1. Chapter 7 Halloween

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it was the Friday after the full moon. I had finally convinced Poppy and Minnie to let me go to classes and I was now walking down the hall to charms class. I was almost in the classroom when I heard someone call out my name. I turned around and saw Wood jogging towards me. I smiled at him and walked towards where he was running. 'hi Emily how are you? heard you were a bit sick.' we started walking back to my class. 'yea I'm fine now just the flu I think.' he smiled down at me, just as I realised how short I was. 'so anyway, I was coming to tell you that McGonagall wants me to show you and harry the ropes in quidditch. So tomorrow I thought we could go down to the pitch, then next weekend we start actual training with the others.' I nodded the head signalling that I was listening. 'okay but fair warning, I've never played quidditch before.' he looked at me in shock. 'but the way McGonagall was talking about your flying skills-' I didn't let him finish before I said. 'well that was actually my first time since I was a young girl. I think I had one when I was still with my biological parents.' I must have looked like I was in deep thought because Oliver didn't reply straight away. 'well anyway it seems like you are a good flyer and quick learner so I think you'll get the hang of it by the first game.' I looked at him and smiled. 'thanks Wood, anyway bye.' I headed into class. the next day I awoke to a screaming noise. I shot up. 'what's wrong.' i asked apparently I wasn't the only one awoken, Hermione was sitting up in bed rubbing her eyes. 'M-my m-mouth is, i-its black.' i looked over to lavender and saw her mouth was indeed black. I grinned to myself. I had told Fred and George how much I hated my dorm mates and they gave me some supplies to prank them with. 'Emily what did you do.' Hermione whispered to me as she jumped on my bed. 'im disappointed in you Hermione, accusing innocent people of stuff like that.' she looked at me with her eyebrow raised. I smirked at her knowing she didn't believe my dramatic actions. 'yea I put black dye in her tooth-paste. please don't tell her.' i whispered in her ear. she nodded her head but still didn't seem to approve of it. 'hey lavender darling whats the time.' i asked lavender with a huge smile and flattering eyes. she rolled her eyes and said. '8:00 oh and if you want to know the date as well it is the 28th princess.' i went up to her in the doorway to the bathroom and whispered in her ear. 'thanks but don't call me princess, darling.' i then walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I didn't bother showering knowing that I would just get dirty if we played a game of quidditch. so I brushed my hair and teeth and got changed. when I walked downstairs to the common room Fred and George were on the couch. 'hey guys, have you seen Wood anywhere.' they looked up at me with a grin. 'yea he just left for breakfast, so id your little prank work.' they asked I just smirked and walked out of the common room. when I got to the great hall I saw Draco coming towards me. 'what do you want Draco.' i asked as he got closer. 'i just wanted to tell you that dad doesn't want you to come home for Christmas. so heard you've been sick huh.' i took a step towards him so that he would feel threatened. 'wouldn't you know, and for Christmas, I didn't even want to go back to that house.' As I finished that McGonagall came up to us. 'is there a problem here you two. I looked up at her and smiled a casual smile. 'nothing professor.' she looked at me and I knew she didn't believe me. 'good, anyway, Emily wood wants to meet you on the quidditch pitch for training in half an hour.' i could see if even the smallest smile on her lips. 'okay professor tell him ill be there soon, bye Draco.' i waved at him hopefully rubbing it in his face. Minnie and I walked down to the quidditch pitch but before we entered she stopped me. 'Emily what was really going on there.' i looked at the ground, not like I regretted threatening him. after all I'm only 11 I can't do much more. 'well he was telling me that I wasn't allowed to go there for Christmas then he was mocking me about being 'sick'.' i answered with. it wasn't like it wasn't true I just didn't tell her what I said back. before she could question me. Harry and Wood came down holding a chest. they put the chest down and when I turned back around to face Minnie she was gone.

