Chapter 019

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They both stop shaking as much, meaning their health had finished depleting. The potion only leaving half a heart as planned.


I stared at the match with excitement in my eyes. I really wanna see someone died.

What if they both die??? That would be so fun to watch. How sad everyone would be. That would be

I start smiling and instantly stopped realizing what I just thought.

"What kinda f**ked up intrusive thought was that." I mumbled. "You okay?" Tubbo says glancing quickly at me and then back towards the match. "Yeah no, I'm okay." I say.

Really hope Tommy wins.

I realized I zoned out for a moment again and looked over to the fight again. I see Tommy jump in the water dodging a arrow shot at him.

Dream then quickly grabbed another arrow and pulled it back on but before he could shoot, an arrow from underwater emerged towards Dream but missed him by an inch.

As Tommy came up to the surface at that moment everything went south. All I see is an arrow hit Tommy straight in the head killing him instantly. My mind went blank.

Oh sh*t..

"TOMMY!" I hear a scream from beside me belonging to Tubbo. I quickly overcame my blank state and ran jumping into the water without a second thought. My eyes started stinging from the water. I hear yells and footsteps coming from the surface.

I'm not that good at swimming so I struggle a bit getting to him. His lifeless body was going deeper and deeper in the water. And I was running out of air .

Back up at the surface

3rd Person POV:

As Y/n was struggling to get to Tommy. Wilbur, Tubbo and Fundy rushed out of their seats over to the bridge. Once they were on the bridge Tubbo fell to his knees and started tearing up. "Tommy.." Tubbo whimpered.

"Don't worry Y/n will get him." Wilbur said trying not to freak out and panic about Y/n going into the water. He knew how deep the pond was and to him it was really deep. Fundy glared at Dream with anger in his eyes.

The others on the other hand were celebrating that they won. Dream twitched trying to fight the urge to help Y/n. George worried a bit about Y/n as well but didn't show it. Sapnap was purely happy he didn't really trust her. Like at all. Even though deep down he felt her soul to be pure and safe. He hated that.

Back underwater...

I finally got him and swam as fast as I could to the surface. I was almost out of air so I tried to hurry it up. I made it out of the water and threw him onto the bridge since he was really heavy.

I lifted myself up with my sore arms and collapsed on the bridge exhausted. Wilbur runs up to me kneeling next to me. "Are you ok?!" He asks worriedly.

I flip around and pull my self up. "Yeah I'm good." I say Panting. Tubbo by the time had gotten to Tommy hugging him even though he was unconscious. He quickly hugged me as a thank you. I smile slightly. I feel arms around me, I turn my head quickly and see Fundy. "Glad your ok." He says letting go.

What she didn't know was that Dream Team unexpectedly were glad that she came out alive.

"We better get that arrow out of his head." I say. Before anyone could the arrow disappeared and the same thing that happened at the Control Room happened. Two hearts came out with a bright light. One of them shattering and the other plunging into his body.

Tommy immediately woke up.
"What the f**k happened..?

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