Part 11

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Kokichi POV
It's time for the trial but I have no idea who did it I found a lot of evidence though. I look to the back of the elevator and I see Shuichi he's leaning on the wall. He looks bad.
"Welcome everyone to the class trial! Let's waste no time let's get started!" Monokuma yells
"I don't wanna point fingers but the bodies were found in Miu's lab wouldn't it make sense it was her?" Kirumi says
"No we can't assume we need to look at the other evidence before we choose someone." Maki says so calm.
"I already know who it is~" I say
"Don't go joking around like that Kokichi!" Kaito yells
"I might now be though you'll never know hehe." I say
"Let's just look at the evidence Ryoma died by being stabbed but we don't know how Korekiyo died." Maki says
"Oh I know that!" Himiko says
"He must have died from being stabbed also since ryoma died that way it makes sense." Himiko says
"Nope your wrong Himiko." I say
"Korekiyo died by electrocution and Ryoma was also gonna die that way but when Korekiyo got electrocuted he dropped the machine and it broke." I say
"But how do you know that Kokichi?" Tsumugi asks
"I was talking to Miu and she made an invention for Kirumi and it can electrocute someone." I say
"So Kirumi did it!" Kaito yells
"Miu could be lying and even if I did ask her to make that invention someone could have took it from me." Kirumi said
"Miu when did you give Kirumi the invention?" Maki asks
"Late at night since that's when I finished it oh and no one knew about the invention except me!" Miu yells
"Gonta thinks it's Kirumi." Gonta says
"Wait but that doesn't explain how Kokichi knew how they both died sure everything else makes sense but that doesn't." Kiibo says
"Well the invention is broken and I highly doubt you would kill two people two different ways there's also signs of a struggle." I say
I look over at Shuichi he's standing and looking around at everyone.
"Let's ask Shuichi then maybe he can tell us something." Kirumi says then looks at Shuichi
"I can't really say anything except Kokichi is right about one thing." Shuichi says
He looks so sad but I'm wrong about something what could it be.
"See it's not me then." Kirumi says
"I didn't say which one though Kirumi." Shuichi says
"So it's how they died then Kokichi got that wrong." Maki said
"Oh I think I know!" Miu yells
"You do?" Himiko asks
"Yeah when I saw my lab there was a knife and a hammer! It was also so messy." says Miu
"So there was a struggle." I say to myself
"What was that Kokichi?" Kaito asks
"Kirumi was originally only going to kill Korekiyo but then Ryoma walked in the Korekiyo getting electrocuted and then Kirumi knew he had to die to." I say
"But then how did the invention break?" Kiibo asks
"Ryoma tried stopping Kirumi from killing Korekiyo so he pushed Kirumi and she knocked into Korekiyo who was paralyzed by the shock but dead and he fell over and the machine broke." I say and look over at Kirumi
"Kokichi could be framing me and that's not even enough evidence." Kirumi says weirdly calm
"That does make sense but then how did Ryoma die?" Kaito asks
"The hammer! Kirumi must have hit him in the head with it then stabbed him you sneaky bitch!" Yells Miu
"Alright let's say everything is right but there's one thing why was I in Miu's lab it would be easier to kill them in my own lab or in some other place." Kirumi says
She makes a good point but I think I might know.
"Oh I know~" I say
"How then tell us Kokichi." Maki says
"First Miu how much did the invention weigh?" I ask
"That's a dumb question but it was really heavy only I could lift it!" She praises herself
"And when did you give Kirumi the invention?" I ask
"She knocked on my door late at night probably the night Korekiyo died she asked if it was done I said it was so her and Korekiyo left, she probably was gonna have him carry it." Miu said
That's how I know what happened!
"That's all the evidence you guys need." Shuichi says
"It's all thanks to me!" Miu yells
"Kokichi why don't you tell them what happened." Shuichi then says
"Alright so Kirumi asked Miu to make her an invention that can electrocute someone so Miu made it and finished the day after late at night Miu was originally gonna give Kirumi the invention in the morning but since Kirumi asked Miu told her it was in her lab and that it was heavy that's why Kirumi had Korekiyo with her so he can carry it when they got to Miu's lab Kirumi turned on the machine to test it probably and told Korekiyo to pick it up the machine most likely electrocutes someone when it's picked up so then Korekiyo died but was in shock and was still then Ryoma walked by and saw what was happening he saw because he was out late practicing tennis he ran in and pushed Kirumi and she knocked into Korekiyo knocking him over and breaking the machine then Kirumi knew no whiteness so she hit Ryoma on the head with a hammer then stabbed him with a wrench after she saw what she had done she ran in a hurry not even bothering cleaning up her mess."
I look over at Kirumi and she's standing looking down
"What about the motive then." Kirumi says
She can still go seriously...
"Miu when did Kirumi ask you to make the invention?" I ask Miu
"After Monokumas secret motive." Miu says
"There you had a secret you didn't want to get out so you killed someone." I say
"I- I wouldn't have needed to kill anyone if it wasn't for the motive..." Kirumi finally says
"What was it if I may ask?" Maki asks
"I will take that secret with me to my grave unfortunately." Kirumi says while smiling
"Alrighty then it's voting time!"
We all vote for Kirumi of course and when it's time to see if we were right we were...
(Kirumis execution was the same for the actual game I'm to lazy to write it out)
Again Shuichi didn't seem upset after kirumis execution he just left.
"Alright tomorrow Shuichi will be back to normal! No more pregame!" Monokuma says
"Wasn't he supposed to be back in his ingame self like one murder ago?" Kiibo asks
"Yeah but i thought it would be more interesting he'll go back to his pregame so you guys can say bye though!" Monokuma yells in excitement
"Oh great... at least that'll be the last time we see him though!" Miu yells
We all leave the court room and head to the gym we're pregame Shuichi is waiting for us to say bye I guess.
"It's been great getting to know all you losers man I like you pregame selves better oh well!" Shuichi smiles
"I'm just excited to get my sidekick back!" Kaito yells to happily
"Yeah yeah anyways I'll be going now!" Shuichi says
"Tomorrow morning Shuichi will be back to normal so everyone head to bed!" Monokuma yells and everyone leaves we all head to bed and in the morning we all get called to the gym Monokuma looks frustrated and upset?
"So there's been a slight inconvenience..." Monokuma says
"What do you mean inconvenience?" Himiko asks
"Someone broke the machine to turn Shuichi back so now he's stuck." Monokuma says and Shuichi walks up next to him still as his pregame self
"Well that really is a inconvenience guess you guys are stuck with me until that gets fixed!" Shuichi smiles again
Great now we're stuck with him...
Shuichi POV
What can i say I broke it I needed time to carry out my plan to save Kokichi if I returned to my ingame self I don't know if I would have. Now I just have to wait until there's two no three people left. That note my ingame self left... I won't chicken out I'll kill myself when the time comes if it means I'll get to save him.

1409 words
Sorry this took so long :( was it at least worth it waiting probably not lol anyways the book might be reaching its end soon but idk I hoped you enjoyed!

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