Part 9

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This will be the class trial so no POV
Everyone walks into the court room(is it a court room?) and the all stand behind their podium.
"Who killed tenko?" Kaito asks
"I bet it was Himiko she with tenko when Kokichi found them." Miu says
"Nyeh me?! How could you say that I would never kill tenko!" Himiko says
"Go over the evidence guys there's a lot of it I can't help you guys with this trial so you have to figure it out on your own." Shuichi says(Shuichi is still in his ingame self)
"When we found tenko she was laying on the floor and her head was bleeding so we can conclude that she was killed by a blow to the head." Maki says
"Alright we know that already though so what about it?" Kaito says
"Well this might be jumping to conclusions but Angie happens to be an artist she could easily have access to a hammer." Maki says
"I am an artist I paint I don't sculpt and even if I did have a hammer I'm my lab anyone else could have gotten it and killed tenko anywhere else." Angie says
Kokichi wasn't really paying much attention but when he hears Angie say that his head jerks up. Maki notices the sudden movement.
"Kokichi do you have something to say?" Maki asks
"Why are you asking Kokichi?" Gonta asks
"I noticed that when Angie talked kokichis head went up almost like he noticed something." Maki says
"Really?! Then tell us what it is Cockichi!" Miu yells
"Well I would but that would make the trial shorter and less interesting." Kokichi jokingly says
"Tell us now Kokichi." Maki says
"Fine when Angie said that someone could've grabbed the hammer and killed tenko anywhere else she was right but tenko was killed in angies lab where there's plenty of hammers." Kokichi says while everyone was surprised with his smartness
"Someone could've snuck in and grabbed the hammer and killed tenko in my lab!" Angie says
"Yeah but we can't get in each other's lab unless the door is unlocked or we die the only other way is letting each other in our own lab." Kokichi says
"Angie did you kill tenko how could you!" Himiko yells
Shuichi is surprised on how much Kokichi is leading the trial he knows everyone who is gonna die and wants to save them all but that impossible while he's his pregame self he doesn't know anything.
"What's the next piece of evidence?" Maki asks
"It's when tenko died we can probably guess tenko was killed last night around 11 we had dinner at 9 but during that someone left early it happened to be angie." Maki says
Angie looks at maki
"So what I left early?!" Angie says
"Oh I know why did you leave early?" Kokichi asks
"Eh- because uh A-atua told me to!" Angie says not confidently at all
"I don't think that's it you probably told tenko to go to your lab so you can kill her you might have left early so you could prepare." Maki says
"Ok so let's say all of this is true but I have no motive for killing tenko." Angie says
(Shuichi would say mo that's wrong but he can't sad)
"That is false you had plenty motive." Maki says
"Oh that's right the secrets motive Angie must have killed tenko because she didn't want her secret to get out." Kirumi says
"Alright we figured it out let's vote! Miu says
"We might have figured it out but there's still one thing he Angie what was your secret~" Kokichi asks
"W-what why would I tell you! I PUT IN ALL THE EFFORT TO KILL TENKO SO WHY WOULD I-" Angie stops mid sentence
"Hehe see what i did there you were so angry you just confessed." Kokichi says
"I-I only did it because atua told me to it wasn't my fault."
Angie stutters
"I can't believe you angie..." Himiko says
"Alright! Let's vote did you guys make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one?" Monokuma says
"W-wait no it's not my fault i.. i..." angie falls to the ground
"You guys are correct angie killed tenko!"
"How could you Angie tenko was your friend how could you kill just because of some dumb secret!" Himiko says
"Alright enough chit chat it's punishment time!"
Warning! Punishment description!
Angie gets dragged way and gets out put us against a canvas unable to move the Monokubs come in and start painting over her with paint brushes made out of needles making a large mess they step back and look at their masterpiece only to hate it then behind Angie a large noise is head and the canvas is flipped around and a shredder is seen the canvas is lifted up and slowly brought over to the canvas then it is stopped over the shredder it slowly goes down and reaches her feat slowly shredding her up with the canvas and soon she is gone.
Punishment over
Everyone stands to the side watching in horror of their friend gets shredded up Himiko is crying and on the floor while Kirumi is crying also while hugging Himiko but the only person not fazed is Shuichi he stares at the punishment with dead eyes almost like he's seen it before and Kokichi notices it and at that moment he knows Shuichi is already on despair.

Words 913
How was that did you know of was Angie? Probably did huh anyways pregame Shuichi is coming back next part and he has to turn into ingame for plot you know ok anyways bye!

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