Chapter 011

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Are you all ready? Wilbur said.

"Yes sir!" We all say. We were all gear up besides Wilbur since he doesn't like wearing armor. We went outside and walked towards the entrance of the L'manberg walls. There waiting was Dream, George and Sapnap. I got pretty anxious seeing there faces since I literally juked them and got away. George glanced at me but I looked away. I tried making the least amount of eye contact with them. I felt very awkward. But then my thought process was like f**k it and I looked at them dead in the eye.

Dream was sitting on a block of TNT, while I was confused on how he hasn't exploded yet. But anyways that's not the important thing here. The important thing here is to get independence and for me to seem trustworthy to these idiots, which I'm kinda failing at but that's ok. I'm reluctant if I should stay here or not. I didn't tell them what I had heard. I don't think I did the right thing. But it's a little too late. While I was fighting with my thoughts, I realized I absolutely didn't pay any attention to what these people were saying.

But Dream got off the TNT block and set it off. My eyes widen slightly knowing what's about to happen. Well sh*t this is gonna hurt. I know I need to act like I don't know that this is all gonna blow up. I have to make sure they don't know. Or their never gonna trust me.
"Stand back guys, don't get hurt by this foolishness." Wilbur says.

Well we're about to get hurt anyways.
Wait, why should I even care if they get hurt. All I need to know is that I can handle it. I can handle the pain.
But...what if one of them gets hurt really badly?!
No. They'll be fine.
I think.

Once again I fight with my thoughts as I wince slightly waiting for the explosion.

Is it not gonna blow up? I thought it would-


"What the!?" The Hell!?" Is all I heard as the ground underneath us Blew up. My ears rung and I heard a faint voice say "follow me!" I turn around to see that Eret is the one who said that. I quickly run to get away from all the explosions. I follow Eret as he breaks some dirt blocks. Behind it led a pathway. I know, Crazy right? I didn't even know either until now. We followed him down a narrow path. "You couldn't have made this path bigger?" I shout out at the front since I was in the back.

"Yeah couldn't you?" Tommy says agreeing with me.
"Sorry!, didn't have much time, but I'm excited to show you. It's the secret weapon as an element of surprise." Eret apologies.

"This is the moment where  Eret is just gonna pull out a giant Missile." Fundy says trying to lighten the mood while the comment makes them laugh.

"Ha ha..."
I said trying to act happy knowing sh*ts about to hit the fan. We go down a staircase that was pretty long. "This is the final control room." Eret says nervously. I could tell from his voice his was real Anxious.

There is no reason to be anxious you f**king traitor

I am the last one in the room and just as he says, I see a sign with the words "Final Control Room".
I see a button in the middle of the room.

Are you kidding me? The button that's gonna kill us all is pretty nonchalantly sitting there.
In the middle of the room.

I upsetly think at the poor design choice but then again, oh well. "Hey Eret..? What's the button do?" Tommy asks while pressing the button.
"It was never meant to be." Eret says chuckling all evil like while what he said sounded like the most evil villain catchphrase I have ever heard but not gonna lie. It was pretty cool sounding. I can't deny that. Anyways that's the last thing I heard before the walls opened up and in came the good old Dream team.

F**king yay..

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