Chapter 009

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"Phew" I sighed in relief knowing that I got away.

I started walking towards the walls and as soon as I was there and about to walk into the entrance I see Wilbur running to me. My eyes widen slightly at the sight of him. I thought he would've started asking questions and be suspicious of me but instead he runs up to me and hugs me.

The hell.??

"I was so worried! You weren't in your room when I went in! I-I thought you got hurt or-or left!" He says rambling as he lets go from the hug. I over here was hella confused. I finally spoke. "Calm down, I'm ok." I say with a calming voice to get him to shut up.

He calms down and grabs my hand, wait a minute HAND! I Instinctively pull back while trying to hide my weirded out face. He looked into my eyes and I think noticed my uncomfortableness. I quickly say "sorry I was just startled." Wilbur believed me and I could tell from his eyes lighting up with joy.

He took my hand softly and we went back to his home. "Goodnight" I say as I left off to my room. "Goodnight" he replied back and went off to his room to do whatever. As soon as I went into my room and closed the door I realized something very off putting. My eyes widen, didn't he say

"You weren't in your room when I went in"

The f**k!? He went into my room! Broo I caught him slipping in 4K. If I were in my room sleeping and he went in.... Is that why my room was open a cracked yesterday?! No, I can't just accuse people with no proof. Maybe he just came to check on me..?

"Hmm... I'll keep an eye on him." I was now very suspicious of him so I decided to sleep on it since my head started hurting but I was a bit paranoid going to bed..

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