Chapter 003

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In came four men. I went for a sweet face and act.
"Hello" I said sweetly.

The men looked taken aback from how nice I was acting. I noticed they were wearing uniforms.

"Hello there I'm Wilbur, the president of this nation." He said.

"I'm.....Mya." I say as that was the fake name I used earlier, I refuse to tell theses random people my real name. Hell no.

"Mya huh?" He said as he was testing if it rolled off his tongue nicely. "What were you doing at the entrance and what happened with your ankle?...If you don't mind me asking." He asked.

"Well you see....I paused for a moment trying to come up with a good lie. I ended up telling the truth, well kinda.

"I was kinda kicked out of the town I was staying at cause of....uhm overpopulation and I had seen your obsidian wall in the distance. On the way I ran into some men and I tried to get away from them but they trip me with there sword and it had cut my ankle." I say nervously.

I glanced to the right of him seeing three other men, two looked curiously at me. The other glared at me, as if he didn't buy anything I was saying. They were real quiet. Too quite. As if they were listening for anything that sounded shady with my responses.

"Ah okay...wait, men??" He had said concerned. "Yeah..?" One had a creepy smiley mask, another with white goggles and the last one wearing a bandana." I say giving a description of what they looked like. I was a little confused on why they all seemed more tensed as soon as I said that. All of there eyes had widen in recognition.

"Excuse us for a moment miss Mya. I need to talk to them privately. We will be..right back." He said rushing them outside of the van. They closed the door behind them. And I scurried towards the door leaning my ear against it to listen on their conversation.

"Wilbur I don't f**king trust her!" I feel like she knows more then she's leading on!" One yelled."Tommy shh your being too loud. She might hear us. Also we don't know that." Wilbur said. I quickly looked outside the window next to the door, to see who said that. It was the blondie. "So his name's Tommy. I should remember that." I murmured to myself.

Well sh* t, he's onto me.. that's gonna be annoying.
I'm so screwed.

I realized how bad this could be if they found out early. That would ruin my whole plan.

I went back to the table and sat there waiting for them. They came back after a little.

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