2. Chapter 16 Summer

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Emily Lupin-Black is an unusual girl. She has lived with a pure-blood family, the MALFOYS. Right now Emily is sitting in that manor library reading her favourite book. 'The beetle in the barn finish.' Half her mousy brown hair in a ponytail well the rest loosely hanging down. Her silver eyes scanning the page as she read. 

POV                                                                                                                                                                                               I sat at the manor library reading when I heard it yelling from the next room. Being the nosy 12-year-old I am I go and see what the commotion is about. I peek through the slightly open doorway which leads into Lucius' study behind the desk was Lucius with a tall man I haven't seen before. "Lucius you have to listen to me" the taller man pleaded. although I couldn't see his face, I could tell he was worried. "no you have no say in anything on the board anymore." Lucius yelled. I took a step back away from the door so I wouldn't get caught, but that wasn't the best idea. I landed on one of the very few creaking wood boards in the manner. "what was that Lucius" asked. I could hear footsteps coming towards the door. before I got caught I ran as fast as I could, (which was pretty fast seeing as I wasn't fully human.) By the time I deemed it safe my body was aching. although I should be used to it now, it's still killed. oh did I mention I'm a half-wolf? before my thoughts could go very far I heard light footsteps coming from behind me. "What did you do this time lupin." I heard a small cold voice behind me. I plastered a fake smile on my face and turned around. "Dray dearest cousin what makes you think I did something wrong," I say in a very girly voice. "Em dearest brat, you're running for your life and have usual curious/mischief glint in your eyes." I couldn't keep a straight face, I started laughing and soon Dray joined in. the cute little family moments were ruined by none other than Lucius Malfoy. "What in Merlin's name are you two doing." He yells at us. We immediately stop laughing and I answered "oh just having fun is there a law against it." I say my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Draco comes." is his only response. I look over at dray and he gives me a sorry look. I brush it off and go over to the attic/my room.

I'm in my room drawing and planning pranks when Dobby pops into my room and starts bangs his head on the bedpost. "Dobby, Dobby stop." I start shouting at him. I stand up and pull him away from my bed and into the bathroom to clean up the blood on his head. "Dobby what happened," I asked him. He started hitting his head again. I go to stand up when I slip and fall hitting my head on the doorknob as I go down. I feel black dots starting to cover my vision and try to blink them away. when my vision becomes normal again I realise what had happened. I see Dobby staring at me blankly. "I'm ok Dobby," I whispered back to him. I feel something deep down the back of my neck I went to touch it and found it was blood. I grabbed the closest thing I could find which happened to be a towel and put pressure on the spot where it was bleeding. I turned around slowly and with one hand tried to find the dittany. When I looked back Dobby was gone. I ignored the sinking feeling in my stomach. I finally grab the vial when I heard loud footsteps running towards my room. "Emily where are you," Dray yelled. I didn't trust my voice so I smashed an empty bottle to let him know I was here. he comes running in and when he sees me he takes a step back. I roll my eyes at him. After he overcomes the shock he grabs the vial and towel off me and gets to work. With the help of Dobby, they fix me up quicker than I would have done myself. I walked over to the smashed glass and I picked up the broken pieces. After we cleaned up the bathroom we all go back to my room bedroom and Draco waits for me to explain. "Em, what happened," he asks. I roll my eyes but answer anyway. "I was sitting in the library when I heard uncle Lucius shouting at someone-" "and being the nosy brat you are you went over to listen." Draco finished. I nodded my head and continued. "anyway, I was about to leave because I was bored but landed on a squeaky floorboard and ran away. That's when I ran into you. once uncle Lucius left with you I went to my room then Dobby popped in. He started hurting himself so I walked into the bathroom to fix him up and after I did I tripped and hit the doorknob on my way down." I finished. He looked at me sympathetically and I hated it. "don't look at me like that." I yelled at him. "Gee's you know you don't have to do this alone," he says and I roll my eyes again. "yes I do I'm not endangering any of my friends and it's not like I have a dad to help me you make that pretty clear," I shout and leave my room. I wander around for a bit until I hear Dray coming around the corner. I quickly jump into the nearest room and close the door. When I look around I realize I'm in Uncle Lucius' study. Yet again being the 'most brat,' (i am according to Draco) I look around. His office walls are a dark green color and his desk was a dark oak wood. I decided to have a peek at his draws. In the first couple of draws, nothing was interesting. The last draw was different though. There was a black diary, a switchblade, and some more boring stuff. When I opened the diary I saw there was nothing but blank pages. But when I took a closer look at the switchblade I saw someone's initials on it. S.O.B. Suddenly I was pulled into a flashback. "Sirius Orion Black get back here now," Lily yelled as Sirius ran with Emily in his arms. "No you didn't say please and it's Sirius Orion Lupin-black now." he shuts back. In the background, you can hear James yell, "That's my boy." "James flemont potter." lily yells at him this time. Baby Emily starts giggling and soon joined my baby harry/ as im pulled out of the memory I hear someone outside. "I'm going to work late tonight," shouts Uncle Lucius. I knew I didn't have time to escape so I decided to put the switchblade down my sock. The doors open and Lucius walks in. he takes one look at me and his face goes red. Long story short I'm now locked in the cellar blood all over me and a broken rib. I knew wasn't going to be the best moon yet.

