Chapter 2

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Patrick's POV:

I woke up to my alarm going off very loudly at 5:30 am. Today was our first day back from our midseason finale. During the break, Jillian and I had our twin boys, Sullivan and Darby, and Talula was in pre-school. Jillian is still breastfeeding the boys and she is getting up at crazy hours in the night. Usually, I would help feed them with pre-pumped milk but she knew that today was the first day back on set so she was the one to get up all night to feed them. I quickly turned off the alarm so I wouldn't wake her. However, when I went to go turn it off, she grabbed my arm and turned me back over, and kissed me.

"Mmmh good morning babe", she moaned

"Good morning love", I replied

Jillian and I have been going through a rough patch ever since having the twins. However this morning, she was loving me like she used to. Maybe she was acting this way because she knew I was going back to the set of Grey's Anatomy and I was going to be seeing Ellen. Jillian has despised Ellen since we are love interests on the show. I told her not to worry about me around Ellen but Jillian thinks otherwise.

I leave the bedroom and went to the kid's room to make sure they were still asleep. I go make a cup of black coffee and eat some avocado toast. I then go back upstairs and put on a plaid shirt and some jeans. I finished getting ready and I was out the door.

When I arrived on set, I saw Chyler get out of her car so I decided to talk with her since we had some time to kill before the table read started. After 5 minutes of talking with her, I saw Ellen drive-in. I smiled knowing I finally was going to get to talk to her since the last time I saw her, which was at her wedding. I kept on talking with Chyler then Ellen walked by and joined the conversation.

"Hey guys!", Ellen said

"Hey Mrs.Ivery!", I said to Ellen

Immediately after I said that to her I could tell she was upset that I called her that. She never was open about Chris after they got married but with respect, I called her by her new name.

"Oh, I'm still going by Ellen Pompeo. Please, call me Mrs. Ellen Pompeo.", said Ellen.

I knew when I called her Mrs.Ivery it wasn't my smartest move.

Chyler interrupted the awkwardness and said, "I'm going to head into the table read room. I'll see you two there.".

I turned to face Ellen since it was just the two of us. I looked into her green eyes and stared into them. God her eyes are gorgeous.

"Ellen, what's wrong?", I asked her.

"Nothing.", she replied with sadness.

I knew the second she answered with the word nothing, something was going on. It breaks my heart to see Ellen in pain.

"You're not okay. What. Is. Wrong.", I said with a serious tone so she knew I meant business.

"Some things aren't great at home. I'll pull through it though.", Ellen replied.

"No. If things aren't great at home, you tell me. Your mental health is so important. Don't put a fake smile on to fool all of us. I'm your best friend. You can tell me. I'm your safe place to land, remember?", I said as I put my hand on her shoulder.

Ellen took a deep breath and started to cry. I felt so bad for her. Chris always made her happy. I don't know what could be wrong with her. I sat down with her at the curb to comfort her.

"Ellie, what's wrong?". I asked her while holding her.

Quietly Ellen said, "Chris is abusing me.".

I was shocked to hear those four words come out of her mouth. I wasn't even sure if that is what she said because she said it so quietly.

"What!?", I replied almost screaming because I would hate to hear Ellen go through abuse.

She pulled my head close to her mouth and turned my head, whispered into my ear saying, "He's abusing me.".

I held her so tight so she knew I was there for her.

"Ellen.", I said in my quiet and soft voice. I knew that Ellen liked it when I talked in this voice.

Quickly Ellen wiped her tears and said, "Come on Patrick, we should go inside for the table read.".

I stood up and I helped Ellen stand up by pulling her up by holding her hand. I slowly loosened my grip with Ellen's hand as we started to walk however, she kept on holding my hand tight. I always tell her I'm her safe place to land and I think she just needed someone to be there for her. We walked into the building, holding hands. All I wanted to do with Ellen is to hold her and I was finally able to do so. While walking towards the building she put her head on my shoulder. When Ellen put her head on my shoulder, I knew she needed someone to just be there. I knew I was her safe place to land.

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