Part 12

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Kokichi POV
I can't believe it that faker is staying! I really wanted shumai back... maybe It's better he's seems so full of despair when he's in his ingame self... ugh to much thinking I'll go do something what am I doing I'm not sure.
Shuichi POV Pregame
Let's see there's nine of us left not that many lol so I'll wait till three people are left me Kokichi and one other person let's just hope all goes according to plan the good part is I don't have to worry about anyone killing me there all to scared to even touch me let alone kill me! I walk out of my room and decide to walk around the school maybe I can trick someone into killing them it'll make this whole thing go by faster maybe I'll do that let me find someone first as I'm walking around I see Miu in her lab again I think she's working on something so I walk in.
"Hey Miu." I say
"Oh hey what's up?..." Miu says scared lol
"Don't worry I'm not gonna kill you but remember when I saved you from maki?" I ask
"Oh yeah that was so funny maki ran away shaking!" Miu lies
"She wasn't really scared but sure anyways I have a favor now." I say
"I can do anything!" Miu yells
"I'm gonna kill Kaito and I want you to drug him because I know he's strong the poison I'll give you is no where near enough to kill him." I say should I by telling her everything? Oh well
"You want me to help kill someone! Uh uh how about you get Kiibo to help or something?!" Miu yells
"I could ask him but your the first person I found..." I say
"Alright as long as I won't kill anyone fine." Miu hesitantly says
"You won't I'll do the killing after I'll even show you me killing him!" I kinda yell
"Alright then just give me this poison and I'll do the deed!" Miu laughs
"Just don't rat me out during the trial!"
"Alright don't worry!" Miu laughs again
"I'll get the poison in a bit so be ready ok." I say walking away while hearing Miu laugh
I go to my lab(I don't know where else the poison will be) and surprisingly there's poison in there i look around and I find lethal and one to just weaken them I empty the contents for the weaken one and put in the lethal poison then go back to miu's lab.
"Here you go some poison drug Kaito however you want but I need to see you do it ok." I say
"You got it! I'll offer to help Maki with dinner and then drug Kaito!" Miu yells
"Ok you do that just don't yell and don't make it suspicious." I say
I walk away and go to my room to sleep since I'm tired I mean it's not easy coming up with a plan to make someone kill someone else.
Time skip to dinner
"Hey Maki allow me to help make dinner!" I say
"Sure you can help I don't know why I offered to make dinner." Maki says alright I'm gonna drug Kaito then rat out Shuichi!
"You might not know those but I can make some wonderful meals!" I yell kinda
"Alright who can make half of the meals that would be-" I cut Kirumi of
"I'll do Kaitos, shuichi, and mine!" I say
"Ok then I'll do mime, himiko's, Kokichi's. You also do Tsumugi's" Maki says
We start making the meals and once maki kinda shows me what to do I start making everyone's meal then kaitos last.
"Alright Maki I'm done!" I excitedly yell
Can't wait to rat out the weirdo haha!
"Ok bring them out." Maki says grabbing some plates
I walk out and sit down next to Shuichi actually I wink then our plates get sat next to each other's
"Don't look over there it's suspicious so you want to be caught?" Shuichi says
"Right he'll never know what hit him haha!" I some what yell when I laughed
"Why are you laughing Miu?" Tsumugi asks
"I'm just showing Shuichi that I'm more then just a gorgeous girl genius but I'm also a master chef!" I played that of so well I sit back down smiling.
Time skip the next day
Shuichi POV
It's breakfast and only one person isn't here... Kaito Miu thinks I killed him but actually she did this trial is gonna be easy and for the sake of it I followed Kaito to his room and told him I wanted to talk to him poor guy died a few minutes after lol I also made sure he was dead then stabbed him.
"Where's Kaito?" Maki asks sternly
"I don't know maybe he's sleeping in?"Himiko asks clueless
"He wouldn't do that I'll go check on him." Maki says then she gets up and walks to his room
"We should go after her Kaito might be dead after all." I say
"How could you say that maybe he's just sleeping!" Tsumugi says
"This is a killing game someone probably killed him." I say and get up to follow maki
And sure enough we walk in to maki on the floor I walk over and check his pulse just because
"Yup he's dead." I say
"A body has been discovered use this time to investigate then the class trial will begin!" Monokuma yells over the intercom
We all get out monopads and start looking through it the fatal wound was a stab to the stomach Blah blah blah I walk away and everyone turns to me.
"Where are you going shumai?" Kokichi asks
"I know exactly how he died I'm not gonna waste my time investing when I already know what happened." I say
"Oh if you already know then tell us or keep it a secret and make it fun~" Kokichi says
"I'll keep it fun and not tell and don't even think about telling..." I walk away
Makis gonna figure it out right away Kokichi might as well I am excited to see what this trial holds though...

Words 1043
This next trial is gonna be short since you all know what happened but this story is coming to an end soon a few more chapters then that's it :( ok bye see you next time I update the story shit I accidentally put kirumi in this chapter she's supposed to be dead switch her with maki

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