I woke up early in the morning to see even more blood on me and more than just a broken rib. As I tried to sit up I felt really dizzy. I remembered that a couple of days ago the twins and ron wrote to me saying they needed to get Harry and me out and how they were coming to pick us up tonight. Somehow I needed to let them know not to pick me up. 'How am I so stupid.' I thought. I seriously have a house elf. "Dobby" I whispered. in less than a second Dobby appeared and looked shocked at me. "I know you're not allowed to help me get cleaned up but can you please get me a piece of parchment and a Quill," I asked him. he nodded his head and popped out of the room. 5 minutes later he pops back in and gives me the parchment and Quill. I shoo him away and get to work.

Dear twins and Ron.                                                                                                                                                          I'm sorry I haven't written in a while but you need to trust me with what I'm about to ask. please DON'T come for me. Sorry, this is short but it's for your own safety and mine. I'm going to get out of here just can't right now. explain later.                                                                                                            Emily L-B

a couple of minutes later he came back and I gave him the letter. How am I going to get out of this mess?

A week has passed and I'm as good as new and finally ready to leave this place. since I was in the cellar for 20 more hours I have a lot of time to think about my grand exit. I decided to read about flooing networks and found out you don't have to be in the fireplace when you say where you want to go. so that night right after dinner I grabbed my packed bags and made sure no one was in the living room. I threw the floo powder at the fire and said, "The Burrow." The flames turn green and I decided to alert everyone I grabbed an old teacup from the mantle and smashed it. Aunt Cissa and Uncle Lucius came running into the room. " Au revoir les perdants." I yell as I step into the fireplace with my truck. unfortunately though not before getting hit by a slicing hex. When I fell out of the fireplace onto the burrow I swore very loudly and hold my arm where the hecks had just hit me. The twins and Molly came running into the room soon followed by Ron and Harry.  

Freds POV                                                                                                                                                                                  We were sitting down at the dinner table eating. When we heard someone in the living room swear. "that would be Em." George says. "but something's wrong." I realise and we run into the living room. there kneeling on the ground was Emily shirt soaked in Blood. "Merlin's beard Emily what happened." Mum almost yelled at her. "Umm hi," she said shyly giving a little wave. "Em, what happened." Harry also yells at her while he kneels next to her. "Umm, nothing just got cut as I came through the fire," she explained while mum was cleaning up her wound. She looks over to George to see he was looking back at me too. We both knew she was fine but wasn't going to say anything else. After Mum had cleaned her up we headed down to our room. Once we heard everyone else leave to their bedrooms we decided to ask her. "so young Cub what really happened." I asked her. She rolled her eyes and smirked. "well funny story. you see I was leaving with a magnificent exit when I- um. the dragon I was riding tipped me off and I hurt myself." she said proudly of her story. "anyway," she continued. "how did you get your parents to allow me to sleep in here." she asked her smirk turn into a wicked grin. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw George give a guilty look. "You paid your little sister didn't you." she grins. "yeah anyway no changing the subject. "Why are you so skinny," George asked and I nodded my head in agreement. "That doesnt matter," she said and hopped into the pile of blankets on the floor. "Now if you'll excuse me im really tired so ill be going to sleep now. Goodnight," she said and laid down in the bed. I looked over to George who was already looking at me and we both rolled our eyes. This summer was going to be interesting.

Emily Lily Lupin-BlackWhere stories live. Discover now