When Bigfoot Broke His Rule

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He went quite still and his breath caught when I touched my lips to his. A tiny tremor of electricity moved over my body at the contact. I licked his lower lip, his mouth opened on a small gasp and the kiss exploded. His hands cupped my face as he deepened the kiss, licking into my mouth with increasing passion. My hands caressed his perfect jawline, skimmed down his neck, to his massive shoulders. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and he made a deliciously masculine sound that set my blood on fire. His hands slipped into my hair and adjusted the angle of my head and he sealed his mouth harder over mine. I returned his ardor, tried to climb into his lap but he suddenly tore himself away, and jumped off the table.

"Whoa, whoa Pix! What that hell was that?"

I brought my fingers to my tingling lips. I now had a fairly good idea why the ungrateful twit at the park was doing such a good impression of a koala.

"What?" I asked, perplexed at the alarmed look on his face.

He pointed an accusing finger at me. "You led me to believe you're one step away from joining a convent but then you go and kiss me like a porn star? Not cool, Pix."

I smiled widely, quite pleased with this turn of events. "Oh, I see. You're mad because the student has turned into the teacher." I said feeling superior.

He made a scoffing sound but his eyes remained glued to my mouth.

I got off the bench and walked towards him. He took several steps back.

"Maybe this isn't such a good idea," he said looking perturbed. I stopped.

"Are you turning me down?"

"I just think that maybe rebound sex isn't the best idea given your fragile mental state," he said.

I whacked his arm. "My mental state isn't fragile, you giant bonehead! If you don't want to have sex with me just say so."

"I think it's better if I take you back to the institution you escaped from," he said in all seriousness and I hit his massive arm again but my heart broke a little. Rejected by two different men in a short span of time screwed with a girl's confidence.

"Don't bother. I'm leaving."

I grabbed my purse, my fish, and snatched his bottle of wine. I flounced off.

"Where are you going?" He said, sounding baffled.

"To find someone who will do what you're not man enough to do," I yelled.

Thinking better of it, I stopped mid-stride and whirled on him, taking him by surprise.

"Do you know what I think? I think you can't deliver. Maybe you too are a two-pump chump." I poked him in the chest as I said it, smiled triumphantly at his dumbfounded expression, and stomped away.

"Oh hell no! Wait a damn minute!" The ground almost vibrated as he stomped after me.

"What? Did you change your mind? Well, too late. I don't want or need your pity fuck. I will find someone who doesn't think I'm hideous." I sniffled, ruining my glorious rage. Ugh, I forgot my tendency to get dramatic after drinking too much wine.

"I don't think you're hideous," he protested.

I ignored him and continued to walk down the road, my feet were hurting and the fishbowl was heavy. I took a swig of wine and entertained visions of maybe thumping him with it. How dare he get me all worked up with his big talk about orgasms?

He followed me in the car.

"Do you even know where you're going?" He asked me as he drove up next to me.

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