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a month has past and now it was Halloween which also means another full moon. I had confined everyone that my flu mustn't have gone away that easily. just like last time when I woke up Minnie was there waiting for me and she read me another chapter of her book. Today, we only have one more class left, which is charms. I was sitting in between Harry and Neville. 'one of the wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation, or the ability to make objects fly. do you have your feathers? good. now don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practising, the swish and flick, everyone.' Flitwick our charms professor called. we all copied his movements as a swish and flick. 'oh and annunciate Wingardium Leviosa. Have a go now.' he said. all you could hear was the enchantment and peoples frustrated sighs. before I had a go I could see Neville struggling. 'would you like some help Neville.' i ask. he didn't seem to be doing so well and he just nodded his head. 'well you just have to slow you motions and say the charm clearer.' he nodded his head and kept trying. a second later I could hear Hermione telling ron that he was saying it wrong. then I saw her feather in the air. 'well done. look everyone Ms Grangers did it.' everyone else continued and not even a second later Seamus blew up his feather. I heard someone across the room say 'pathetic' i looked up and saw that it had come from non-other then Draco Malfoy. I decided it was time to have some fun. 'Neville watch this.' i said then copied the movements and said. 'wingardium leviosa.' a second later, Draco was floating in the air. 'ms lupin-black that is enough now, but I must say I'm impressed not many 1st years can levitate something of that weight.' Flitwick said cheerfully. I stopped the charm and turned back to Neville. 'all you have to do is make your flick a little smaller..' at the end of the class Neville and some other people completed the charm and Seamus blew up another feather. professor Flitwick wanted me to stay after class so I did as I was told. 'now ms lupin-black, I must say you are just like your father he had a nick for charms and defence, but as our little secret I award 10 points to Gryffindor for the amazing charm.' i looked up at him and smiled. 'thank you professor but I must ask of something.' (he nodded his head) 'please do call me ms lupin I don't really fancy the other name.' he smiled at me and nodded again. after he dismissed me I ran to where I could see Hermione was. 'hi hermio-' was stopped when I heard another voice ahead of us. 'its liviOsa not liviosA. shes a nightmare, honestly. no wonder she hasn't got any friends.' Hermione pushes passed him and left. I walked up to them and said. 'and you're just pathetic.' the last thing I heard before I ran away to find Hermione was Harry say.' i think they heard you.'

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it was the Halloween feast and I was sitting next to George and lee. I was still pissed off at the boys. I heard Harry say 'wheres Hermione.' i looked over and saw that there was an empty seat next to harry. 'Emily said that she wouldn't come out of the girl's bathroom, said that she's been in there all afternoon crying.' Neville told the boys but they didn't even get to process the information before the doors to the great hall opened and Quirrell came in. 'TROLL, IN THE DUNGEONS, TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS.thought you ought to know.' then he fainted. everyone started freaking out and screaming. before Dumbledore yelled. 'SILENCE, everyone pleases not panic. now, prefects lead their house to there dormitories. teachers follow me to the dungeons.' we followed the Perfect Prefect, Percy, out of the great hall then I realised something. I grabbed Ron and Harry's arms and pulled them to the side. 'What.' they asked at the same time. 'HERMIONE, she doesn't know anything.' we all sprinted off to the girl's toilet. but before we got there we heard loud footsteps and grunts. 'looks like the trolls left the dungeons.' Ron said in a quiet and scared voice. I pulled the boys to the side so the troll couldn't see us. 'and it's headed straight in the toilets we have to get Hermione out.' i replied with my voice shaking. we heard a loud sequel and a crash from the toilets. we ran in there and started throwing wood at the troll. 'HERMIONE MOVE.' i yelled hoping she wouldn't be killed. then ron yelled 'HEY, PEA-BRAIN.' then hit the troll in the head. I took this as my chance and ran towards Hermione. we both ran under the sinks, but the troll sore us and smashed the ones next to us with his bat. 'HELP' Hermione yelled and harry came at the troll with his wand. he grabbed onto the trolls bat and hopped on his head which made the troll miss us by an inch. the troll started trying to get harry off and Harry's wand got stuck up its nose. the troll grabbed harry and the bat and started trying to hit him with it. 'RON, DO SOMETHING.' i yelled he shrugged his shoulders. 'WHAT' he yelled back but before I could answer harry said. 'anything' he got out his wand and Hermione yelled. 'SWISH AND FLICK.' ron looked nervous but he aimed at the trolls bat and yelled. 'WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA.' he did it the troll let go off his bat which was now stuck in the air. ron removed the spell and the bat hit the troll on the head. the troll collapsed and harry got his wand back. just then all the professors walked in the room. I was still holding Hermione. 'oh my goodness, explain yourselves.' McGonagall said while holding her chest. the boys started stuttering when Hermione said. 'it's my fault professor. I went looking for the troll. I've read about them and thought I could tangle it. but I was wrong. if harry, ron and Emily hadn't found me. I would probably be dead.' Hermione finished. I looked at the ground knowing that Minnie wouldn't believe her. 'it was an extremely foolish thing, I would've expected more rational behaviour from your half, I'm very disappointed in you ms granger, five points will be taken off. as for you 3, well I just hope you realise how fortunate you are, not many first years students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. 10 points will be rewarded, for sheer dumb luck.' i smile up at the boys weakly knowing that the next morning of the full moon was gonna be a big one.

Emily Lily Lupin-BlackWhere stories live. Discover now