Part 7

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Pregame Shuichi POV
I woke up today and I was so ready to go see Kokichi but then I remembered "oh right he's not MY Kokichi"
Ugh I hate not having my kokichi I'm stuck with this liar!
"Well whatever there's no time to complain I shouldn't be after all I'm in danganronpa and ingame me is just so interesting!" I said to myself
I ran into the bathroom to get ready ingame me wrote mascara and eyeliner it was retry weird like what is he gay? Wait I'm gay that came out wrong but he just seems so weird maybe he's ✨qUiRkY✨ ugh whatever I don't want to be stuffed up in this room anymore I walk out of my dorm and I see Miu she's standing there with a semi happy and semi you don't looks to good face.
"Shuichi you have to help me?" Miu says kinda fast
I roll my eyes
"With what I don't want to waste my time on you if it's not something important?" I'm annoyed with her already
"Well I was looking through makis lab for materials I can use to create a new machine and she kinda caught me now she wants to kill me!" Miu yells clinging on to me I push her away
"And why is that my problem?" I ask
"Well everyone here seems to be scared of you and I thought if you tell maki to leave me alone she'll listen!" Miu seems really desperate
"Fine whatever where is maki anyways?" I ask
"She's-" Miu didn't even get to finish
"Miu I won't kill you I just want to know what you were doing in my lab?" Maki says walking over to us
"Well you see I uh.." Miu gets scared and I guess I have no choice
"Hey maki don't you have better things to do like be with Kaito like who the hell cares why Miu was in your lab she didn't kill you(bummer) so why are you complaining?" I say
Maki looks taken back by my words maybe she though I'll be on her side well she's wrong.
"Well Miu could have got some things to kill someone with from my lab." Maki says thinking she's made a good point
"Well this is a killing game so?" I ask
Maki looks upset and Miu is nodding
"Well then I guess I'll be on my way... I better not see you in my lab again Miu." Maki says intimidatingly
"Uh yes ma'am!" Miu says
Maki walks away and Miu turn to me
"Thank you must Shuichi now I can go back and finish up my babies!" Miu says
"You gonna go back to makis lab?" I ask
"Of course I am!" Miu says
"Ok you do that maybe your die and then that'll make the game more interesting." I say then walk away
"D-d-DIE!" Miu yells looking not ok
I get to the door of the cafeteria(? Is that it or is it called something else?)
Do I really want to go in there's a lot of people I don't like there and you know what no I'm not going I'll go check out the school.
I walk around the school for a while then make it to Kaede's lab
"Couldn't hurt to look" I say to myself but it did hurt it hurt
I walk inside and I see a piano it's sitting there so clean almost like it's never been used I look at all the sheets of music and I see Der Flohwalzer Kaede's favorite she was annoying sure and never wanted to be girly but even still she choose the girliest song she so dumb. I had learned this song on the piano one time because I was bored at Kaede's house she thought me how to play the song on her piano
(Note in this au the characters had their talents even before they were in danganronpa)
I sat down the the chair in front of the piano and placed my fingers on the keys.
"Am I really about to do this I'm gonna sound so depressed if someone catches me... oh well I'm bored and it's not liked Kaede died in a sad way she died in danganronpa."
I start playing the song I don't know why though I'm not the type of person to do this maybe it's ingame me that sounds pretty cool.
After about 10 minutes I hear someone outside the door I quickly hide in order to make sure I don't embarrass myself and I hear the door open I think it's Kirumi as I hear her say.
"Is someone in here?"
I get up from where I was and walk over
"Ah Shuichi it's just you." Kirumi says sighing
"Yeah it's just me." I say
"By any chance were you playing the piano?" Kirumi asks
"No i wasn't you must have heard wrong I was just looking around." I say it's technically not a lie
"Ah ok then anyways you weren't at breakfast everyone was worried." Kirumi says
"We're they really?" I ask
"They were we were all looking for you in glad we did find you anyways-" Kirumi I gets cut of by the only and only
"All students gather in the auditorium for a NEW MOTIVE!" Monokuma
A new motive that's weird aren't I a motive eh I don't care.
"We should probably go I wanna see the new motive Monokuma has for us." I say happily
"Yes let's us go." Kirumi says a little shaken up she must be scared
Me and Kirumi walk to the gym mostly everyone is there besides Kokichi,Miu,Kaito, and maki but simultaneously they all walk in one after another Kokichi being last I wonder what he was doing?
After everyone gets in the auditorium Monokuma appears.
"Sooo no one has killed anyone yet even though I have this amazing motive with shuichi! sooo I'm making another one!"
"Another motive what could it be?" Maki asks
"Atua says no matter what it is we won't kill anyone!" Angie says
"We'll see about that! This motive is going to be dun dun dun! Revealing your secrets!"
I look around at everyone's faces they seem scared but this motive is so overused it's kinda boring maybe there's a way to... I got it!(a little ingame Shuichi showing there don't ya think)
"Monokuma that motive is so overused." I say
"So what if it is?! It works doesn't it?" Monokuma says
"Well maybe I don't know what if you revealed everyone's secrets and if someone kills someone we forget all our secrets or whatever.(but like tell us out secrets before pls)" I say
"You might be on to something mr detective!"
"You know what change of plans were going with shuichi's motive!" Monokuma says and by the look of everyone face they hate me it's kinda funny
"What that's so not fair that degenerate male can't do that?!" Tenko yells
"There's no rule about it." I say
"Eeexactly that's why I like you pregame Shuichi your always thinking of a new way to spice up the game!" I smile but I'm actually so happy I just got complimented by MONOKUMA!
"I'll tell you guys your secrets before bed the tomorrow morning they will be out!" Monokuma says then disappears
We all stand there for a bit then someone breaks the silence
"Good going Shuichi." Kokichi says
Wow even Kokichi's mad!
"To be honest I don't know how the motive is any different." I say
"What do you mean?" Kiibo says
"If you didn't kill anyone before then the secrets would have been out anyways but with this new motive we just learn the secrets a little earlier."
I notice some people leaving so I do to Kaito stays yelling at me along with tenko,Miu,Angie, and Himiko the rest of us leave.
Time skip to bed time
Monokuma appears in my dorm with my secret he slides it to me then leaves I open the envelope and read the card inside.
"Shuichi not only has social anxiety but his family was also abusive to him."
I finished reading it and set the card on my desk it's not to bad of a motive but people might start pitying me because of it I wouldn't kill anyone though to make people forget it. Ugh I'm tired I'm gonna go to bed. I wonder what kichi's secret is?
No I can't le people find this out! I set my card down on my desk and lay on my bed. I want my Shumai back I wonder what his secret is if it has to do with his family it just be bad he wouldn't kill anyone though I know it... I wouldn't either it's just a secret this whole motive is gonna blow over soon anyways so will this game.


DONE! What's kokichis secret? Try and guess ou can't this part is pretty long huh also I'm gonna change who survives and is blackened and is a victim to fit the story line so yeah sorry anyways that's it bye!

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