Chapter 001

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"God damm it."
Y/N had just gotten kicked out of a town after pulling various dreadful acts or "sins" as they called it. As well as some minor terrorism and a bit of arson. Her usual routine when entering a new town was to have a sweet facade at first but then show her true colors sooner or later, well obviously not around people so villagers could put their trust in her.
    She did it so much that she could flawlessly put up an act. It was almost impossible to tell if it was real or not. The reality was that she couldn't give two sh*ts about anyone.


"God damm it... maybe I shouldn't have stolen those items." I muttered. "Over dramatic f**ks, can't take someone not being head over heels with there psycho religion." I continue complaining. Really can't do anything about it now... But honestly, the "religion" they had wasn't even a religion. They were just saying it was so the rich people could have control and power. Welp time to find a new place to stay. I say to myself as I start walking farther and farther away from the now irrelevant town walls...

It has been a couple hours walking and I was starting to feel real hungry and tired so I decided to take a break for the night. There was a cave nearby that seem safe to stay so I went inside and started a fire to light the dark cave, while also blocking the tunnels and the entrance to keep mobs away.

I went into my inventory and grabbed out some steak that I had stolen and placed it over the fire. Then I got my sleeping bag from my inventory and went to sleep.


The Next Morning...

As soon as I woke up I grabbed my steak to eat and headed outside. I collected all my things and was hit with the morning sun. I started making my way through the forest to find a new town or village to stay at. An hour had passed and I ended up on a tall mountain to check my surroundings for any places to stay. There was nothing but trees for miles. Until, something had caught my eye in the distance, a huge obsidian wall.

"Huh...Interesting." I mumbled. I started sliding down the mountain till I was at the bottom. And walked in the direction of the mysterious wall.
"What if it's a town?" I started getting excited to start messing with people and causing chaos.

"Wait, Jesus calm yourself, have yourself a carrot". I said to myself while giggling at my own comment. I started practicing what I would say when I got there. That was until I heard rustling and footsteps. My hands immediately went to my sword. But before I could pull it out, I was instantly pushed harshly against a tree. A netherite sword was on my throat, the blade on my skin made me panic.

I looked up and saw three men, the one that was holding the sword to my throat had dark brown hair and was wearing a blue shirt, darker blue pants and white goggles on his head. The one to the right with a glare had black hair with a white bandana and a white shirt with a fire logo. And lastly the guy on the left, he had a green hoodie with his hood on and the most disturbing mask. It was a white mask with a smiley face.

It was just creepy..

My mind instantly went to acting and I started with the scared facade. "Who are you?!" The guy with the goggles said. I decided to use a fake name for now to seal my identity. "I'm M-Mya". I purposely stutter with a fake scared look. In reality I was kinda surprised why these people think they could talk to someone like that. "What are you doing here?!" He said yelling.

Damn!? I haven't even done anything yet. At least let me tp your house first.

"I-I was k-kicked out of my t-t-town and I-I en-ended up h-here." I said looking "terrified". The dude with mask spoke up saying "Calm down George, your scaring her." He then put the sword down.

So George is his name.? Basic a** name.

I thought. But the more important thing is they bought the fake act. I realized they had put there guard down, and I saw a one way ticket to escape. I took it. I quickly took one of my few ender pearls from my inventory and threw it hard and quickly. It landed about 30-ish feet to the left. I gave a small salute goodbye while smiling nervously. They had no time to react.

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