Chapter 002

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They had no time to react.

Once I was teleported I ran as quickly as possible and headed the direction that I had seen the obsidian wall. I looked back and saw them chasing me. "Hey! get back here!" Smiley mask dude yelled. I could hear their footsteps getting closer and closer. One of them pearled and tripped me with their sword.
Crap.. I tried to get up but couldn't. It stung badly.

They had cut my ankle.

They catched up and I backed away until my back hit a tree trunk. I had my terrified face on while in my head I was trying to find a way to get far from them. "Why did you run away from us?" Bandana wearing guy said. I didn't answer, instead I quickly got up limping. And threw one of my last ender pearls behind them and started running. I force my leg to run, even if it stung. I felt blood dripping down my ankle into my shoe. I use the last two ender pearls and finally got away by hiding in a bush.

They walked right passed me, once they passed I went back to going the way to the obsidian wall. I made it after a while. The wall was huge but there was no entrance, so I limped around to look for a entrance. I had found it but before I could walk towards it.

My leg gave out. I rested my back on the wall. My leg bleeding out from the deep cut. I had nothing really, after being kicked, since they only let me keep a few things like my sword, pickaxe, steak that I had already eaten cause they were cheapskates, building blocks, torches and the pearls I had used up. Nothing helpful for healing my wounds.

My leg was losing a lot of blood, causing it to go numb. My vision going blurry from the lost of blood. I tried getting up but failed. I tried dragging myself to the entrance, I dragged myself a few feet leaving a trail of blood. I gave up though, it was too much. I laid there with blood dripping onto the grass. I finally heard yelling and I felt being picked up. Before I could fight back, I passed out.


Ow.. I quietly said waking up. I looked at my surroundings and I saw potion among potion bottles. I looked at my ankle and it was patched up. I got off the table I've been laying on. I was weary of my surroundings, and it looked as if I were in a van?? I glanced at the windows that were in the front and my dumba*s self had to make a noise. I had seen people out the window. But now those people were running to the van. So I just stood there awkwardly waiting for them to come in.

In came four men, I went for a sweet face and act.
"Hello" I said sweetly.

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