When Pixie Met A Caveman

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I walked blindly out of the restaurant as if the hounds of hell were on my heels. Had I been in a more rational frame of mind I might have questioned the Horny Hostess's smirk as I sped past her podium on my way out of the door. But I was not.

Rationality has never been my strong point at the best of times and at the moment I was also at the complete mercy of pregnancy hormones. Which were like regular hormones if regular hormones were tripping on acid.

I hailed a cab and then sat there staring at the driver mutely when he asked my destination. I couldn't go back to that apartment, just the thought of it made me want to die. I called Cansu thinking I'd head there and drown myself in ice cream. She always had the good stuff.

"That asshole! I'll kill him!" She exclaimed in outrage when I told her what I'd seen. "Where are you?"

"I'm..." And then a light bulb went off.

"I'm going out," I said recklessly with an assurance I was far from feeling.

"Serdar has been calling me and I think it's the perfect time to take him up on his offer."

"Ezgi... hon, " she said softly. "I don't think this is a good idea. You were supposed to work on your impulsivity, remember?"

"I'll start working on it tomorrow. Tonight I need to do something. And it's either this or I'll smother Ozgur with his stupid hat and then my baby will be born in prison," I cried between awful sobs. When did I start crying?

"Okay, okay sweetie. Calm yourself. This can't be good for the baby. But please text me the location and come right back here afterward. Or I can go get you?"

"I'll call you," I hiccuped. The driver looked horrified at my outburst. I ignored him and called Serdar. He answered quickly. He didn't even question my calling him after ignoring his texts and asking him out on a date out of the blue.


I managed to slip into the restaurant's restroom and fix my makeup. I looked less like fresh roadkill and more like roadkill with a fresh coat of lipstick.

What are you doing? None of my inner personalities were pleased with my rash decision. I clutched my phone and strongly considered getting an Uber and not looking back.

"Woman up, Ezgi," I told myself sternly. I fluffed up my boobs and made my way to the table.

The sight of Serdar made my spirits plummet even lower. This was so wrong. The sudden longing for my bed and for a broad deliciously smelling chest to snuggle into was so strong it almost sent me running out the door. I forced my feet to take the final steps towards him.

"Hi," I smiled wanly.

He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and I repressed a shudder. My entire body recoiled from the contact. I pulled away quickly and sat down before he could pull my chair out.

He ordered wine for himself and water for me without even asking me first. He began to converse and I nodded and smiled and said the appropriate things but I kept replaying the scene in Özgür's office on a loop in my mind.

I couldn't concentrate on anything he said and I barely touched my food but Serdar didn't notice my absentmindedness. He was content to talk about himself forever. He took a break from his obnoxious incessant chatter when the waiter stopped by again. He ordered dessert for both of us, again without asking me what I wanted or whether I even wanted dessert. I was too weary and heartsick to work up any indignation.

"I have to say I was very surprised to hear back from you. The rumor was that you were engaged to Özgür Atasoy. I must say I'm relieved to know that it's obviously untrue. To be honest I never believed it."

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