Chapter 012

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Anyways, that was the last thing
I heard before the walls opened up and in came the good old Dream team.
F**king yay...

AH! F**k.. I bit my tongue to create as little noise as possible. A sword scraped deeply into my back. Before I could do anything I got pushed into someone. I look up and see the one person I hope I wouldn't. Dream. His mask was covering only half of his face. I see his piercing green eye and soft freckles on his face. I noticed his face turn a bit red.

Dream's POV
I stare into her e/c eyes and I felt mesmerized. I felt my face get warm. I had the urge to help her. I quickly pushed her into the wall door I came from. I feel relieved as it closes. I quickly start attacking the rest.

I get pushed by Dream into the wall door he came from and the door instantly closes after. I hear screams from the other side of the door.

"Eret, you traitor!"

"Eret, and I mean this in the most nicest way possible, YOU F**K UP!"

"How could you do this Eret!"

Is what I hear, even though it's muffled I hear it perfectly. I also hear laughter mixed in. From Eret.

"Down with the Revolution boys!"

I cower into a ball in the corner and plug my ears from hearing the muffled screams.

I should've just listened to my gut feeling and told them. It's all my fault!

I try to block it out as much as possible but I can still hear it.
I felt so guilty. Cause I knew I could've prevented this.

I start to tear up a bit, but keep it in. It finally dies down and I unplug my ears. I put my ear up against the wall and hear some talking.

"Where did Mya go?

"Uhh, I don't know, guess she just bailed on them."

"Guess we'll find her later"

Was the last thing I heard before I was hit with pure silence. I wait there a minute or two before I grew the balls to finally go out.

It's fine. It's not your fault. Your okay. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not like their gonna know I didn't help them. Right.??
I'm fine. You've never done anything wrong in your entire life. You know why? Cause your perfect. You better than everyone else.

Some times I don't know what I would do without having a big self esteem. My thoughts are always there for me. I love myself. Or have learn to. I have a god complex if you couldn't tell. In some ways that's good in others, it's not.

I stopped shaking and I finally was back to my normal self.
I mine the wall and I wish I could reverse time for what I saw was gruesome and morbid.

I feel guilty.

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