assume your just live your life like you did before." A boy with glasses says(byakuya)
After a brief moment of silence we hear something above us and we all go outside... and we see a door just there.
"That door leads to the outside world I'm sure your excited." Pigtail girl says(Junko)
Me and Kiibo approach the door and he turns the handle I look back at Tsumugi waving with Monokuma and the school then I black out.
Flash back
???: wow your so reckless if you died in your pregame personality you would've died for real!
???: w-what
???: oh of course you don't remember well let's just say there's a lot waiting for you in the outside world


Words 1233

Special announcement! There will be another book! Continuing from when Kokichi blacked out! I'm so excited for it and I hope you guys keep supporting me for that book! Writing this was so fun and thank you all so much! and here's a little snippet of the next book!

I woke up in a hospital bed and immediately people surrounded me
"He has woken up!"
Who has
"Come check his vitals!"
The noise is loud
"Kokichi Oma?"
That's me
-POV Kokichi-
"Um.." I barely get out
"He's talking." The nurse says
"Where am I?" I ask very quietly
"You at the hospital you just got out of Danganronpa." The nurse answers
"Then Kiibo is here to?" I ask
"Yes although he's not a robot anymore since that can't happen." The nurse says
"And everyone else?" Why did I ask that
"They all died in Danganronpa I'm not sure what answer you were expecting." The nurse coldly says
Of course I watched them all die even Shuichi...

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