When Bigfoot Met a Martian

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His tongue traced the shell of my ear and I moaned like a porn star. He made a satisfied sound deep in his chest and bit my ear lobe. I was having a really hard time mustering the appropriate shocked response to his outlandish question.

“I understand that all your blood has flowed south and little Özgür is doing the thinking for you. So you can’t possibly be aware of the insanity of what you just suggested,” I finally managed to say. 

“Little? Does this feel little to you?" He said in faux outrage and ground his impressive length against me. I wanted to respond to his boasting but my eyes crossed and I bit back a whimper with a Herculean effort. His hand drifted to my butt, kneading my flesh roughly and notching his hardness between my legs. I was embarrassingly close to climaxing.

 "You need a place to live and I have a spare room. I don’t see the problem,” he murmured in my ear in a steady voice while I was in danger of falling apart. One of his hands came up to tangle in my hair and I secretly thrilled at the slight stinging in my scalp. My hips circled on him involuntarily and the moan I'd been suppressing was ripped from my throat. 

“Kiss me, Pix,” he commanded in a sexy growly voice. 

“Please,” he whispered when I hesitated. The note of vulnerability in his voice obliterated my common sense and all my walls came tumbling down. Before my conscience could fight its way out of the blanket of lust it was smothered under, I grabbed his face and kissed him. 

He made a sweet surprised noise when my lips met his but quickly recovered and kissed me back. I grasped his head tighter and deepened the kiss. He was breathing heavily when I lifted my mouth slightly and licked his lower lip. His lips closed hungrily over mine again. This kiss was greedy, dazzling, sweet, and tender all at once. His hips lifted and he began rubbing his hardness right where I needed it, his hands gripping my bottom hard and holding me down. I ripped my mouth away when I felt the climax building and cresting. I buried my helpless moans into his chest. In my delirium, I bit his pec through his shirt. He made a choked sound of surprise and I sucked his nipple. His fingers dug deeper into my flesh as he pumped his hips into mine roughly a few times before he came with a harsh groan.

I collapsed bonelessly onto his chest, my head tucked under his chin. His hands combed gently over my hair while his heart was galloping wildly in my ear. I refused to open my eyes and face him. What did I just do?

Ah, Ezgi, ah.

“I can move in your things tonight,” he murmured.

"You just dry-humped the woman you impregnated during a one-night stand to orgasm. And now you’re asking her to move in with you. As what? Platonic roommates? Doesn’t this strike you as a little bit absurd? It's like we are putting a cherry on top of a sundae of bad decisions.”

“You’re on top so technically that makes you the humper and me the humpee,” he said. I lifted my head and stared at his unapologetic expression and choked back a reluctant laugh. I freed myself from the web of lust he had weaved. 

“How have you not been choked to death before now?” I wondered grumpily. “Can you be serious for one second? I can’t move in with you!”

“Why not?” He was truly puzzled.

I peeled myself away from his spellbinding body and outrage sent me stumbling to my feet. He stood up too and steadied me when I wobbled.  

“Why not? Why not?!” My voice climbed several octaves. "Are you out of your gourd?"

He gazed at me patiently like I was the one being irrational. 

“I already told you. I’m not built for casual sex.”

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