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Staying at the hospital, Jimin doesn't like it even a bit. Seeing those plain painted walls and the antibiotic smell just makes him sick to his stomach. He just wants to go back to his home with his baby.

It's been 3 days since his little baby boy was born. 3 days in, he's still the precious little thing for Jimin and Yoongi. And everytime they look at their little miracle they just can't get enough of him.

" Baby chim, guess who came to visit you." Taehyung bursts open the door, his hands are filled with numerous bags filled with clothes and toys for his little nephew. He smiles when his eyes land on the little boy lying peacefully in Jimin's arms.

" Tae, you don't have to bring all this."
Jimin tries to reason out. Taehyung has been getting him something every time he visits the hospital and Jimin thinks he has to buy a whole new house just to keep these gifts.

" Let me spoil my favorite nephew."
He takes him from Jimin's hold, swinging him gently in his arms. Baby holds his fists close to his chest, his eyes fluttering lightly.
" Where's Yoongi hyung ?"
Taehyung looks around to see the room is oddly silent.

" He's down, getting lunch for us."
Jimin stretches out his limbs. Staying in this four walled room has really made him bored, he just wants to go back home and rest on his soft mattress.

Taehyung nods, caressing the baby's cheeks that earns him a little smile.
" When are you going to name him ? I can't just call him baby chim for forever."
He watches the baby's smile getting replaced with a frustrated look. His bottom lip falls out as he starts stirring in Taehyung's hold.

He gives him back to Jimin once the baby starts becoming fuzzy. The baby looks at Jimin with his glassy eyes as if he's ready to cry soon.

" Shh baby. Why are you crying? Everything's fine. Papa is here."
His voice is soft and tender, feeling just like a feather's touch. One could feel the honey dripping from his voice.
The baby must have been accustomed to Jimin's voice from the womb because even now it just takes one little word from Jimin to make him smile.

" I swear you know some kind of wizardry or witchcraft."
Taehyung pouts on seeing how the baby's mood instantly changed. Just one second ago the baby was about to cry and now he's so calm. Like, it makes no sense to him.

" It comes as natural. You'll know once you have kids of your own."
Jimin keeps on making cute faces towards his baby, making him smile so wide. His baby's smile is like sunshine, always brightening him up from inside.

" Now, you're talking like my mom."
Taehyung snorted, making Jimin laugh at that. He has to admit he actually sounds like a mother figure now.

" Actually I have a name planned in my head." He had actually decided on names during his first trimester, the excitement of being a parent made him do a whole lotta research even for a name.

" Hmm, really? What is it ?"
Taehyung looks at him attentively, he's all ears.

" Deciding on names without me ?"
Yoongi comes through the door, a food tray clutched in his hand.
He walks up to Jimin, placing the tray on the side table.

" No, hyung. I was gonna wait for you anyways."
He looks over at Yoongi who's busy giving their baby belly rubs.
" He's here now. Just tell me the name." Taehyung whines getting impatient by every second.

" Okay okay."
He gives a pause between his sentences making Yoongi and Taehyung jittery.

" I want to name him Haru."
He looks at them after finally dropping the name.
" ‘Haru’ means spring in Japanese and whenever I look at my baby's face-"
He looks at his little angel.
"- he just reminds me of the spring season. Beautiful flowers and beautiful skies. And in korean it means ‘Day’, Haru is the reason I wake up everyday.”

Just like the everlasting beauty of spring season he wishes his son's smile would never fade away. He kisses Haru's forehead making the baby smile at the pleasant feeling.

" That's such a good name, chim."
Taehyung jumps from his seat in excitement.
Jimin looks at Yoongi for his reaction, he wants the older's approval too.
" A perfect name for a perfect baby."
Yoongi smiles, 'Haru' the name really suits their baby.

" You're my little prince, Min Haru."
Jimin cradles him in his arms, giggling with his little boy.
Yoongi stops smiling on hearing that.
Min...? But Jimin's first name is 'Park' so why is he using 'Min' instead of it...

" Min Haru ?"
Yoongi finally voices his thoughts.
Jimin gave him a pure smile before answering.
" Because he's your child too. If it weren't for you Haru wouldn't be here today. So I just want to give him your first name."

' He's your child too'. Of course Yoongi knows that Haru is his child too but hearing the words coming out from Jimin's mouth just add a lot of meaning to it.

" Jimin ah, thank you."
He closes the younger in his warm embrace. He feels so grateful right now. In between them their baby smiles so wide, sensing that his both parents are around him.

" Ah hyung, are you seriously crying over a name, right now ?"
He teases the older on hearing his silent whimpers. The older continues to bury his face even more in his neck.

Taehyung takes out his phone at that very moment, clicking pics of Yoongi crying on Jimin's shoulder.
" Wow, this is great. I gotta send it to Jungkookie."
Taehyung continues taking his pics while Yoongi tries to hide his face from him.

" Delete them right now."
Yoongi sprints towards him once he's finished wiping up the tears. He tries to lay his hand on the phone but that's not gonna be so easy.
Jimin watches the two of them chase each other around the room, he can't help but smile at how childish they are.

" They look so silly. Right, Haru ?"
He asks the baby, who's currently busy eyeing his uncle Tae and daddy Yoon, who're chasing each other.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now