Bonus- Özgür POV

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Note: I sometimes write scenes from Özgür's POV to make the story flow better in my head. A few people asked for his POV so I decided to patch some of scenes I had together and post it as a bonus. If you like to read in order this should go between ch. 5 and 6. Hope you enjoy having a look inside Bigfoot's head. Happy Holidays!


A familiar voice came from somewhere out in the ether.

“You better not let mom see you like this.  What’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t know. I think I'm sick. Everything hurts,” I mumbled.

“Well, I’m sure it does. You’ve drunk enough whisky to float an ocean liner.” 

“It's not that. I even went to the doctor. He said nothing’s wrong but I still feel like shit.”

I was sick but right now I was also drunk. Fall down, off my ass shit faced drunk. I rolled over on my stomach on the bed and fell into a drunken half-asleep stupor.

There was silence for a long while and then my sister’s voice filtered through the alcohol-induced dreams again. What was she doing here?

“Does this Pixie of yours have anything to do with your sudden illness?”

How do you know about her? I wanted to ask but instead, I had a drunken stream of consciousness. I never drank in excess to get drunk so there had been no way for me to know that drink loosened my tongue. When the whisky went in, the truth apparently came out.

"It was just a kiss. A simple kiss," I heard myself say as if from a great distance. “Kissing is always a pit stop to a bigger destination for me. Not a big deal. But one kiss from her and my world was turned on its axis. I had no idea kissing could be like that. It seemed like the entire cosmos shifted with one kiss. I wanted to pull her closer and let her devour me and at the same time, I wanted to run as fast and as far from her bewitching scent and her brain scrambling lips as I could.” 

Danger, my well-guarded heart had whispered. I wish I had heeded the warning.

“I figured I’d screw her out of my system but that had been a trap too. Sex was just sex, right? Not with Pix though. It was….the most moving experience of my life," I whispered and a self-mocking laugh escaped me. "How can sex be moving? That sounds stupid but it…" I swallowed and fell silent. "It stunned me, " I said roughly. "I couldn't get out of there fast enough afterward. She didn't even try to stop me like they all do. She just sat there calmly looking all sexy and rumpled. I wanted to get back in that bed with her more than I'd wanted anything ever. But I left and got as far as the lobby. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t make myself leave. The thought of never seeing her wrecked me. It was the first time I’d spent the night with a woman. I broke all my rules that night.”

“What’s she like?” The words came closer now. It was Ebru. But what would my sister be doing in my apartment? She just had a baby. 

It’s a dream, I told myself.

“She is…" I paused. My drunken brain was unable to come up with the words to describe such a force of nature.

"She is unapologetically herself," I said wistfully. "Unpredictable and feisty and adorable and loud. How can someone so small be so loud?" I mused. "She's a tiny force to be reckoned with." I chuckled. "A little combative pixie with a defective verbal filter. She’s funny and witty and a shameless poker hustler," I laughed at the memory. "I could have listened to her talk for eternity just to hear what would come out of her mouth next." My smile faded and my heart tightened. "But she just left me. I miss her," I whispered.

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