When Pixie Threw a Punch

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I'd barely finished speaking before I was pushed up against the door, his hungry mouth on mine. My lips parted immediately welcoming his possessive tongue. I moaned and dug my nails into his shoulders, deepening the kiss.  

“No one kisses like you, Pix,” he growled against my lips. “The first time you kissed me I almost came in my pants. It scared the shit out of me. The way you made me feel …” he broke off and kissed me again. Unspoken words were traded between our lips and our roaming hands.

“Bed,” I gasped when we came up for necessary air.

“We have to take it slow. I don't want to hurt...Fuck,” he breathed the word harshly when I slipped my hand between our bodies and cupped his impressive erection.

“Bed. Now,” I ordered him sternly. His eyes slid to my lips and I couldn’t help but obey the silent command. I took his mouth like he had taken mine earlier, glorying in his harsh groan as I sucked his tongue and then gave him mine. My legs tightened around his waist and my hands clenched in his hair, as he stumbled around until I felt a hard surface under my butt. 

Table, bed. Close enough.

“Now, Ozgur,” I rasped in his ear when his mouth began drifting down my neck. 

“Let me get you ready,” he whispered. His dark head descended to my chest and he sucked my nipple hard through the fabric. Just the sight of him at my breast was about to detonate me. 

“I’m ready. I’m ready. I’m soooo ready,” I gasped, aching for him. I grabbed his hand and guided him down to where I needed him. 

His hand slipped into my waistband without further prompts until his fingers encountered how wet I was. He cursed again and quickly stripped off my bottoms and underwear. I sat up and pulled off my shirt and flung it away and then stripped off his. He laid me back down on the table and stood between my legs, his hands sweeping up my inner thighs and spreading them wide.

His eyes swept down my body. “Look at you Pix,” he breathed. I lifted my head and glanced down at my naked body outstretched on the table and I colored a little at the sight. My boobs were looking spectacular though. I had never had such a glorious cleavage. I thought that was what had caught his attention but his eyes weren’t on my boobs. They were fixed on the gentle swell of my stomach. My bump was small and perfectly round, though I imagined it would eventually mutate into a giant blob. My thoughts were interrupted when he lowered his head and placed a soft kiss on my belly. 

“Hello, baby,” he rumbled against my stomach. “Close your eyes and your ears for a little while. Your mom is about to do very naughty things to me.” He glanced up at me, dimpling adorably.

“Silly!” I laughed to cover up the feelings his playful words evoked. My eyes watered and I blinked back the tears. Stupid. I was so stupid to be so overwhelmed by his absurdity. My hands slipped into his hair again as he tenderly nuzzled my belly and then moved lower. Luckily my vagina took over and I forgot all about those pesky feelings. I choked back a moan when he spread me open with his thumbs. Then his mouth was there and pleasure consumed me.

“Oh god,” I whimpered and then screamed it several times. He kissed my quivering inner thighs and then straightened. I sat up and impatiently pushed down his pants and underwear with eager hands. I stroked his hardness, once, twice. His head fell back, eyes closed, lost to pleasure. He looked so beautiful at that moment, it left me breathless.

“No more,” he finally growled and removed my enthusiastic hand. I leaned back onto my elbows and gazed at him as he watched what he was doing to me.

"Condom?" He asked me.

I studied him for a moment. The baby ship had sailed and I believed him when he said he hadn't been with anyone since me.

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