Part 10

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Kokichi POV
Shumai is supposed to go back to his pregame persona today I'm honestly not excited but I think it's better for him at least he won't be in despair the whole time but if one more person dies then he'll go back to his ingame self. Man this is annoying having. Shumai switch his whole personality everyday! Shumai is supposed to be in his room sleeping maybe I should go over... or maybe not pregame shumai is kinda weird lol maybe I'll go see Gonta or someone.
Shuichi POV
Monokuma sat me on a chair and he started doing something I couldn't see what though because I passed out and the next time I woke up is when next body was found
Pregame Shuichi POV
I woke up in my room and next to me was a little piece of paper it said "next 2*87$3%• is going to die." wth who put this here and how would they even know unless... ugh this is to much thinking if they told me when then this would be so much better maybe I should go find them... and tell them yeah I'll do that. I go out of my room and look around where would they be? I was told it has been two days since the debate and the body was found what was I doing cause I don't remember the trial eh whatever I don't care but I was really hoping to be in the trial. I walk out of my room and start walking around the school I know nobody likes my pregame self so I just try and avoid everyone but unfortunately I run into Kiibo and Miu.
"Oh hey look it's Shuichi!" Miu says
Oh great the two lovers just what I need well I guess they aren't lovers in their ingame self.
"Why do you guys want?" I ask
"It's nothing I wanted some upgrades and thought Miu can help with it." Kiibo says
"And you bet I can I am a genius after all!" Miu says with so much confidence and loud
"Oh cool but you know one of you could kill each other and then I'll go back to my ingame self and I know you guys like him better plus it will make the game more interesting." I say
"K-kill each other." Kiibo says
"Eh I'll pass someone else can do the killing I can't be getting my hands dirty!" Miu yells
"Whatever I'm leaving you to have fun." I say then start walking away
"E-eh have f-fun what do you mean by that?!" Miu yells
I'm so bored nothings happening I did hear that this time there can only be two survivors I wonder who they'll be? I hope Kokichi's one I don't care who else wins though.
Time skip some time to the next murder because I don't know what to put
Kaito POV
I'm walking by miu's lab and normally I would just walk past but I was bored and Miu was probably in her lab so I started walking in but I found Ryoma and Korekiyo dead both of them It looked like Ryoma had been stabbed in the stomach and Korekiyo I'm not to sure I run out and go find the closest person who is Kirumi, Miu, and Kiibo there all chatting and I run over to them.
"Guys Roma and Korekiyo! There both dead in Miu's lab!" I yell
"W-what my lab?!" Miu yells running to her lab
"Two death oh no!" Kirumi says heading to miu's lab as well followed by me and Kiibo when we get there we hear.
"Attention A body has been discovered make your way to Miu's lab!"
A while later everyone shows up but Shuichi.
"Oh my there dead!" Tsumugi says
"Well duh there laying on the floor not breathing." Kokichi says
"Kokichi nows not the time to be joking around." Maki says looking scary
"How could this have happened..." Himiko says
Maki looks at the bodies trying to see if she can spot any clues then...
Kokichi POV
I watch as Shuichi walks in he looks tired and full of despair.
"Shuichi do you know who did this?" Kaito asks
"I do." Shuichi says
I can tell Shuichi might not have any will to live he wasn't even fazed seeing the bodies did he have to watch the video of the murderer killing them over and over again?
"Come get me when the trial starts I'll be in my room." Shuichi says then walks to his room
Everyone gathers around the body and starts investigating I decide to help so I go to Miu
"Hey Miu the body was found in your lab so did you do this?" I ask
"What no way I would never kill I'll let someone else do it I don't wanna get my hands dirty!" Miu yells
"Hey Miu what we're you, Kiibo, and Kirumi talking about when I found you guys?" Kaito asks
"She was just thanking me for making a invention for her." Miu says
"Ohh What invention?" I ask
"It was something that can electrocute someone I don't why she wanted it but I don't care I take any opportunity to make a new invention!" Miu yells
I walk away and start investigating ruina looks like he was stabbed with a knife? Wrench? I'm not sure and Korekiyo nothing seems wrong with him but there is something next to him(is Korekiyo a him? I forgot) it looks broken it's a big thing and his hand looks bad to.
Shuichi POV
I walk inside my room and close the door.
He's gonna die I know it but maybe I can change it I can!
I grab a piece of paper and start writing.
"Pregame me g6$-jo2 will die wait until there is you and three people left him included he will die a week after the trial and there is only the three of them left kill your self the day there is the three of them left left and 1!:&yjq will live.
Sincerely, Ingame you."

The end
Words 1072
What do you guys think? I'm so excited for the next chapters there gonna be so excited lol anyways have a good day see you soon!

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