When Pixie Lost Her Heart

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"How about a warm bath?" Özgür suggested.

"A bath?" I repeated as he sauntered into the apartment, kissed my lips softly, and then greeted Tesla as if I hadn't decked his brother right in the schnozzola tonight. Cansu had brought me home while he stayed behind to help with the aftermath. His idiot brother called the police on us and Özgür insisted I escape. I resisted at first but then I decided that was probably for the best because I would not look good in orange. I made a furtive getaway in Cansu's car. I was probably now a wanted fugitive.

"Yeah. You look like you need to relax. How's your hand?" he asked. He lifted it to his lips and kissed my knuckles, then strolled away into his room.

"Fine." Puzzled, I followed him into his bathroom. It was extravagant, complete with a giant bathtub big enough for Bigfoot, I suppose.

"I need to relax?" I was turning into a parrot. "You have a brother," I spluttered. "Why did you not tell me you had a brother? Is it because he's a giant asshole? Or did you disown him because the Greek god genes obviously skipped him and his face is a shame to the Atasoy name?"

He undressed me in silence while I babbled, His body was still tense and his jaw was clenched in anger. He had a small bruise on his chin. I touched it gently while he put my hair up in a haphazard bun, and led me to the tub.

"What about the police?"

"I took care of it."

"Why are you so insistent with the bath?" I protested. I slid into the tub and let out a small sigh. There was this delightfully calming scent, bubbles, and candles. Candles? When had he done that? He was a sorcerer, no doubt he just looked at the candles and they lit on fire.

"A warm bath relaxes the muscles and helps you destress. Also, I want to feel you up," he said with that roguish smile that set my lady garden on fire. I could tell the tension in him was ebbing. He stripped, slid into the giant tub, and positioned himself behind me.

"Perv," I said and my eyes drifted closed, relaxed despite myself.

"You know I don't like baths. I prefer showers," I mumbled, my eyelids drooping.

"What's not to like?" He whispered in my ear. His big hands cupped my breasts. I was wide awake again.

"It's like stewing in a soup of your own filth," I managed to say and released a small moan when his thumbs circled my sensitive nipples. His lips grazed the side of my neck and I felt his smile against my skin. "I'm going to change your mind," he murmured.

"So you're really not going to tell me about your brother? I think I have a right to know if unhinged violent tendencies run in your family since I am procreating with you."

"Our baby is guaranteed to inherit unhinged violent tendencies from you so no worries on that account," he said, sounding highly amused. I growled at him half-heatedly. The way he said our baby...My thoughts dissolved. One hand was busy at my breast and the other slid down my stomach and dipped between my legs. I forgot all about babies and his dickhead brother.

The thick silence was interrupted by my panting breaths as he began to work me with his magical fingers.

His lips skimmed down my shoulder. I gripped his forearm as he fingered me and made me climax within minutes. The excess of hormones meant I was a loose slutty cannon these days, constantly horny and ready to fire.

"Do you have a better opinion about baths now?" His deeply amused voice whispered in my ear.

I wanted to see his face and after some awkward maneuvering, I managed to straddle him. His satisfied crooked half-smile combined with the heat burning in his eyes was a potent cocktail. It hit me head-on like a speeding train. Something fierce and intense burned under my breastbone and I pressed my hand to my chest to keep my heart from bursting through my skin. I took a deep breath trying to dislodge this overwhelming feeling.

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