When Bigfoot Fell

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“You did what!?”

The twin expressions of shock on my friend’s faces were very discouraging.

“What were you thinking? Going off with a strange man?” My friend Deniz asked me after she recovered.

“I asked him if he wanted to make lampshades out of me and he was horrified. So I took that as an encouraging sign that he wasn’t a serial killer,” I said and sipped my wine.

“Serial killers don’t advertise what they do, Ezgi. My god!” Deniz looked on the verge of a breakdown at my news. Cansu remained quiet.

“I had a one night stand. Isn’t that a thing people do?”

“Yes, absolutely. People do that. Ezgi, my sweet friend who has a history of falling for douchebags, should definitely not do that,” Deniz said, sounding exasperated now.

“I won't fall for him,” I lied. “He has been clear from the beginning that he's not looking for anything serious and I know better than to fall for a man hoe. I’m just enjoying myself.”

"Liar, liar pants on fire," my inner voice taunted me.

My inner voice was really annoying.

We sat outside at our favorite cafe, my friends had gotten suspicious since I’d been avoiding them for the past few days. They cornered me outside the apartment when I was on my way to meet my lover.

My lover. I really liked the sound of that. I smiled and took a healthy swig of my wine and glanced surreptitiously at my watch. I was going to be late.

Cansu peered closer at me, "So how was it?”

Deniz gave her a reproving look. “Don’t encourage this insanity.”

“What? I mean, look at her. She’s glowing. Her eyes are sparkling,” Cansu said defensively.

I couldn’t help the dazed smile that broke over my face. 

“That good?” Cansu’s eyebrows shot up to her hairline.

I put up three fingers.

“Three?” She looked puzzled and then understanding dawned. “In one night?” She squeaked out.

“He’s not only a giver, but he’s also a face holder,” I said giddily and Cansu made an ufffff sound. Even Deniz softened a little. We all loved a face holder. 

“Well!” Cansu exclaimed and fanned herself.

“Who is he? What does he do?” Deniz asked me, ignoring Cansu’s hot flash.

“Oh, you know, this and that. Actually, we haven’t gotten too personal,” I hedged, hesitant to tell her about our no names arrangement.

“You get naked with him. That’s the definition of personal,” Deniz grouched.

“So what does he look like? You know, in case we have to pick him out of a lineup,” Cansu interjected. 

“This isn't funny,” Deniz said. She was the mother hen of the group, the worrywart and I loved her protective instincts.

I honestly had no idea how to describe him other than he looks like a Greek god. If said Greek god dressed like a cross between Boy George and a boy band member. 

“He’s beautiful,” I sighed, ignoring the way my heart leaped when I thought about his dimples, his ripped body, his hands. 

“He has beautiful hands,” I said dreamily.

“Oh my god! It’s too late! She's making moony eyes. You know what this means!” Deniz wailed.

“I am not making moony eyes! We are having fun. That fun ends by the end of the week and we are both okay with that.”

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