When Pixie Told The Truth

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"Ozgur, there's something you need to know..."

Before I could elaborate, he got out of the pool. Wordlessly, he extended his hand and helped me to my feet. I ignored the cold air and tried not to think of the fact that my nipples were on high beam.

"This is a food baby from the huge plate of pasta I had for dinner... That's what I wish I could say but the truth is..." I took a deep breath and met his wary eyes.

"I'm pregnant and it's yours." It all came out as one breathless word. The ensuing silence was deafening and seemed to go on forever. His brow furrowed slightly and he looked so lost and confused that my heart squeezed in sympathy. I took an involuntary step towards him but then he spoke.

"I used condoms. I always use a condom. I've never had unprotected sex," he said in a low monotone.

I bit my lip and trembled from both the chilliness in the air and the coldness arising from him. I would not defend myself, he either believed me or he didn't.

His gaze swept down to my stomach and then skittered away. I watched him turn on a heel and disappear back into his apartment. I gaped after his retreating form.

I'd known he was going to react badly but I still wasn't ready for this outright rejection. I choked out a self-mocking laugh and squeezed my eyes shut. I swallowed the giant boulder lodged in my throat. I would not cry. I would not allow him to break my heart.

My eyes snapped open in absolute shock when he dropped a blanket around my shoulders. I blinked several times to dislodge the apparition before me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked after several moments.

"What? I just did."

"You didn't. If I hadn't seen..." He made a vague gesture towards my slight belly. "Would you have told me tonight? "

I clutched the blanket tighter around me with nerveless fingers and gazed at him helplessly. I probably wouldn't have. I knew that and I couldn't lie to him. I was a terrible liar anyway.

"Avoidance is pretty much my default setting," I whispered with raw honesty. I'd like to think I would have told him. Eventually.

"Yes, I know," he muttered and before I could respond, he pulled off his drenched shirt and squeezed the water out of it. He seemed to be lost in thought so I tried not to eye bang him. But despite everything, my body was still revved up. I was having a really hard time believing I was intimately acquainted with all of that glory. I felt my cheeks warm.

"You went on a date tonight," he said abruptly, snapping me out of my lusty trance.

"Yes, but I told him I was pregnant so I doubt there will be a second date," I said

His eyebrows shot up and his eyes blazed with an emotion I couldn't interpret.

"You told that jerkwad before you told me?" He said incredulously. I blinked in surprise at the quiet fury thrumming in his voice.

This wasn't at all what I expected. I expected a denial or a demand for a paternity test. I did not expect outrage at being kept in the dark.

"You weren't going to tell me," he stated flatly, breaking the tense silence.

"I was going to. I just needed time! I didn't know where you were. I didn't even know your name!" I cried out but it sounded unconvincing even to my ears.

"But when you found me, you ran away from me," he pointed out. He pointed an accusing finger at me. "You think the asshole doctor is Mr. Right, don't you? You have visions in your head of marriage, 2.5 kids, a dog, and a picket fence. Admit it," he said in a low hard voice.

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