When Pixie Changed Her Mind

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“I'm not going. There’s no such thing as a two-night stand," I said to myself. One night. No names. It was perfect. One more night might ruin the memories. Maybe I'd imagined all the chemistry between us. Maybe he wasn't as gorgeous as I remembered. 

"But he has Fishy,” I whined, feeling guilty for forgetting my steadfast friend. While I haphazardly packed my belongings. I needed to be gone from the apartment I shared with the Dirtbag like yesterday. Instead, I was considering making another huge mistake. When would I ever learn? 

“Not going, not going, not going,” I repeated it like a mantra. But I needed to rescue Fishy! That decided it. I needed to get my fish back so I undid all my unpacking looking for an outfit. Outfit after outfit was discarded. That one makes me look thirsty, the other too desperate, this one makes me look like a bag lady. I finally settled on a casual shirt and shorts. I may have spent more time on my hair than I should have. But I decided it actually looked like I was trying too hard so I ended up pulling into a ponytail. I would go and perform the fish rescue and avoid all eye contact. I would not look at his unbelievably handsome face, or make any physical contact with his amazing body. 

At that moment a dam opened and abruptly memories of his naked body assaulted me. I ran to the freezer, opened it, and stuck my head in it to cool my overheated face. I needed to be concentrating on the next phase of my life. Not having amazing sex with a virtual stranger. Except, a little voice reminded me, he was more familiar to me after one night than Soner was after three years. A knock at the door interrupted my mental gymnastics.

“What do you want?” I snapped. It was the Dirtbag in the flesh. Looking at him now, I felt annoyance but the sting of betrayal had lessened considerably.

“Just wondering if you needed help moving your stuff.”

In other words, he was saying, "please leave so I can move in your replacement as soon as possible, thanks."

“Nope. I’ve got it. Thanks for the offer, cheating bastard, " I said cheerfully but my eyes were spitting fire. 

He didn’t heed my words, he was staring at my chest. 

“My eyes are up here, jerkface!” I snapped. Then I remembered I had a beard burn on my chest and neck and on my inner thighs too but that was my secret. A smug smile twisted my lips. 

He stared at my glowing face. I’d discovered that great sex was also great for the skin and I had some major afterglow going. 

“Is there someone here?” He asked me suspiciously.

“No. What if there was?”

“Are you sleeping with that man?” He asked me and had the gall to look angry about it.

“Absolutely none of your business. But since you asked so nicely... Yes, yes I am, and it is fan-freaking-tastic and I cannot wait to do it again. Also, I’ll move out when I’m good and ready. Sorry but I have to go. I’m late for my sex fest,” I said, smiled sweetly, and shut the door in his face.

Sex fest? Ah, Ezgi, ah.

I dawdled by the door. Well, now I definitely had to go. Dirtbag was probably hiding in the bushes somewhere watching to see if I was telling the truth or not. I would go. But I wouldn’t have sex with him again. No. Nope. Absolutely not. That way lay trouble. I couldn't see myself doing this with him and not getting emotionally attached. Then I would be the sad girl in the park trying to climb him like a demented koala.


I saw him first. He was on the sidewalk chatting with the hostess from the restaurant next door to the hotel. He turned his head all of a sudden, our eyes met and he trailed off in mid-sentence. He sauntered towards me, leaving the woman staring after him. Her eyes narrowed and she glared at me. I frowned at her reaction but before I could respond, he had reached me and the salty hostess was forgotten.

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