1. Chapter 4, Sorting.

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After my chat with pansy, I went back to the compartment with the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan. We talked about pranks the rest of the way they even let me help them. We finally got to Hogsmeade station at dark. 'When we all get off the train we will part ways but I and George will help you find hagrid, not that he hard to find.' Fred mumbled the last bit but with my senses, I heard it. I rolled my eyes at him then we left the train in order to find hagrid. a strong man's voice could be heard in the distance I recognised it immediately I grabbed the boys hands and pulled them towards the voice. in front of the other first years was hagrid as tall as ever. 'hello Fred, George I see you've met young Emily here.' they nodded there head a little confused at how he knows me but Fred still answered. 'yes hagrid and I think we have a new prankster among us.' hagrid gave a chuckle at that 'so much like your father.' I flicked my hair at that and said dramatically. 'well of course.' he chuckled even more at that. 'well, you two better go get a carriage now ill see you around.' They waved at hagrid and gave me a quick wink. I rolled my eyes at them. 'first years follow me you'll be getting your first look at Hogwarts in a couple of minutes.' hagrid said while leading us down a path to a lake. From what I've read its called the black lake and there was or maybe still is a giant squid in it. 'I've read about the castle apparently it has a giant squid in the l--.' the bushy-haired girl was telling a small very scared looking boy. he looked familiar but I couldn't place it. the bushy-haired girl, ('I have got to find out her name.' I thought to myself) was cut off by all the gasps and oohs. we finally got to see the castle for the first time. it was beautiful I also couldn't wait to see it in the day. there looked like over 10 towers. hagrid told us to get in a boat with 3 other people. I got in a boat with the scared-looking boy, the girl from earlier and a girl how I later found out was Hannah abbot. while riding on the boats that magically pulled themselves, the scared-looking boy fell off by one of the other boats (with Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, and pansy in it.)numbing into it. it was lucky he could swim. I pulled him back onto our boat and asked him if he was okay. I still couldn't place where I knew him from. 'are you alright Neville, oh your freezing.' the other girl asked. I was caught off by guard at the name before he could answer I jumped into the conversation. 'Neville, as in Neville Longbottom.' he looked at me horrified that I knew his name. 'y-yes that's my n-name, thanks f-for the h-help.' he said through chattering teeth. I couldn't believe it. now I knew where I knew him from. 'is your mother's name, Alice.' I asked him. he looked down now shy and sad. 'y-yes that's my mother.' he was quiet for the rest of the ride. I wondered what happened to his mum. I knew she couldn't be dead since he didn't use past-tense. when the boats stopped in front of a grass hill up to the entrance hall, we all got out. hagrid took us up to the front steps where a stern-looking woman was waiting. 'thank you hagrid no problems I believe.' she said. even his voice was stern. but again I knew I could trust her. 'well one of the students fell from one of the boats but otherwise, everything good.' hagrid replied with, proud of his own work. we were told to follow the women whos name Is professor McGonagall. once we walked up to the doors which must lead to the great hall she told us to stop. 'before you make take your seats you must be sorted into your houses, there are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. your house will be like your family, break the rules and you will lose points, answer correctly and you earn points.' she told us to wait while she sees if there ready. after a few SECONDS Draco says. 'so what they were saying on the train is true then, harry potter has come to Hogwarts.' there were a few whispers of shock including mine. harry potter as in lily and James potter's son. I was so happy when yet again my eyes went all blurred. 'look how good they play together moony, I'm so glad.' it was a young man's voice I could tell he was happy. 'i know prongs harry is such a happy and playful boy whereas Emily is...' the voice trailed off he seemed to be thinking. although the voice seemed new it brings comfort to me it was weird. 'more of a marauder.' the other man finished. even though I couldn't see them I knew he had a smirk. from another room, a voice could be heard. 'James, Remus dinners ready.' it was the women from before I think her name was lily. 'coming love.' replied the man. my eyes got back to focus and I remembered what Draco gave me for Christmas. it was a picture of 5 people on the back it had the names. like last time no time had gone by and there was still the same whispers. 'I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.' Draco continued. I could hear a small snot come from the redheaded boy next to harry. apparently, I wasn't the only one who heard it because Draco continued again. think my names funny do you, no need to ask your red hair and hand me down robes, you much be a Weasley. you'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others potter, I can help you with that then he held out his hand for Harry to shake. I couldn't stand it. I couldn't let harry be corrupted by a Malfoy. I walked over to where they were 'hope you don't mean yours Malfoy' he looked at me with a glare. 'so yours is better.' i looked at him and smirked. 'oh no I didn't say that not even close but the Weasleys, on the other hand, are a perfectly normal and proud family.' he glared at me and walked away. I turned around and saw that everyone was looking at me a couple had their mouths open including the red-headed boy next to harry. 'what?' i asked him. he didn't reply in time when I felt a hand on my shoulder I whipped around and saw McGonagall standing there. 'we're ready for you now.' i swear I saw a small smile on her lips when she looked at me. I could also see pity in her eyes. she turned around and lead us into the hall. I went to my spot next to Neville again and waited when the hat McGonagall was holding a second ago started singing.

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